The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

Good morning to my fellow constitutional loving

Good morning my friends
Americans patriot constitutionalist
Here's my thought for today

Hello, my Christian constitutional American patriots.
Good morning friends and fellow Americans and patriots,
Greetings to my Christian friend's Patriots 3% ers, and tea party freedom fighters.
Hold on to the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands.
Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.-Daniel Webster's "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants: it is the creed of slaves." William Pit November 18, 1783
We are non-partisan- a partisan person is "one who is blindly or unreasonably devoted to party positions"
therefore a partisan cannot possibly serve the Constitution. George Washington warned us against political parties. He said"they only succeed in pitting one group against another"
What Is law?
Simple question right or is it? They say the law is an acronym for Land Air and Water the three jurisdictions of law, the law of the land is supposed to be common law, what is common law? What is common among the tribes and all the lands, it's more than that it's the law of peace and justice it stems from God's law and the 10 Commandments in the Bible. But what is the law of the air? They claim that the air and the heavens are God. and everything in it, so God's law is the law Is also the law of the land and also accomplices common law, but what about the law of water? the law of the seas and water is called maritime or admiralty law, so what are admiralty law and maritime law? Well, in my opinion, it's the law of cannibalism and the strongest survives, for when you're in the ocean the captain or the admiral is God up on the ship and makes all the decisions of life and death, but basically, all the decisions that that captain will make are for his own survival and a handful of selected officers, and when the crew of the ship when put into certain conditions of survival realize that admiralty law is cannibalism, and they noticed that some of their shipmates and up on the dinner plate, there is an uprising to remove the captain the admiral and his hand-selected security force notices officers, the admiral or captain, and his officers are always on the lookout and keep an open ear for anyone who discovers the truth about admiralty law.
So what is piracy so when two ships meet in the ocean and both ships are under the operation and control of Adm. or Capt. they have navigated so far from land that they have consumed all of the resources when they meet another ship on the high seas they wish to take it over and take all of the resources so that the ship that is successful can continue on its way they scavenger whatever they find from the sea, and of course, the winner gets to spoils, whatever food and treasures including people or slaves, so now that the victors have acquired new resources, so they can continue to pirate to seas, or whatever lands that they may come across that they are capable of strong-arming or tricking away from whatever indigenous people that are there or occupy that land.
So basically common-law is a reflection of God's law the law of peace and justice, and admiralty law is the law of cannibalism and survival of the fittest, you could even transfer this ideology into political beliefs, as the founding fathers did when they created this nation they created a nation one nation under God they established the culture of our laws under their beliefs and they chose common-law because it provided liberty and justice and the documents that this nation was founded upon reflects those ideologies and beliefs such as innocent until proven guilty, the right of free speech, the right to defend oneself so forth and so on and this is a reflection of the Republic form of government a government of by and for all the people, and what the founding fathers stood up against was The kings' rule of law or admiralty law, cannibalism the law of the sea, this political ideology is a reflection of democracy, 50+1 can cannibalize the 49.
What is happened here in the United States and many other nations Around the world is that admiralty law has made its way onto our shores and into our courts and started to erode away the liberties and freedoms created under common law, the first two liberty that admiralty law must remove to survive is the right of free speech and the right of one to defend oneself, you see piracy of the land when the laws of the ocean and the laws of the sea are brought onto the land that trespass against God's laws and common-law the law of God's people, common-law is so that all the people of all the tribes can live in peace and prosper like it says in the Bible, it's almost as if This is the old story of the ant and the grasshopper,the grasshopper the Pirates and the locusts of the world, and the ants being the workers preparing for a rainy day, the locus may be larger than the ants but the ants outnumber the locus the ants are great and mighty workers, where the locus are just large consumers of resources, the ants forget from time to time that the locus will try to rise to power and consume all that the ants have created and stored up for their survival, today in this world the locus are consuming everything that the ants have work for and they are jeopardizing everything that the ants have including their Entire species in the future.
The locus and the grasshoppers are the Democratic Party or democracy and the members of the American Bar Association and the Department of Justice here in America and they are protecting the locus and the grasshoppers and are helping them to pirate and steal all the resources labor treasures and children of the ants, the cannibals are in charge and in control of the world and it's up to the common people the ants the workers of the world to fight back and put a stop to this, and more importantly, to share the knowledge of what happens when the Pirates the cannibals the locus come to power in your nation, in this knowledge is for your survival not only for you but also your children, but more importantly your faith in God your creator, those who hate God wish to destroy everything God has created, those who love God wish to keep everything God has created alive, this is the real difference between God's law and admiralty law, one Law reflects a destroyer, and the other law reflects the creator.
Who would benefit if the ants do not fight back? Who would promote to the ants not to become violent and fight back against the locus? Locus are systematically killing off the guards, teachers, and prophets of the ants the same way that the wasps kill off the guards at the beehive, the locus have hypnotized some of the guards in our hive and they are working for the Locust with promises of food and power.
Why have laws that do not protect the people? What laws do you want to live under?
Constitutionally and with liberty and justice for all Bill Sharpe Sussex County Delaware 09/9-10/2022
So what is piracy so when two ships meet in the ocean and both ships are under the operation and control of Adm. or Capt. they have navigated so far from land that they have consumed all of the resources when they meet another ship on the high seas they wish to take it over and take all of the resources so that the ship that is successful can continue on its way they scavenger whatever they find from the sea, and of course, the winner gets to spoils, whatever food and treasures including people or slaves, so now that the victors have acquired new resources, so they can continue to pirate to seas, or whatever lands that they may come across that they are capable of strong-arming or tricking away from whatever indigenous people that are there or occupy that land.
So basically common-law is a reflection of God's law the law of peace and justice, and admiralty law is the law of cannibalism and survival of the fittest, you could even transfer this ideology into political beliefs, as the founding fathers did when they created this nation they created a nation one nation under God they established the culture of our laws under their beliefs and they chose common-law because it provided liberty and justice and the documents that this nation was founded upon reflects those ideologies and beliefs such as innocent until proven guilty, the right of free speech, the right to defend oneself so forth and so on and this is a reflection of the Republic form of government a government of by and for all the people, and what the founding fathers stood up against was The kings' rule of law or admiralty law, cannibalism the law of the sea, this political ideology is a reflection of democracy, 50+1 can cannibalize the 49.
What is happened here in the United States and many other nations Around the world is that admiralty law has made its way onto our shores and into our courts and started to erode away the liberties and freedoms created under common law, the first two liberty that admiralty law must remove to survive is the right of free speech and the right of one to defend oneself, you see piracy of the land when the laws of the ocean and the laws of the sea are brought onto the land that trespass against God's laws and common-law the law of God's people, common-law is so that all the people of all the tribes can live in peace and prosper like it says in the Bible, it's almost as if This is the old story of the ant and the grasshopper,the grasshopper the Pirates and the locusts of the world, and the ants being the workers preparing for a rainy day, the locus may be larger than the ants but the ants outnumber the locus the ants are great and mighty workers, where the locus are just large consumers of resources, the ants forget from time to time that the locus will try to rise to power and consume all that the ants have created and stored up for their survival, today in this world the locus are consuming everything that the ants have work for and they are jeopardizing everything that the ants have including their Entire species in the future.
The locus and the grasshoppers are the Democratic Party or democracy and the members of the American Bar Association and the Department of Justice here in America and they are protecting the locus and the grasshoppers and are helping them to pirate and steal all the resources labor treasures and children of the ants, the cannibals are in charge and in control of the world and it's up to the common people the ants the workers of the world to fight back and put a stop to this, and more importantly, to share the knowledge of what happens when the Pirates the cannibals the locus come to power in your nation, in this knowledge is for your survival not only for you but also your children, but more importantly your faith in God your creator, those who hate God wish to destroy everything God has created, those who love God wish to keep everything God has created alive, this is the real difference between God's law and admiralty law, one Law reflects a destroyer, and the other law reflects the creator.
Who would benefit if the ants do not fight back? Who would promote to the ants not to become violent and fight back against the locus? Locus are systematically killing off the guards, teachers, and prophets of the ants the same way that the wasps kill off the guards at the beehive, the locus have hypnotized some of the guards in our hive and they are working for the Locust with promises of food and power.
Why have laws that do not protect the people? What laws do you want to live under?
Constitutionally and with liberty and justice for all Bill Sharpe Sussex County Delaware 09/9-10/2022
I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.
God Bless America is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and revised by him in 1938. The later version was recorded by Kate Smith, Note: I would like you to take the 5 minutes and listen to the words of this song and remember the Generation that fought A world war so we could be free, So stand up beside Her and let's take our Country back, my Patriot Friends!

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.
Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870
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