Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

The lifeboat of life.
We are Born into this world and it's like being on an ocean, and the family that we are born into they have a lifeboat, and on this lifeboat, everything we have to survive in life is in this life raft, and basically it is the knowledge passed down from our relatives and ancestors on how to survive in this ocean we call life, our parents and our grandparents share knowledge that they possess that has kept them alive with their children and grandchildren, and they give and pass on the things that they have acquired in life to those that they have brought into this world, and they share with us their faith and what they believe and the star that they navigate by and their dreams of one day finding land.
But as we travel through this life we come upon others who are in their own life rafts or even some who are in ships, and we trade and we barter with them and pray that we do not encounter pirates, others who have come together to survive as a group that preys upon the weaker groups in this ocean of life, occasionally as we travel through this world we come upon other travelers and other life rafts of all different shapes and sizes, and when we can we help and share our resources with others provided that they do not threaten our lives or our life raft, occasionally coming in contact with those who are very desperate and are drowning, and when we can we lend a hand provided that those we lend a hand to do not threaten our existence or put those on our life raft in danger or jeopardy, or tried to pirate what we have managed to acquire in life.
As we go through life we meet many individuals and different groups with different beliefs and faith and we pray that we find groups that share the moral compass that will lead us all to a land where we can live in peace and that surviving becomes easier, that we can all work together and share what knowledge that we have to build a better ship or raft so that it benefits most of the lost soul's in the sea, occasionally in our travels we come upon those who squander the resources of others and have very little talents or abilities to survive, so we must separate ourselves from those who become a burden and threaten or destroy the mere resources that we have acquired in life for ourselves and our family and our friends who share the same moral compass who just wish to live in peace and harmony with one another.
I guess you could call this a friendship when people come together on this ocean for the same goal to help one another to survive, unfortunately, those who do not have anything to offer become a burden to the existence of everyone on the life raft of life so we must remove them from our life raft and let them go on their own, unfortunately like any drowning man at sea they will try to drown you and take what you have acquired to survive, and this is where the battle for survival begins and ends.
When those who come together with the same goals to survive and they become a large group they become an island, and when more come together they become a nation, but what the people must never forget that there are pirates out there who are looking to build their own island and their own nation, so they start devouring the people and their resources, the Pirates have no moral compass they pretend to have a moral compass so to befriend people with the sole purpose of deceiving and overthrowing their life raft and consuming the soul's of those they come in contact in their travels on this ocean of life, you see the Pirates are the cannibals of the ocean, and they live with the cannibal's rules of life, they eat and consume those who are weaker.
They wait until they outnumber their victims or they have more arms to overthrow their victims, if they tried to disarm you or tried to convince you to disarm yourself and there is no need for you to have weapons to defend yourself, these are the signs that there are Pirates among you, in our society and in our world today the pirates are the members of the American Bar Association and the religions and the Corporation that they are attached to, these are the ones the individuals who live by the rules of cannibalism, there is no greater threat to the human race to mankind than these cannibals.
The founding Fathers of the United States of America when they wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the United States of America and the Bill of Rights, did so to protect the people of this nation from these cannibals. Cannibalism is their religion and their way of life everyone else is food and a resource for them.
Our religion is in our Holy Bible it is the moral Compass for us to survive and to be able to identify the Pirates of life, the founding fathers of this nation when writing the documents that created and declared this nation that gave us guidance from Christianity and the Holy Bible it is the one thing that we must not stray from, or these individuals will surely divide us and eat our substance one at a time, that's why the Founding Fathers had a motto one Nation Under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.
If we are indivisible as a people and if we cannot be divided we will always defeat the Pirates, that's why the founding fathers created another motto WE THE PEOPLE in order to create a more perfect union, and to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and provide for the common defense and the general welfare and our prosperity, we the people do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Our founding fathers created the foundation for our nation in our national religion to ensure that if we should stay on this path our country could never be defeated, and our national religion is based on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and our Bill of Rights, it is the lamp and the path that all Americans should follow. If you have never read these documents you are working against your own best interest as a people, and you are making our nation and our world vulnerable again to the evil cannibals and pirates of the world.
If your state violates your rights which are your property by proxy and extension they are violating your rights and property in other states, for example the gun issue and ownership, if I am unlawfully and unconstitutionally prohibited from owning a firearm in my state by extension and proxy I am prohibited from owning that firearm in another state, so any right that is prohibited in one state and is in violation of the Constitution of the United States of America is a trespass of your liberties and freedoms in all other states, the state would be taking a position that the state constitution stands on a higher ground or platform than the Constitution of the United States of America in which every state before joining the union of the United States of America agreed that the Constitution of the United States of America was the supreme law of the land in all states and territories, this would also include medical requirements from one state to another such as any vaccination requirements to travel throughout the United States of America, the Supreme Court of the United States of America needs to hear this argument, please share this let it fall upon the ears of those who are working and fighting to protect our liberties and freedom.
Bill Sharpe Sussex County Delaware 2/11-16/2023
I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

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