Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Attack on American Christian Culture:by Gordon V. Drake - Series 1 Of 6

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Attack on American Christian Culture: by Gordon V. Drake: 20 years experience as an educator,speaker and writer: 1969:

Gordon V. Drake holds a doctorate in higher education and administration from the University of Denver and a Masters Degree from the Northern University of Arizona. Dr. drake’s articles on education have appeared in various national magazines. As a teacher and administrator Dr. Drake served on the faculties of the Universities of Denver, Wisconsin State University and as Dean of Shelton College. In 1964 he won an award from the Commission of the American Legion for his teaching of American History. Since January of 1968 Dr. Drake has associated with Dr. Billy James Hargis and the Christian Crusade Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Drake appeared regularly on Christian Crusade Daily Network Broadcast: He is the author of “Blackboard Power”--- “National Education Association Threat to America” ---- “Sensitivity, raw sex schoolhouse, Training.” All of the documents in this book are thoroughly documented. Further documentation may be obtained by writing directly to: Dr. Gordon V. Drake, Christian Crusade. Box 977, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102 --------------------- “These activities include Sensitivity Training investigation of morality claiming that “myth based” religious ideas in our society interfere with the growth of scientific psychology” 

Highlights by PL Sturgis: comments in ( PLS)

Series 4

#16) The Game of Touch and Tell:
#17) The Worshiping Dances: 
#18) another Pilgrim: 
#19) Natural Bedfellows: 
#20) Global Strong Cities of Sensitivity Training: 

Series 5

#21) My Personal Testimony: (P.L.Sturgis)
#22) Contacting my Representative: (P.L.Sturgis) 
#23) Brainwashing called Character Building: 
#24) change Agents:
#25) Education Profession Development Act: 1965: 

Series 6

#26) SEARCH: New methods for Education Federally funded: 
#27) Attacking Individuality and Personal Values:
#28) A Case in Point:
#29) Published Testimonies: 
#30) Calling Evil Good:

Daily Bites of Attack on American Christian Culture: by Gordon V. Drake
Series 1

#1)Sensitivity Training:

The term “Sensitivity Training” and “behavioral sciences” are not generally understood by the American Public. However, in recent years most of us have occasionally heard these terms used in connection with education, business or church activities. Parents are becoming aware of the bizarre happenings that take place and they want to learn if public school classes in sensitivity training will harm their children. Education Leaders and the National Education Association have been of little help, other than to promote these practices, and tell parents that if responsibly used “Sensitivity Training” and the “Behavioral Sciences” will wonderfully transform their children and society. DON’T YOU BELIEVE IT! This small booklet has been used to introduce concerned citizens to the goals and practices of “Sensitivity Training. Volumes have been written extolling it. Many more volumes need to be written exposing it. 

#2 A Typical First Session:

A typical first session in “Sensitivity Training” ----- Physical communication is often more stimulating than verbal communication and this is one reason sensitivity sessions are usually performed in various stages of undressing, from shoes off to complete nudity. In order to get into the swing of sensitivity training let me freely quote from John Guernsey’s education writer for the Portland Oregonian, who witnessed a group of school administrators having their first experience playing sensitivity games. About 50 of the top Portland School District wheels---- both men and women--- took part in a sensitivity session conducted by a University of Portland’s psychologist. Not wishing to go all out they removed only their shoes. Some thought it was an excellent experience while others thought they were being called upon to act like a bunch of nuts when there was more important business at hand. The school’s supervisor flunked the session because he did not take the mission seriously enough! He led a woman with her eyes closed into the men’s bathroom. In another exercise the school administrator formed a circle and then took turns standing in the center allowing them to fall backwards and if one landed on the floor they were told to consider why a friend did not try hard enough to catch them. (that would certainly hurt a child worse than the physical fall! PL Sturgis) The school official sensitivity session also called for everyone to close their eyes and wander about the room in bare feet with arms outstretched. No major damage? This is just a wander, feel, relate, session? Except now one of the educators is known as the “Blindfold and clutch specialist!”

#3) How it all Started:

In order to understand “Sensitivity Training” we need to be aware of three related fields in American Education which have contributed to its growth, guidance, psychological evaluation, and educational psychology. Since World War One, psychological testing, personality evaluation, and group dynamics, have grown into a multi million dollar business. This growth was made possible by major developments in general fields of psychology and education. In psychological evaluation tests which are frequently used to study personalities are termed non structured, projective, or open ended. These tests do not seek right or wrong answers. Rather, they explore a person’s attitude and general outlook on life. A typical question might be simply...the word “mother”... The person tested is asked to respond to the word “mother” by using a word or phrase that tells his or her relationship to “mother.” Many such answers furnish the tests with a valid appraisal of the person. The psychological approach is also used in the non directive, or client centered, counselling technique as developed by Dr. Carl Rogers, of the Western Behavioral Science Institute. The client is encouraged to say what he wishes, in any manner he chooses with neither criticism nor agreement from the counselor who serves primarily as the listener. In fact, a non conductive guidance counselor who is a “purist” will hesitate answering yes or no to any question. A required area of study for all teachers is a blending of these three areas which are now being applied by Sensitivity trained teachers of sex education who encourage students to express all points of view freely. a moral judgment by the teacher during this free exchange of ideas would be considered unprofessional. (Many teachers have resigned or been fired or formed protests. P.L.Sturgis) 

#4) NTLI merges with NEA:

The National Education Association merges with The National Training Laboratories Institute. In 1946 Dr. Leland Bradford, an executive of the National Education Association, and a number of social psychologists worked with pioneer behavioral scientist, Kurt Levin, in researching how science could change man’s behavior. They surveyed the work of Pavlov, Watson, and others who sought new methods for re-educating human behavior and social relationships. A technique was developed which they called “Sensitivity Training.” Dr. Bradford and his associates then decided to open shop in a large rambling victorian estate in Bethel, Maine. This later became the National Training Laboratories Institute (NTLI) intimately associated with the National Education Association (NEA). It’s Headquarters are in an office building in Washington DC! 

#5) Tax Funded Foreign Operations:

Since 1954 the National Training Laboratories Institute has worked with the American Red Cross government workers, public school teachers and administrators, and since 1960 with such impressive organizations as the Protestant Episcopal Church of USA, the Methodist Church, Esso Corporations, and Union Carbide, to mention a few. A program for training sensitivity trainers was developed with the support of the foreign Operations Administration of the U.S. Government. The result was a team of twenty six scientists and educators from seven European western nations, skilled in sensitivity techniques, who now in turn, conduct sensitivity sessions in their respective countries. 

 (to be continued) 



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