The Common Thread (C) - Our fight is not over! . Public Group
Art Nickel shared a link.

• the People's Republic of China (China)
• the Republic of Cuba (Cuba)
• the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos)
• the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)
• the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Vietnam)
• Venezuela (good opportunity to get in on ground floor)
When former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee heard about survey of America’s millennials, he was able to find a bright spot even though the survey showed vast support for communism and socialism.
“A shocking new survey of Millennials found that half say they would rather live in a socialist or communist country than in a capitalist democracy,” Huckabee wrote on his Facebook page.
“Well, good news, kids: thanks to capitalism, there are planes leaving the US for one of those 24/7,” Huckabee wrote.
“But tell your parents not to rent out your rooms,” he added. “If you aren’t killed or imprisoned in your chosen communist paradise, you’ll probably be moving back in with them in less than a month.”
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Huckabee’s sarcasm was matched by a serious concern voiced by Marion Smith, executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation after it released its report of Americans’ attitudes toward socialism.
“One of the concerns the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation has had since its establishment is that an emerging generation of Americans have little understanding of the collectivist system and its dark history,” said Smith.
The 2017 survey noted that “more Millennials would prefer to live in a socialist country (44%) than in a capitalist one (42%). … The percentage of Millennials who would prefer socialism to capitalism is a full 10 points higher than that of the general population.”
“It seems that the majority of America’s largest generation would prefer to live in a socialist or communism society than in a free enterprise system that respects the rule of law, private property, and limited government,” the group’s website stated.
“This is even more disconcerting when coupled with the fact that, despite Millennials’ enthusiasm for socialism and communism, they do not, in fact, know what those terms mean,” it said.
The group said vigilance is vital.
“Communism isn’t back: It never left. We simply forgot about it. And as it rears its ugly head once more, openly and shamelessly, we seem far less prepared to meet the challenge in this century as we did in the last,” it said.
The survey found 26 percent of millennials viewed Cuba’s Che Guevara as a hero; 22 percent said that about Russian leader Vladimir Putin the same way, and 13 percent said both Josef Stalin and Kim Jong Un were heroes, according to The Daily Wire.
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The survey was similar to the group’s initial survey in 2016 that found 57 percent of all Americans have a “very unfavorable” view of communism, however among millennials that was at 37 percent and among Generation Z (ages 16-20), the number was at 38 percent.
That survey found massive gaps in knowledge.
It reported that 32 percent of millennials believe more people were killed under former President George W. Bush than Stalin.
Of millennials who even knew Soviet Union founder Vladimir Lenin, 25 percent had a favorable view of him.
“Millennials now make up the largest generation in America, and we’re seeing some deeply worrisome trends,” Smith said. “Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative.”
Smith said that there is a lot of education that needs to be done.
“This report clearly reveals a need for educating our youth on the dangerous implications of socialist ideals,” Smith said. “We will continue to work with educators to build curriculum to address this important need.”
[end quote]
Poll: Nearly Half of Millennials Would Prefer Living in a Communist or Socialist Country
When former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee heard about survey of America’s millennials, he was able to find a bright spot even though the survey showed vast support for communism and socialism.
“A shocking new survey of Millennials found that half say they would rather live in a socialist or communist country than in a capitalist democracy,” Huckabee wrote on his Facebook page.
“But tell your parents not to rent out your rooms,” he added. “If you aren’t killed or imprisoned in your chosen communist paradise, you’ll probably be moving back in with them in less than a month.”
“One of the concerns the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation has had since its establishment is that an emerging generation of Americans have little understanding of the collectivist system and its dark history,” said Smith.
“It seems that the majority of America’s largest generation would prefer to live in a socialist or communism society than in a free enterprise system that respects the rule of law, private property, and limited government,” the group’s website stated.
“This is even more disconcerting when coupled with the fact that, despite Millennials’ enthusiasm for socialism and communism, they do not, in fact, know what those terms mean,” it said.
The group said vigilance is vital.
The survey found 26 percent of millennials viewed Cuba’s Che Guevara as a hero; 22 percent said that about Russian leader Vladimir Putin the same way, and 13 percent said both Josef Stalin and Kim Jong Un were heroes, according to The Daily Wire.
That survey found massive gaps in knowledge.
Of millennials who even knew Soviet Union founder Vladimir Lenin, 25 percent had a favorable view of him.
“Millennials now make up the largest generation in America, and we’re seeing some deeply worrisome trends,” Smith said. “Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative.”
Smith said that there is a lot of education that needs to be done.
“This report clearly reveals a need for educating our youth on the dangerous implications of socialist ideals,” Smith said. “We will continue to work with educators to build curriculum to address this important need.”
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