Saturday, November 18, 2017

There is no such thing as “Islamophobia”

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There is no such thing as “Islamophobia”

If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem.” — Abraham Lincoln, speech at Clinton, Illinois, September 8, 1854.

There is no such thing as “Islamophobia.” This fact has been proven by sharper minds than mine. People are not so much afraid of Islam and Muslims as they are disgusted with Islam and the silence of Muslim clerics regarding Islamic terrorism. Robert Louis Stevenson’s “thicker than thieves at a fair” sums up the silent trust between the terrorist and the “moderates” who secretly support the terrorist’s jihad. What is really happening today is that the religion of Islam, with its long history of violence and intolerance and egregious cultures, has by this time forfeited the trust of the Western world. This is really the issue at hand. So-called “Islamophobia” is simply a tangential matter that serves merely to distract from the real issue, which is Islam’s teachings of intolerance of other faiths and, as a consequence of those teachings, the Ummah’s complete failure to assimilate into Western societies.

As the anniversary of 9/11 came around again, I was struck by the insanely bold and shameless effort the media put into pretending, all over again, that this grotesque atrocity, this terrorist attack, had nothing to do with the religion of Islam. The “moderates” of Islam — those still purporting that the basic message of Islam is salubrious for mankind — are blaming the most zealous of Islam for misrepresenting this. Conversely, the most zealous of Islam excoriate the “moderates” for misrepresenting the basic theme of Islam, which is, in their view, an extreme, imperialistic vision encompassing all of mankind: mass conversion of Western nations to the religion of Islam, which would necessarily include a transition from a Western style judiciary to a judiciary exclusively of Sharia law. For the Muslim zealot, this mass conversion cannot be accomplished soon enough, or in a peaceful manner.

The common preoccupation of both the “moderate” and the zealous of Islam is their drive for a universal Caliphate; this is not unlike Joseph Stalin’s dark machinations during his terrorist exploits preceding the Bolshevik Revolution: “the human cost was irrelevant, subordinate to its political value.”* We see this happening all around us, every day and every night, and yet the journalist, the politician, and the cleric continue to deny the very existence of Islam’s religious assault on Western norms and values (many of which are Christian and Judaic), while besmirching all opposition to this religious imperialism as the mere noise of brutes and dolts.

Most of the Western world no longer can see any redeeming qualities within a religion whose adherents are more adept at deflecting blame and telling lies than they are at admitting to the glaring and inconvenient truths about their religion. They have failed to pick up on the Western adage articulated by Abraham Lincoln on that September day long ago, which is that “you may fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” Muslims who turn to terrorism, thereby betraying the trust of those Western nations who welcomed them into their midst, will ultimately provoke those same nations to hold Islam to account. This is the reason Donald Trump is today the President of the United States. Russian interference did not put Donald Trump in the White House: arrogant and self-serving politicians — Republicans and Democrats both — disjointed from those pressing issues that real Americans are concerned with put him there. The infiltration of Islamic terrorists into America just happened to be one of those pressing issues.

In her memoirs of her life living underground in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust, Marie Jalowicz Simon wrote, “At last I understood how much undeserved suffering the war had brought to non-Jews and Jews alike.” The same can be said of Islamic terrorism in the present age and its horrible consequences for both the Muslim and the non-Muslim. Islam is the only religion which, the more closely and meticulously followed, in the same measure the adherent is robbed of his/her humanity. This destructive efficacy is become glaringly obvious in both the Arab Middle East and the Western world to date. And the Western world is now, more than ever before, taking notice. The impression is completely negative. The foothold Islam once held in the minds of those who regarded Islam as one of the “great religions of the world” is today quickly being eroded away by the constant news of its sectarian violence and its imperialistic intolerance of other religious, especially the Jews and their ancient fidelity to the land of Israel.

The non-Muslim world is not becoming “Islamophobic”; rather, we no longer put stock in Islam’s assurances of good. And no one suffers more from this primarily Western dissent than the good Muslims living in the Western world. They are today the target of the same scorn and ridicule and bigotry with which their fellow religious have for centuries, in Muslim-dominated nations, abused the non-Muslims (especially Jews) living among them. “What goes around comes around.”

The apologists for Islam, egotistical sophists such as Tarek Fatah, have obstinately refused to acknowledge that unchangeable truth Abraham Lincoln also touched upon in his speech way back in 1854: “If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem.” Governments may pass legislation that commands their citizens to accept the unacceptable, but no government has ever been powerful enough to force its citizens to believe those things which have become commonly regarded as unbelievable.

*Simon Sebag Montefiore, from Young Stalin


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