Introduction: PL Sturgis: These facts are taken from an update by Hargis 30 years after the printing of “Communist America” from the 1950’s. Now it is 2018, which is over 30 years from the fact update. It is transparent now for all who will not refuse to look at the facts.
Billy James Hargis (1925-2004) was a Christian radio evangelist (the "Christian Crusade") in the 1950s and 1960s. After accusations of misconduct in the 1970s, he retired, his college closed, and he faded into relative obscurity.
He wrote in the Foreword to this 1960 book, "I am convinced that Communism is winning World War III without firing a single shot or losing a single soldier, and the apathy and lethargy of God's people are responsible. The Church of Jesus Christ should be in the forefront in the fight against Communism. After all, she has more to lose than any single institution if the Communists take over."
He strongly asserts that "Patriotism and Christianity are very close to each other. It is impossible to be a true Christian and not be a true patriot." Furthermore, "America is and always has been a Christian nation. The very spirit of the American Constitution reflects the teachings of Christ." (Pg. 33)
He laments the fact that the average Christian father knows more about popular TV shows, than he does about the philosophies and teachings that are molding the future of his children. (Pg. 58)
Citing a number of Supreme Court decisions with which he disagrees, he says that "The power of the Supreme Court to weaken the nation's security has become a danger so great that unless Acts of Congress are passed to offset the court's rulings, America cannot defend itself from complete capture by Soviet Russia. Subversion within America is to that end." (Pg. 118)
He critizes "apostate church leaders" in the U.S. (pg. 158) but concludes that "Communism, the works of the devil, will be destroyed... Christ, the Good Shepherd, will lead America out of danger, destroying the satanic works of Communism, if His sheep will believe and will follow." (Pg. 175)
Billy James Hargis (whose scandals preceded the later PTL and Jimmy Swaggart by more than a decade) is not surprisingly almost forgotten today; but those interested in the history of anti-communism in this country should be aware of him.
August 3, 1925, Texarkana, TX, United States
November 27, 2004, Tulsa, OK, United States
Daily Bites of Communist America
Bite 1) End of Prayer and Bible Reading in Schools:
Bite 2) Decline of Morality:
Bite 3) Failure of Financial System:
Bite 4) Failure of Public Schools:
Bite 5) How UN changed US Schools:
Series 2:
Bite 6) Community Standards or Communist Manifesto?
Bite 7) Public Schools or Psychiatric Institutes:
Bite 8) Prayer and Bible Study verses Sex Education and Psychological Warfare:
Bite 9) Tyranny of US Supreme Court:
Bite 10) National Education Association connected to Communism:
Series 3:
Bite 11) American Freedom or Totalitarian Tyranny?
Bite 12) Congressional Ties to NEA:
Bite 13) NEA Embraces Communist Propaganda:
Bite 14) NEA Curriculum (Not Schools) is the Enemy:
Bite 15) A dinosaur Society:
Series 4:
Bite 16) Failure of American Spirit:
Bite 17) Major Moral Crisis:
Bite 18) Premeditated Murder:
Bite 19) Abortion Horror:
Bite 20) In Defense of the Unborn:
Series 5:
Bite 21) The Ungodly US Supreme Court:
Bite 22) Killing Handicapped Infants:
Bite 23) Fake Mercy Killing:
Bite 24) Euthanasia: A Legacy of Abortion:
Bite 25) USA: One Nation Over God?
Series 6:
Bite 26) Drugging America:
Bite 27) Drugs and Crime:
Bite 28) Secret Documents Seized:
Bite 29) Communistic Standards for World’s Churches:
Bite 30: Satanic Attack on Christian Churches:
Daily Bites of Communist America? Series 5:
Bite 21) The Ungodly United States Supreme Court:
First the US Supreme Court banned any mention of God in Public Schools through prayer or even Bible reading! Then it rejected the almost universal consensus of christian moral teachers down through the centuries on abortion, We can hardly expect God to bless our country when millions of unborn babies are slaughtered every year in defiance of His Commandment...”Thou shalt not kill!” Every argument they make for killing the unborn can be used for killing babies after they are born. birth is only a change of residence. The outdated notion that an unborn baby does not deserve protection is just another excuse. It is never a reason for taking a life. In relying on the shallow arguments of viability the court is in a collision with itself, as Justice Sandra O'conner has observed, since the age of viability changes every year with the progress in medical science. Thank God for President Ronald Reagan (1986) ....a firm pro life advocate in the White House. He has said he will not appoint anyone to the Court who is for abortion. At this age (1986) six justices are pro abortion and 5 of them are aged 73 to 77. They are not only walking on thin ice because of their age, but several are also in poor health. Future citizens are guaranteed life time rights by the very first Amendment!
Bite 22) Killing Handicapped Infants:
Bite 23) Fake Mercy Killing:
The abortionists and elitists now can not be certain when a fetus is viable and modern medical technology and expertise for correcting many birth defects negates their argument for mercy killing. Mercy for who? The baby or its parents? (or the depopulation society?) In the case of Baby Doe who had down syndrome, the media latched on to the phrase “severely retarded” and used it repeatedly. What they did not report was the fact that there is a long list of couples waiting to adopt these down syndrome children. There is no way to determine at birth how retarded a child will be. Much less to say “severely retarded.” The media, either ignorantly or purposely, plays in the hands of these elitist baby killers, joining in their ranks to persuade public opinion in favor of infanticide. All these elitists in medicine; the news media, and the political and social scientists, fail to report with words and photographs the agonizing deaths, cries, and sufferings from babies dying from inflicting starvation, and withholding medical treatment by physicians “supposedly” sworn to save lives instead of deliberately taking them. this is the fall out and legacy of abortion. Once death can be legally decreed where does it stop? Many of the infant deaths have been caused by the God players simply ignoring laws. They count it no different in killing a baby in the womb or out of the womb. Killing leads to more killing!
Bite 24) Euthanasia: A Legacy of Abortion:
In 1986 Governor Lamm of Colorado advocates killing off the unproductive elderly to provide more opportunity for young people and relieving them of tax burdens to support the elderly. This philosophy of state euthanasia is another legacy of abortion. who’s next? Perhaps all inmates; all handicapped; all patients in mental hospitals; How about killing off criminals, no matter what the crime, misdemeanor or felony? After all , as abortion, infanticide, euthanasia thinking goes....What difference who it is or what they do...if they are going to be a burden to society they should be exterminated? Abortion was just the first step. Now it is fashionable and acceptable among the God playing elite for infanticide and euthanasia. All is supported by the liberal leftist national news media. The elite God players and their mutual media friends will be the ones to decide to whom euthanasia shall be applied and how far the killing will become fashionable and acceptable from there. God help America! How far we have come from our christian founders. We have arrived at a point where man, the age of reason man, now considers himself above God. --- Pearl’s Poem: America Preys: She preys upon her Public Schools today and everyday...by confiscating God’s own Word. By taking it away!...She preys on those she represents with propaganda news...She murders future citizens and calls it...”right to choose!” ... She preys upon the residents who question evil laws: She names them “anti-government” who’d dare to mend her flaws! ... So far away her steps have strayed from narrow paths she trod... when once she prayed spelled with an A...One Nation Under God!
Bite 25) One Nation Over God?
Instead of moving back toward God America seems to be moving further away from Him. When is America going to put God back into the schools? into the hospitals? back into the universities? the courts????? And even----back into the churches???? Will the news media ever accept Christ? Jesus Christ is still the hope of the world and the hope of America. The world needs Christ now more than ever before. It is satan’s doing! This murdering of babies. This godless philosophy of an elite deciding arbitrarily who shall live and who shall die without due process of law or by judges who simply ignore law. The power of satan is now gripping the schools and rapidly infiltrating the field of medicine and law. this can not be stemmed by man. Only God can defeat satan. He shall do it by His Son, Jesus Christ. Pearl’s Poem: Iron Curtain of America: Although it is invisible I know the curtain’s there...One nation indivisible has somehow ceased to care.... One nation that is under God...His presence unrevealed. ,,,Too blinded by the path they trod to let their wounds be healed.... Neither do they weep nor mourn. They can not blush for shame. They murder citizens unborn. Aborted is their name.... They live within a flowered world. The devil’s deep disguise...and sleep on with their flag unfurled...The curtain’s closed their eyes....And though it is invisible...we know that curtain’s there. This nation indivisible has somehow ceased to care:
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. In God we trust.
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