Monday, September 5, 2022



The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

Good morning to my fellow constitutional loving 

Good morning my friends 
Americans patriot constitutionalist 
 Here's my thought for today 

Image result for American patriots.

Hello, my Christian constitutional American patriots.
Good morning friends and fellow Americans and patriots,
Greetings to my Christian friends Patriots 3% ers, and tea party freedom fighters.


Greetings to my fellow Christian American patriots, the time has come in the history of our nation for the American people to once again join together as one national militia to fend off the foreign influence in our nation, foreign governments have influenced and taken over our legislative and judicial and executive branches of our federal government, some state governments are holding on to our republic form of government, what we are witnessing is our nation has been overthrown from within by the Democratic Party which is under the control of a communist Nazi party that's why you are watching all of the support for Ukraine, for Ukraine is a communist Nazi nation.

The People of the United States of America must once again bring together our national militia starting with our families and friends right in our own neighborhoods communities and churches, what is taking place in America is the evolution of our nation if you've studied any history at all, all nations are challenged for their treasures and the political beliefs and ideologies frequently through time, America being such a diverse nation makes it very difficult for our people to stand together, but stand together we must if this dream this quest that created this nation for liberty and freedom and justice for all is to survive.

A large number of people affiliated with this government today which is in control of our nation have been indoctrinated from the time that they were children to assist in the knowing or unbeknown or having the knowledge to destroy this republic form of government and understand this is a republic form of government Which is a government of by and for the people, it represents all with liberty and justice, we have a dictatorship in control of our nation today and it is called a democracy which is mob rule, there is a mob of the unrighteous and the unjust stealing from those who have sacrificed and worked to build this nation.

It is time for each individual in United States of America regardless of your ability or financial status to organize this national militia and set up the infrastructure and resistance to this communist mob rule, or this nation this dream this quest for liberty and justice for all will go by the wayside by dictators like Hitler Bidens the Pelosi's Schumer's the Clintons the Bushes, we the people of the United States of America the salt of the earth are in a war for our survival, I pray to God that you wake up and start to organized with your families your friends and within your community and churches for we the people are the only ones who can save our nation from the horrors that these unjust individuals are bringing to our nation, the future of the free and the brave is in the hands of each individual within our nation who possesses in their hearts the love for the true liberties of freedom that our founding fathers formed in the documents of the creation of this nation, a Great American patriot once said give me liberty or give me death! And I regret that I have but one life to give for my Country.

Start organizing your family and friends get ham radio get involved in your churches and your schools, teach children well and pray to God for his divine help.


I think January 6 was the Democratic Party's Version of the night of the Long Knives

The Democratic Party and the American Bar Association are doing almost step-by-step what the communist Nazi party did in the early 1930s, they have turned the DOJ FBI and the ATF into the SS strong-arming the political enemies of the communist demonic Nazi Democratic Party which means that none of the people who Were Rioting and burning down cities and tore down statues that belong to the people and that was government property And under the control of the government were ever prosecuted! Unlike the Bundy"s the farmers from Idaho, and also LaVoy Finicum, and Randy Weaver, or Branch Davidians It appears that this government has a tendency to Incarcerate With Prejudiced and with bogus charges And then denied The accused the due process of law or to either kill or attempt to kill people they don't like! Christians not affiliated with the Government selected Churches will be first on the hit list, and just like the second world war, the Government Churches will be left alone because this was and is the indoctrination center for the Democratic Party this is one of the places where they get their members who have allegiance to the Democratic Party.

This is a plea and an indictment!

Greetings to my Christian American patriots, 

 This is a plea and an indictment!

 what we're witnessing today is a legislative civil war within the boundaries of the United States of America today, there are several states that the federal government is funding and is allowing to separate from the United States of America and severing and separating from the constitutional foundation of Laws that they agreed to when they entered into the compact or contract by entering into the union of the United States of America which binds them to the Constitution of the United States of America which is the law of the land.

 There are several states that are defying the Constitution which is the law of the land, and the federal government must immediately sever all funding to these Rogue states until there is a forensic audit performed of that state's Constitution to make sure that it is in conformity as a republic form of government under article 4 section 4 of the United States Constitution, these several states are trying to create kingdoms within the boundaries of the United States why being funded by the people of the United States of America through the federal government.

 The Communist daemonic Nazi Democratic-controlled legislative body in Washington DC is allowing several states such as New York and California and several others to defy the laws of the land and are allowing them to become rogue nations outside of the laws of the United States of America, by basically allowing the states to become kingdoms within the boundaries of our nation, and then they will unite as United kingdoms Within the boundaries of our nation to politically overthrow our country and our nation from within and apply their laws of dictatorship We have already seen in New York that the governor has told a particular group of people to get out! Publicly discriminating in violation of the laws of the land against a group of individuals who do not share the same political ideology or philosophy of the governor and she has declared them as enemy combatants!

 The American people must organize their state militias immediately and force the federal government to cease all funding to any state that falls outside of the Constitution of the United States of America and treat them as enemy combatants That are standing against the people of the United States of America And these rogue states should be treated as if they were an invading army attacking our shores and our land, I say to the Communist demonic Nazi Democratic Party get out of America love it or leave it, and if you will not leave and you will not conform to our form of government then you have declared war against the peaceful people of the United States of America.

 The states that are paying taxes to the federal government should immediately cease all payments until the federal government or the Supreme Court should order That the federal government Cease all funds And grants to these rogue states until they conform with the Constitution of our nation and The federal government Must starts enforcing the constitutional laws against These rogue states that are separating themselves from the laws of the United States of America, until they conform with the Constitution of our nation, what we are looking at is it a reversal of the war of independence, the states have declared war against our form of government the people's form of government the government of liberty and justice for all, these rogue states are reversing Our laws and our form of government back to the King's rule law and becoming independent countries within the boundaries of our nation.

 The states that remained in a republic Form And constitutional conformity must stand against these rogue states trying to bring the United Kingdoms into political form And power within the boundaries of the United States of America, these rogue states have declared war on our laws on our customs, and on our liberties and our freedoms, we the people of the United States of America must start to organize our own state militias to fend off these assaults on our liberties and freedoms, These rogue states have declared a war an unholy war on our people and our lands And our culture by political acts and actions.

 These rogue states have entered into a secret compact with each other and foreign governments with the sole intent of pirating this nation and enslaving every man woman and child on it!

 The governors who support the United States of America and the Constitution of the United States of America must unite together they must work to create a state militia within their states once again to defend our country from foreign tyranny which has manifested itself as the Democratic Party and has infiltrated our political structure and like cancer and is eating away at our liberties and freedoms, I call in every state governor who believes in their oath of office and their word of trust to God and the people, unite our nation stand up with other governors create your state militias to fend off this assault on our liberties and freedoms, if the United States of America should fall every nation on earth where the people believe in liberty and freedom will also fall. 

 Please share this with your fellow countrymen and the governor of your state.


 By:  Bill Sharpe Sussex County Delaware,5:30 am 9/2-3/2022





 I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.

God Bless America is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and revised by him in 1938. The later version was recorded by Kate Smith, Note: I would like you to take the 5 minutes and listen to the words of this song and remember the Generation that fought A world war so we could be free, So stand up beside Her and let's take our Country back, my Patriot Friends! 

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)



and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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