Introduction: PL Sturgis: These facts are taken from an update by Hargis 30 years after the printing of “Communist America” from the 1950’s. Now it is 2018, which is over 30 years from the fact update. It is transparent now for all who will not refuse to look at the facts.
Billy James Hargis (1925-2004) was a Christian radio evangelist (the "Christian Crusade") in the 1950s and 1960s. After accusations of misconduct in the 1970s, he retired, his college closed, and he faded into relative obscurity.
He wrote in the Foreword to this 1960 book, "I am convinced that Communism is winning World War III without firing a single shot or losing a single soldier, and the apathy and lethargy of God's people are responsible. The Church of Jesus Christ should be in the forefront in the fight against Communism. After all, she has more to lose than any single institution if the Communists take over."
He strongly asserts that "Patriotism and Christianity are very close to each other. It is impossible to be a true Christian and not be a true patriot." Furthermore, "America is and always has been a Christian nation. The very spirit of the American Constitution reflects the teachings of Christ." (Pg. 33)
He laments the fact that the average Christian father knows more about popular TV shows, than he does about the philosophies and teachings that are molding the future of his children. (Pg. 58)
Citing a number of Supreme Court decisions with which he disagrees, he says that "The power of the Supreme Court to weaken the nation's security has become a danger so great that unless Acts of Congress are passed to offset the court's rulings, America cannot defend itself from complete capture by Soviet Russia. Subversion within America is to that end." (Pg. 118)
He critizes "apostate church leaders" in the U.S. (pg. 158) but concludes that "Communism, the works of the devil, will be destroyed... Christ, the Good Shepherd, will lead America out of danger, destroying the satanic works of Communism, if His sheep will believe and will follow." (Pg. 175)
Billy James Hargis (whose scandals preceded the later PTL and Jimmy Swaggart by more than a decade) is not surprisingly almost forgotten today; but those interested in the history of anti-communism in this country should be aware of him.
August 3, 1925, Texarkana, TX, United States
November 27, 2004, Tulsa, OK, United States
Daily Bites of Communist America
Bite 1) End of Prayer and Bible Reading in Schools:
Bite 2) Decline of Morality:
Bite 3) Failure of Financial System:
Bite 4) Failure of Public Schools:
Bite 5) How UN changed US Schools:
Series 2:
Bite 6) Community Standards or Communist Manifesto?
Bite 7) Public Schools or Psychiatric Institutes:
Bite 8) Prayer and Bible Study verses Sex Education and Psychological Warfare:
Bite 9) Tyranny of US Supreme Court:
Bite 10) National Education Association connected to Communism:
Series 3:
Bite 11) American Freedom or Totalitarian Tyranny?
Bite 12) Congressional Ties to NEA:
Bite 13) NEA Embraces Communist Propaganda:
Bite 14) NEA Curriculum (Not Schools) is the Enemy:
Bite 15) A dinosaur Society:
Series 4:
Bite 16) Failure of American Spirit:
Bite 17) Major Moral Crisis:
Bite 18) Premeditated Murder:
Bite 19) Abortion Horror:
Bite 20) In Defense of the Unborn:
Series 5:
Bite 21) The Ungodly US Supreme Court:
Bite 22) Killing Handicapped Infants:
Bite 23) Fake Mercy Killing:
Bite 24) Euthanasia: A Legacy of Abortion:
Bite 25) USA: One Nation Over God?
Series 6:
Bite 26) Drugging America:
Bite 27) Drugs and Crime:
Bite 28) Secret Documents Seized:
Bite 29) Communistic Standards for World’s Churches:
Bite 30: Satanic Attack on Christian Churches:
Daily Bites of Communist America? Series 2:
Bite 6) Community Standards or Communist Manifesto:
A close comparison to the Communist Manifesto and Dr Chisholm’s speech shows his speech was written from this Document by toning down the more radical rhetoric and claiming his theme to be peace and freedom. After World War 2 this new curriculum entering the education field became therapy and counselling in the guise of “career guidance counselling.” Schools began hiring national specially trained counsellors. The NEA, instead of praying for God’s guidance they believed in their own instructions. Until all these things are overcome and prayer and Bible reading is restored to our public schools there will be no opportunity for reform in American Education. (PL Sturgis: I have a copy of Benjamin Rush’s letter on Why the Bible must be taught in Public Schools” He is the youngest signer of the Constitution.) Those psychiatrist trained in counselling for Public Schools knew that when the interviews run through ten sessions it is called “psychotherapy.” Its purpose is for the reorganization of the student’s personality. the American Psychiatric Association has said that psychotherapy may lead to dangerous conditions and has formerly opposed the independent practices of psychotherapy. Also they admit the results of psychotherapy have never been proven beneficial.
Bite 7) Public Schools or Psychiatric Institutes:
Bite 8) Prayer and Bible Study verses Sex Education and Psychological Warfare:
Prayer and Bible reading are needed in our schools today more than ever to offset this bizarre teaching of sex and politics. Instead of being psychologically abused by sex and war courses, children need to be taught about the positive things in our country. They need the basic education skills that can equip them with hope and care and faith in their own future and the future of our country. There is no reason why Christians should have to establish separate school systems for their children! Christians have as much right to the Public Schools as anyone else. The establishment of a separate system of Christian Schools is a step backwards to the days when there was a separate establishment of schools for black and white children. Americans were sadly mistaken when they allowed the federal government persuade them to accept federal aid for local schools. The government lied when they said there would be no strings attached and local schools would remain under local control. The trouble that happened with that is... instead of going to national control they went to international control with federal government acting as an agent to the United Nations, including an education system of world citizenship, rather than national citizenship.
Bite 9) Tyranny of United States Supreme Court:
The US Supreme Court became a government tyranny because of its ruling to ban prayer and Bible reading from Public Schools and making the murder of unborn citizens legal by abortion on demand and allowing the teaching of homosexuality in public schools. (PL Sturgis: Today (2018) even tax paid sex operations and transgenders share bathrooms with children of either gender. Abortion pills and homosexual parades are tax funded. Full term abortions.) These laws bannished morality and endorsed violence by shedding innocent blood which the Lord said He hates the shedding of innocent blood. The supreme Court made a basic error in judgment on these landmark decisions. the error was in their opinion that prayer and Bible reading in schools violated separation of church and state, mentioned indirectly in the First Amendment. President Reagan explained it very well. He believed the Court judged wrong and said so in his speech in Washington: “When I hear the First Amendment used today as a reason to keep away moral values from policy making I am shocked! The First Amendment was not written to protect the people from the laws of religious values, but was written to protect religious freedom by those laws from government tyranny.” Amen, Mr. President Ronald Reagan. This is why we charge the United States Supreme Court with government tyranny.
Bite 10) N.E.A connected to Communism:
communism continues to infiltrate our schools and the curriculum of American Education. I have been saying this for years. The NEA and the Civil Liberties Union plus all other liberals have attacked me for it and said I didn’t know what I was talking about. Well, here is more proof. The NEA has joined the current (misnamed) Peace Movement designed to weaken the defense of the United States while ignoring the Soviet Military build up. the NEA is installing in the public schools a new curriculum about conflict and nuclear war that is filled with the kind of propaganda that could turn millions of American children into Communism sympathizers. Part of this plan is included in a classroom resource guide called “Creating our Future” published by a liberal leftist outfit headed by Roberta Snow, titled “Education for Social responsibility.” This plan is to disarm the world starting with america to be the first to be disarmed. The literature says this: “Through this organization we can bring peace education into the classroom. We can make a difference by becoming a powerful political force.” ( PL Sturgis: Yes they do commit treason by disregarding the Second Amendment. “A well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state...” Nevertheless, this Educators for Social Responsibility (ERS) is being adopted by the National Education Association, and the US Peace council, which is the same as the World Peace Council which was founded by the Kremlin and headed by the Communists from India.
(to be continued)
Series 3: American Freedom or Totalitarian Tyranny?
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. In God we trust.
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