The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

Greetings to my fellow Christian American patriots, the time has come in the history of our nation for the American people to once again join together as one national militia to fend off the foreign influence in our nation, foreign governments have influenced and taken over our legislative and judicial and executive branches of our federal government, some state governments are holding on to our republic form of government, what we are witnessing is our nation has been overthrown from within by the Democratic Party which is under the control of a communist Nazi party that's why you are watching all of the support for Ukraine, for Ukraine is a communist Nazi nation.
The People of the United States of America must once again bring together our national militia starting with our families and friends right in our own neighborhoods communities and churches, what is taking place in America is the evolution of our nation if you've studied any history at all, all nations are challenged for their treasures and the political beliefs and ideologies frequently through time, America being such a diverse nation makes it very difficult for our people to stand together, but stand together we must if this dream this quest that created this nation for liberty and freedom and justice for all is to survive.
A large number of people affiliated with this government today which is in control of our nation have been indoctrinated from the time that they were children to assist in the knowing or unbeknown or having the knowledge to destroy this republic form of government and understand this is a republic form of government Which is a government of by and for the people, it represents all with liberty and justice, we have a dictatorship in control of our nation today and it is called a democracy which is mob rule, there is a mob of the unrighteous and the unjust stealing from those who have sacrificed and worked to build this nation.
It is time for each individual in United States of America regardless of your ability or financial status to organize this national militia and set up the infrastructure and resistance to this communist mob rule, or this nation this dream this quest for liberty and justice for all will go by the wayside by dictators like Hitler Bidens the Pelosi's Schumer's the Clintons the Bushes, we the people of the United States of America the salt of the earth are in a war for our survival, I pray to God that you wake up and start to organized with your families your friends and within your community and churches for we the people are the only ones who can save our nation from the horrors that these unjust individuals are bringing to our nation, the future of the free and the brave is in the hands of each individual within our nation who possesses in their hearts the love for the true liberties of freedom that our founding fathers formed in the documents of the creation of this nation, a Great American patriot once said give me liberty or give me death! And I regret that I have but one life to give for my Country.
Start organizing your family and friends get ham radio get involved in your churches and your schools, teach children well and pray to God for his divine help.
Greetings to my Christian American patriots,
I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

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