Introduction: PL Sturgis: These facts are taken from an update by Hargis 30 years after the printing of “Communist America” from the 1950’s. Now it is 2018, which is over 30 years from the fact update. It is transparent now for all who will not refuse to look at the facts.
Billy James Hargis (1925-2004) was a Christian radio evangelist (the "Christian Crusade") in the 1950s and 1960s. After accusations of misconduct in the 1970s, he retired, his college closed, and he faded into relative obscurity.
He wrote in the Foreword to this 1960 book, "I am convinced that Communism is winning World War III without firing a single shot or losing a single soldier, and the apathy and lethargy of God's people are responsible. The Church of Jesus Christ should be in the forefront in the fight against Communism. After all, she has more to lose than any single institution if the Communists take over."
He strongly asserts that "Patriotism and Christianity are very close to each other. It is impossible to be a true Christian and not be a true patriot." Furthermore, "America is and always has been a Christian nation. The very spirit of the American Constitution reflects the teachings of Christ." (Pg. 33)
He laments the fact that the average Christian father knows more about popular TV shows, than he does about the philosophies and teachings that are molding the future of his children. (Pg. 58)
Citing a number of Supreme Court decisions with which he disagrees, he says that "The power of the Supreme Court to weaken the nation's security has become a danger so great that unless Acts of Congress are passed to offset the court's rulings, America cannot defend itself from complete capture by Soviet Russia. Subversion within America is to that end." (Pg. 118)
He critizes "apostate church leaders" in the U.S. (pg. 158) but concludes that "Communism, the works of the devil, will be destroyed... Christ, the Good Shepherd, will lead America out of danger, destroying the satanic works of Communism, if His sheep will believe and will follow." (Pg. 175)
Billy James Hargis (whose scandals preceded the later PTL and Jimmy Swaggart by more than a decade) is not surprisingly almost forgotten today; but those interested in the history of anti-communism in this country should be aware of him.
August 3, 1925, Texarkana, TX, United States
November 27, 2004, Tulsa, OK, United States
Daily Bites of Communist America
Bite 1) End of Prayer and Bible Reading in Schools:
Bite 2) Decline of Morality:
Bite 3) Failure of Financial System:
Bite 4) Failure of Public Schools:
Bite 5) How UN changed US Schools:
Series 2:
Bite 6) Community Standards or Communist Manifesto?
Bite 7) Public Schools or Psychiatric Institutes:
Bite 8) Prayer and Bible Study verses Sex Education and Psychological Warfare:
Bite 9) Tyranny of US Supreme Court:
Bite 10) National Education Association connected to Communism:
Series 3:
Bite 11) American Freedom or Totalitarian Tyranny?
Bite 12) Congressional Ties to NEA:
Bite 13) NEA Embraces Communist Propaganda:
Bite 14) NEA Curriculum (Not Schools) is the Enemy:
Bite 15) A dinosaur Society:
Series 4:
Bite 16) Failure of American Spirit:
Bite 17) Major Moral Crisis:
Bite 18) Premeditated Murder:
Bite 19) Abortion Horror:
Bite 20) In Defense of the Unborn:
Series 5:
Bite 21) The Ungodly US Supreme Court:
Bite 22) Killing Handicapped Infants:
Bite 23) Fake Mercy Killing:
Bite 24) Euthanasia: A Legacy of Abortion:
Bite 25) USA: One Nation Over God?
Series 6:
Bite 26) Drugging America:
Bite 27) Drugs and Crime:
Bite 28) Secret Documents Seized:
Bite 29) Communistic Standards for World’s Churches:
Bite 30: Satanic Attack on Christian Churches:
Daily Bites of Communist America? Series 6:
Bite 26) Drugging America:
Communism is doing everything in its power to ship drugs into America to destroy the moral fabric of this country. South East Asia is growing poppy for the refinement of heroin to be shipped to America. Columbia in South America is shipping hundreds of thousands of pounds of cocaine annually through Cuba, and even directly sometimes, into the United States. This drug traffic aimed at destroying America is of satan and communism is of satan. These two evil forces combined, drugs and communism, are proving lethal to America and world freedom. The civilized world hangs in the balance as drugs poison America from within and communism is isolating us and surrounding us. God help our United States. I want you to pray for your deliverance as you read this report I regretfully must make. The drug capitol of United States is New York City. A recent (1986) flood of cocaine has swept over New York dropping the street price and making drugs available to school children for the price of their lunch. New York dealers are selling drugs to school children, calling them little garbage heads. The Substance Abuse Service of the state of New York says that the number of residents using cocaine has doubled in the last 5 years.
Bite 27) Drugs and Crime:
Bite 28) Secret Documents Seized:
Secret documents seized during the liberation of Grenada have revealed the communist plan for dealing with churches everywhere, including America. The Grenada Communist Ministry of the Interior had proposed a plan to first enslave the churches, their congregation, and preachers. Second, they would use them to brainwash the rest of the populace with communist propaganda. Third, they would then destroy them when their usefulness for communism was over. The Document called “Analysis of the Church in Grenada” was marked “TOP SECRET.” This document was among the many papers of the Communist Regime and was found by the United States Forces that liberated Grenada. Both laymen and clergy were hostile to the Revolution by various degrees. The Communists know that Jesus Christ and His followers can never be reconciled with godless satanic communism whose god is the State. The Communists had laid down plans for churches, not only in America, but around the whole world.
Bite 29) Communistic Standards for the World Church:
Replace preachers and priests with sympathetic clergy, meaning communists posing as priests and preachers as they do in Russia, where some people think this is still religious freedom because KGB Agents in clerical robes staff the pulpits of the few officially enthroned churches. 2) Replace all religious broadcasts with communist’s progress reports. 3) Promote contacts among clergy and laity with churchmen of other revolutionary countries linked to the theology of liberation preaching; The idea that a church must be committed to the revolutionary change of sympathizing positions. 4) Enroll all church leaders in political education courses (meaning communist propaganda). 5) Top education priority was replacing teachers and administrators who were deeply religious with teachers considered more progressive. (meaning, more communistic) 6) Open Marxist Book Shops in every school and church in the country. 7) Place Marxist literature in the hands of every child. 8) Insure surveillance of what preachers say in the pulpit, especially in rural areas and missionary activity. 9) Introduce political education into Sunday School classes. 10) Open movie theaters on Sunday Morning to compete with churches. This basically was the communist plan for churches in Grenada... a plan for their enslavement, utilization,, and eventually their destruction.
Bite 30) Satanic Attack on Christian Churches:
This is what will happen and what always happens when communism takes over a country. The biggest change is in the churches because the change will always involve the eventual destruction. The communists know that Christ is their main enemy. They can change any government into a communist government but they can’t change a christian into a communist or a true christian church into a communist party cell. This is why Christian Crusade is so anti-communist, not just for political or economic reasons, but because of religious and spiritual reasons. People who don’t think the fight against communism is very important are those who don’t understand that communism is not just political and economic. It is a satanic attack against God and the Church. Did you know the National Council of Churches sent a delegation to Soviet Russia to agree with the communists that America is to blame for world tension? The National Council of Churches are serving as a propaganda agent for the Kremlin. A delegation of 266 went to Moscow (before this writing 1986) to declare this false accusation against America and the media called them America’s Leaders!
Pearl’s Poem:
We are the People: We are the people of the United States...Under our God who holds America’s fate. We have a Document that doesn’t need fixed. Our Constitution halts the politician’s tricks. We run the country through the servants we choose. They’ll serve the people or they’re yesterdays news. Here’s to all our servants when we celebrate “The Fourth” .... We are the people who are holding Freedom’s Torch! Here’s to all who’s treading on america’s sod... Let’s not be forgetting...We’re One Nation Under God!
Pearl’s Poem:
We are the People: We are the people of the United States...Under our God who holds America’s fate. We have a Document that doesn’t need fixed. Our Constitution halts the politician’s tricks. We run the country through the servants we choose. They’ll serve the people or they’re yesterdays news. Here’s to all our servants when we celebrate “The Fourth” .... We are the people who are holding Freedom’s Torch! Here’s to all who’s treading on america’s sod... Let’s not be forgetting...We’re One Nation Under God!
(End of Series.)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. In God we trust.
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