The political worm, treasonous specialist, social dregs, and the corrupt king Joe Biden attempted the presidential robbery on January 20, 2021. The White House robbery exposes the highest level of dishonesty in the country respects democracy, and the people hate the crimes. Even the presidency was robbed, so in the United States, the people and the world distrust the legal system, and the dishonest judges including the thuggish Justices in the Supreme Court.
When the judges and Justices distort their careers to serve corruption plus politics and apply the bush law, the United States is endangered. Democracy and the Republic of America are farces when the judges and Justices rule the country. The rigged election in 2020 legalized that proves America is ruled by the law school graduates, the domestic thugs with the wooden hammers sitting above the law, and become the kings without a throne. Democracy in America is decided by the judges and the major Justices in the Supreme Court. Despite the judges and Justices being legal public servants, the people have never voted for them, therefore they are the most powerful persons in the country. American people witnessed an alien, Kenya-born Barrack Obama illegally elected for two terms in the White House, and nowadays, the traitor Joe Biden robbed the White House.The American people and the world recognize the tax-worm professional Joe Biden and his family members, actually, Hunter Biden is the central crime and the corruption on the planet. The whole life of Joe Biden built up the corrupt better than the national services. When Biden was elected for his first term as Senator, he and his comrade John Kerry plus other mongrel communist Senators voted to cut the aid for South Vietnam which was among the causes of the loss of Saigon on April 30, 1975, the dire consequences conduct the Vietnamese people lose the freedom. Moreover, the tax-worm Senator Joe Biden activated to prevent the Vietnamese refugees resettled in America. Nevertheless, within 8 years did nothing in the White House, the viral Vice-President Joe Biden, and his son Hunter Biden exploited the second top job in the White House to do political business. Joe Biden and Hunter Biden used Air Force Two to travel to China, actually, Hunter Biden behaved Joe Biden to receive a $ US 1.5 billion deposit to buy China’s henchman Joe Biden. The global social dreg robbed the White House with the rigged election in 2020 with the legalization of the six thuggish Justices in the Supreme Court and RINO Senate Speaker Mike Pence.
However, the terrible laptop of Hunter Biden and other crimes become the dilemma of the presidential robber Joe Biden, and the persons related. Nevertheless, Hunter Biden is the smartest man of Joe Biden and praised his beloved son on CBS on December 18, 2020. Certainly, the law school graduates like Joe Biden can tell wrong from right, so people have no idea with the speech Joe Biden reflects the term a cat claims its long tail or the communists praise genocide, corruption, and robbery carry out revolutionary morality.
Despite the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the Democratic judges, including the RINO Attorney-General William Barr having tried to conceal, and waive the terrible laptop of Hunter Biden plus his serious crimes since the first term of the patriotic President Donald Trump. Therefore, the laptop of Hunter Biden couldn’t hide from the public. Moreover, the left media line and the left big tech communication companies like Facebook avoided communicating with the laptop. The blatant crimes of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, family members, and the cluster of Democratic politicians were publicized.
The mid-congressional election in November 2022 comes closer, and the 46th illegal president Joe Biden panics, actually, the Global Deep State, and the Democratic Communist Party fell into a crisis when the incompetent pawn Joe Biden did the best destruction of America to the grassroots. Therefore, Biden also makes Democrats face the trust’s bankruptcy after nearly two years to impose the hell of a communist paradise in the United States. Nevertheless, the commander in bed Kamala Harris is the wrong choice of Democrats, she doesn’t fit the politics, actually the presidency. Instead, her forte is the nonsensical laughing that doubts the mental health illness. The hidden bosses recognized the incompetence of Kamala Harris after the bad polls are worse than Joe Biden. The leader pawn deadlock becomes the real obsession of the Global Deep State and Democrats, so the people believe the car accident occurred on Thursday, October 6, 2022 targets to eliminate the 49th illegal vice-president Kamala Harris reflects the term” when a hunter recognizes the dog can not do the job properly, a hunter must know how to eat the dog’s meat”. The Global Deep State loves no one, instead of the money and the plan to control the world. Possibly, the hidden bosses should choose another pawn to replace Kamala Harris, then will take the top job of Joe Biden who contracted a serious mental health illness, plus aging plus the impeachment is eligible for the 25 Amendment.
The rumor spread about the 46th illegal president Joe Biden should apply for the presidency to pardon his smart son Hunter Biden before the mid-term congressional election, and the impeachment after Republicans controlled Congress and Senate. Therefore, Hunter Biden is considered an innocent person by law when a court didn’t decide a verdict despite the FBI holding the evidence. Certainly, Joe Biden can not pardon his son without a conviction. Before the first term expired, patriotic President Donald Trump didn’t pardon Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange because the court didn’t decide the conviction. Instead, Donald Trump pardoned former Lieutenant General Michael Flynn who was the victim of Hussein Barrack Obama and the Democratic Party.
If Biden does it means Biden affirmed Hunter Biden was found guilty, and the laptop is the blatant evidence of Biden’s accusation of self-confession crimes and corruption. Whatever, the pardon of Joe Biden falls into the dilemma. Nevertheless, after Republican politicians controlled Congress and Senate, the rigged election in 2020 prioritizes, the bill easily passed over Congress, Senate. The outcome confirms Joe Biden is the fake president, the law can force Democrats to pay all costs of the rigged election in 2020, and also nullify all orders of Biden. Nevertheless, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden is not the US president, so Biden doesn’t authorize to sign any presidential order, including the pardon

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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