Thursday, July 21, 2022

Pelosi's last prime-time sham show is tonight



Pelosi's last prime-time sham show is tonight

The Democrats have kept us on the edges of our seats for long enough. The next (and reportedly last in prime time) episode of Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 sham show is scheduled for this evening. As I reported yesterday, the whole theme of it is fraudulent --- based on the lie that President Trump waited three hours before responding to protesters at the Capitol. This is brazen political theatre, as see-through as AOC’s imaginary handcuffs.

As Sean Hannity said Wednesday, this kangaroo court is still ignoring the most critical facts about the decisions made in the days leading up to the rally. They don’t care about key evidence that is exculpatory; they care only about keeping it out. As you know, President Trump had a meeting two days before the event, attended by then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, Miller’s Chief of Staff Kash Patel, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley. It was at this meeting that Trump officially requested up to 20,000 National Guard troops for the Capitol grounds on January 6.

At that point, it was up to Pelosi and Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser to act on his offer. They refused it, with Bowser doing so in writing. Has any of this ever been mentioned by the kangaroo court? No. If this were a real committee, Pelosi, certainly, would be called as a witness, as she was in charge of security for the Capitol. She won’t be –- Chairman Bennie Thompson made it clear at the outset that Pelosi was off limits. The House sergeant-at-arms and the Capitol Hill police chief, who made repeated requests for assistance from the Guard, have not been subpoenaed, and won’t be.

Obviously, Pelosi could not allow the National Guard to be there, because that would have stopped the riot, and the Democrats needed the riot. I don’t like to get into reading minds (as the left tries to do with Trump all the time), but a case can easily be made that they WANTED the riot. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

Hannity noted that he’s had four of these five people –- everyone but Gen. Milley –- relate this story for the record on his show. He said that two of them also testified to the committee under oath that this happened. Also, Biden’s Inspector General for the Department of Defense investigated Trump’s DoD about the response to January 6 and found no wrongdoing, according to page 31 of their report.

Thanks to Sean for pointing this out: The IG report says that President Trump stressed the need to ensure safety, saying, “Mr. Miller and Gen. Milley met with the President at the White House at 5:30 p.m. The primary topic they discussed was unrelated to the scheduled rally. Gen. Milley told us that at the end of the meeting, the President told Mr. Miller that there would be a large number of protestors on January 6, 2021, and Mr. Miller should ensure sufficient National Guard or Soldiers would be there to make sure it was a safe event.”

So all five people in the room have confirmed this happened.

Of course, committee members also conveniently leave out the last part of Trump’s rally speech in which he mentions attendees walking “peacefully and patriotically” to the Capitol. The idea was for them to make their voices heard, nothing more. “This is not, and this has never been, a serious investigation,” Hannity said. All they do is pick-and-choose, slice-and-dice, cut-and-paste their fake “evidence” to manufacture a case against President Trump. We’ve said many times that this is how it’s done in banana republics, and that is not hyperbole. It really is what dictatorial regimes do.

As we’ve reported, the committee is now blaming the Secret Service for not having kept more text messages from the period surrounding that day to provide them in response to a subpoena. They want to see if there’s any mention of Trump “lunging” at the steering wheel of his SUV and trying to force the driver to take him to the Capitol. “Witness” Cassidy Hutchinson has offered only hearsay testimony about it. And two Secret Service agents who WERE there say they’re willing to testify that this event did not happen. They also won’t be called, of course. And Trump himself strongly denies that it happened.

As Kevin McCarthy pointed out, even if Pelosi had allowed any REAL Republicans on the committee –- Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger don’t count –- only the majority (Democrat) has subpoena power.

McCarthy said that Republicans proposed on the House floor that both parties should have subpoena power, and that “what had happened in America that entire summer” should be looked at. They also wanted to look at Pelosi and why the preparation was so lax. Needless to say, none of that happened.

Something else to note as we go into another farcical hearing: Julie Kelly has an update on how Biden’s ‘Justice’ Department is dealing with those protesters still caught in the legal system. In the case of Guy Wesley Reffitt, it’s easy to see how impossible it is for a Trump supporter to get a fair trial in Washington DC. Reffitt did engage in misconduct that day, but it “doesn’t come close to the overdramatic if not wholly dishonest account described in a 58-page sentencing recommendation the ‘Justice’ Department filed last week,” Kelly says.

“And it does not make him, or others in similar circumstances, part of a domestic terrorism plot as the Biden regime now insists.”

Prosecutors are seeking a 15-year prison sentence for Reffitt (!!!), basing that in part on a “terrorism enhancement provision” in federal sentencing guidelines. In other words, they’re calling him a terrorist. They’re saying that what he did “was calculated to influence or affect the conduct of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct.”

I would mention that if this makes one a terrorist, what about all those people protesting outside the Supreme Court and even intimidating justices outside their homes? What about the much-worse rioting that was intended to disrupt Trump’s inauguration in 2017?

Julie Kelly has done outstanding reporting on January 6, and her article is a must-read.

In a final look at our two-tiered ‘justice’ system, here’s what the Capitol police chief had to say about the failure of the U.S. attorney to charge Stephen Colbert’s team for trespassing at the Capitol.

You can read the details of their behavior here. The crew had applied for press credentials but had been denied. They didn’t care; they trespassed anyway and were in the halls of the Capitol complex unsupervised for hours. According to Chief, Thomas Manger, they even lied about being credentialed. They should have been tossed in the can. And if they’d been working for ME, they would have been!

LATE ADDITION:  Kyle Becker has a clear summary of the controversy surrounding the "disappearance" of Secret Service texts that might shed light on the (fake) story about Trump's "lunge" in the SUV.  This stalemate between the Secret Service and the committee is a red herring, as we don't need text messages to know whether Cassidy Hutchinson's hearsay testimony is true or false.  As you know, Secret Service agents who were THERE say they're ready to testify under oath that it is false.

Z*Z*Z Source:

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