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What Happened To The Integrity Of Our Elected Officials, Part 1
One of the things that I have noticed since I have begun to study the politics of America is the severe downgrade of the quality of character in the people we send to Washington to ‘represent’ us. They are all sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and should always put America and the American people first. Most of the people that are in Washington do very little of either and mock the ones that do.
Most people pay no attention to what these elected officials do until what they’ve done affects their pocketbooks. Usually, by then it’s too late. The damage is done and in Washington, it is very hard to undo anything. Ronald Reagan once said that the closest thing to eternal life on earth is a government program. To prove his point there was a half-cent tax that was implemented to pay the debt of WW I. That debt has long been paid but the tax is still there.
When we had elected officials that followed the Constitution our nation flourished. Now we have politicians that look out more for themselves ignoring their oath of office and the principles of the Constitution. A conversation between Representative Pete Stark (D) of California and a voter at a town hall meeting asked about government overreach concerning the failed Obamacare bill: “I think that there are very few constitutional limits that would prevent the federal government from rules that could affect your private life. The basis for that would be how would it affect other people.”
After the questioner asks what possible constitutional limits there are, then, if Obamacare can pass constitutional muster, Stark replies: “The federal government yes, can do most anything in this country.”
The questioner, outraged: “You, sir, and people like you are destroying this nation.”
Stark, smirking: “And I guess you’re here to save it. And that makes me very uncomfortable.”[1] What this member of the Democrat Party was insinuating was that the federal government had the right to govern every individual as it pleases them but our Constitution put serious restraints on the federal government because we have a representative government and that government only has the power that We the People give it. Patrick Henry stated: “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it comes to dominate our lives and interests.” All this demanding that we get the ‘jab’ is, for all intents and purposes, bull! They do not have the constitutional authority to do it but if we let them they will go as far as they want.
We the people must stand up to this type of tyranny if we want to stay free. Look at Australia. People who exercise their right to determine what is put in their bodies are being arrested and put in internment camps. Their guns were taken away from them years ago. They have no form of defense so the government does what it wants. That is what the Democrats want to do here. They demand total control over our lives. Right now there are too many people that can and will stand up and say No! and can back it up with firepower. Thomas Jefferson stated: “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.” I never want to see us get to the point where bloodshed is required but at the same time, I will not stand by and let the government dictate how I can live, where I can work, IF I can work, and what I have to do, healthwise, to keep them happy. That is not their job. Their number one job is to protect America and they are failing at that miserably.
When it comes to the Second Amendment there are members of Congress that don’t feel that we should support it and they want to eliminate it. The only reason is then they can do what they want just like the government is doing in Australia and what Hitler did in Germany in the 1930s. There are around 320 million guns in America that they know of. I think it is more around 500 million. Nations won’t attack American soil because they know that just the hunters in four states would constitute the largest standing army in the world. Not all gun owners hunt. Let that sink in.
Many members of Congress, virtually all of them Democrats, say that the Second Amendment is only for the militia, not the individual. This just shows the ignorance of these people concerning the great history of America. But that is what they want, an ignorant populace that is unaware of the rights that are being taken from them. Samuel Adams made a statement concerning the individual owning a gun: “The Constitution shall never be construed… to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.” Richard Henry Lee a Founding Father, jurist, and member of the Continental Congress declared: “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them…” It is hard to understand today’s politicians that feel that it is perfectly acceptable to just throw away a provision of our Constitution that is actually the glue that holds it all together. In my humble opinion that is exactly why they want to eliminate it.
If we allow this to happen, America is gone. I believe that there are too many that have and will continue to refuse to see this happen. We just need a leader that has the guts to stand up against the embedded tyranny. This is still God’s nation and as long as He has one person willing to take that stand, we will see America saved from the clutches of the enemy. Courage is contagious. One man with it will stiffen the spines of many others.
What Happened To The Integrity Of Our Elected Officials, Part 2
The biggest problem I see in America today is the elected officials that do everything they can to override the Constitution. The Democrats have tried to pass laws that would take the right of the States to govern their elections and put it into the hands of the federal government. What this is doing is centralizing all power into Washington. Thomas Jefferson warned of the results of this when he stated: “When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another.” We can see that being the result of the Democrat’s voting bill.
I’m not sure that this bill would survive the courts but Democrats don’t pay much attention to courts. After Biden lost his mandate for federal employees he told the departments to enforce the mandate anyway. These are not just unconstitutional directives from the White House they are forcing a person to choose between his right to determine what goes into his/her body or being able to feed his/her family. Noah Webster warned the government that we have a constitutional recourse for an action of this nature taken by the government: “The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States.” The Founders believed that the individual person had rights that government could not take away. Under British rule, they had privileges, not rights. The Crown could do whatever it wanted.
Our modern-day politicians have gotten to the point where they believe we are their subjects, not their employers. The politicians are supported by the mainstream media. One MSNBC host, Melissa Harris-Perry, stuck her foot in her mouth and in an attempt to increase spending on education backed up the communist notion Hillary wrote about in It Takes A Village and the children belong to the state, not their parents. Her comment: “We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities,” Harris-Perry said in the ad. “Once we recognize it’s everybody’s responsibility and not just the households, then we start making better investments.” [1] Democrats have been running the ‘education system’ for decades, which is why we have indoctrinated children instead of educated children. Our elected officials on both sides of the aisle don’t seem to want to do anything about this problem. The last available edition of the Nation’s Report Card, released in 2019 prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, showed that only 37% of grade 12 students could be considered proficient readers, according to the Department of Education’s standard.
Now, a teacher at Patterson High School in Baltimore has informed a local news outlet that 77% of students there were reading at an elementary or even kindergarten level, indicating that the nation may see a precipitous drop in the reports for 2020 and 2021.[2]
Baltimore is as blue as you can get but in a very red state, we see a similar problem: A Texas Education Agency assessment for spring 2021 found that 36% of students in fourth grade met grade-level reading standards, while 45% of eighth-grade students met grade-level standards for reading. The agency said the numbers represented a decline from previous years.[3]
California, with some of the worst leadership in the country, suffer even worse: Students in California fared no better. The number of students who were reading above grade standard declined from 26% in 2019 to 21% in 2021, while the percentage of students near grade standards increased from 43% to 56%.[4]
Where are the politicians looking out for the future of our nation by ensuring that we have a well-educated generation? They are paying attention to the needs of their political donors. Notice all the great stock picks that Nancy Pelosi has had when she controls the legislation of the companies that fund her.
In a letter to Joseph Warren, Samuel Adams warned: “It is not possible that any state should long remain free, where Virtue is not supremely honored.” There is very little virtue in modern politics at the state level and especially in Washington. There is greed for money and greed for power. We have to resist these intrusions into our lives and our government. Ronald Reagan once said: “Recognize that government invasion of public power is eventually an assault upon your own business. If some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of reprisals from customers, clients, or even government, recognize that you are just feeding the crocodile hoping he’ll eat you last.” This invasion is exactly what the Democrats are attempting.
We have allowed unscrupulous men and women to take over our government. We’ve allowed it and it is ‘we’ that must stop it. We did it with votes and we must undo it with votes. If we don’t it will take much more violent means but our nation is worth it. The future for our children is worth it. Thomas Paine made this now-famous comment: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” And he also stated: “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.” I want my children and grandchildren to live in the peace I grew up in. We must do what we must do and with God’s help, we will.
A final quote from Ronald Reagan: “Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today’s world do not have.”
Foot Notes
- MSNBC host: children belong to the whole community, not their parents
- Students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels, the teacher says
- Students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels, a teacher says
- Students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels, a teacher says
What Happened To The Integrity Of Our Elected Officials, Part 3
I have not seen a democrat since JFK worthy of a vote from the American people. Lyndon Baines Johnson was a racist POC and escalated the Viet Nam war for, I believe, his personal benefit. Jimmy Carter hated Israel and was not capable of understanding how an economy works, not that any democrat that I have seen does. Clinton was and is a lowlife womanizer, Obama wasn’t even eligible to be president because both parents have to be citizens at the time of his birth and his father never became a citizen. This fact was not challenged by the democrats for obvious reasons but the Republicans didn’t challenge it either.
The character of our elected officials has become worse and worse over the last hundred years. Woodrow Wilson was a racist and re-segregated our military which had been integrated since the Civil War. FDR tried to nationalize everything and kept us in the Great Depression for ten years longer than we should have been because of his ineffective economic policies of tax and spending. Biden actually believes we can spend our way out of debt. He stated so during the last economic recession that started in 2008. That quote has been mysteriously scrubbed for the net.
In the modern era, we have primarily democrats that have exhibited the worst character that I have ever seen. The former governor of New York during the COVID attack actually put COVID-infected people in nursing homes with the most vulnerable people, the elderly with underlying conditions, and we ended up with massive deaths. To do what Cuomo, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Gov. Phil Murphy of New Jersey, and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf[1] did should be a crime but because they are Democrats, they got off scot-free.[2] About one-third of all COVID deaths happened in nursing homes.[3] In a nation of laws, this should not happen. In a nation run by a dictator, this is normal.
The vast majority of these infractions are by members of the Democrat Party but there is little to no opposition from Republicans, they are just as guilty. They have threatened to ‘investigate’ this kind of stuff if they get the majority back in 2022 but they had the majority in 2016 and did nothing about the fake sassier, the deleted 20,000 emails, the foreign funding of Hillary’s campaign, John Kerry’s secret negotiations with Iran in violation of the Logan Act, and they didn’t do squat about Hunter Biden’s dealings with Ukraine, the Communist Chinese Party, and all the other things he’s been involved with. I have little faith that the present members of the Republican party will do anything about any of this when they get back in power.
The mandates that have been put into place by Biden are not legal. They violate the Constitution and even override the Nuremberg Code of forcing medical procedures on people without their consent. Not many Republicans are opposing these overreaches. Unless we replace the vast majority of the people in Congress, we will not see the action we need to turn all of this around. The Democrats have gone full-blown communist and the Republicans are full of RINOs, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski, and Susan Collins, just to name a few and not many of the rest have the backbone to oppose the Democrats.
My only hope is there are a handful of trustworthy prophets that have called the last couple of years to a tee. And they say that God is going to do a reset, not the Democrats. His reset will set this nation back on track. He is not done with America. They have also declared that those that have worked to steal the election, and it was stolen, will be exposed and brought down. All the corruption that has been exposed will be brought to light and the party behind it will be decimated.
When Trump took out the ISIS leader al-Baghdadi Nacy Pelosi had a fit because Trump didn’t notify congressional leadership of the raid. There might have been a really good reason for that like al-Baghdadi being tipped off of the raid. Remember John Kerry’s daughter is married to a Muslim. Well, the fake president Biden takes out a top ISIS leader al-Qurayshi in Syria and it turns out that the top congressional leadership was not informed of that raid either. I guess we should be expecting an apology from Pelosi real soon. Don’t hold your breath on that one.
As I mentioned a few paragraphs ago John Kerry’s negotiations with Iran without the approval of Trump was a violation of the Logan Act. Kerry, in my opinion, has been a traitor to America since the Viet Nam War. His involvement with the dirtbag George Soros is another indication he’s a traitor. In an article from August of 2015 concerning the Iranian nuclear deal he negotiated we see this: Kerry’s family connection to Iran is no secret, and in the melting pot that is the United States, it is not entirely surprising. What is significant is that as part of the wedding preparations, Kerry went to a dinner party hosted by George Soros at his Manhattan penthouse. He undoubtedly met the best man Mahdi Zarif, and also met his father, Mohammad Javad Zarif, current Iranian Foreign Minister, who acted as the chief negotiator during nuclear talks, across the table from Kerry. This revelation was made by former Congressman Allen West on his website on July 28.
On Sunday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry “strongly rejected” the claim, calling it a “sheer lie and ‘news fabrication,” as reported by Fars News Agency. “Some media outlets that lack credit [sic] fabricate such news in pursuit of special objectives, including finding more viewer [sic],” the foreign ministry claimed.
Though no formal accusations have been made, neither have any inquiries or investigations been conducted. The accusation and the refutation stand on their own merits. Kerry’s close family connection was not mentioned in his confirmation hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.[4]
It is time we started sending people to Washington who loves America not our enemies. 2022 would be a good time to start.
- 5 governors besides Cuomo sent covid positive patients into nursing homes
- Nursing home deaths covid justice department no investigation
- Coronavirus nursing homes
- Nuclear nepotism hushed up the truth of Kerry’s personal Iran connection middle east

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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