What Happened to Common Sense – Are People Really that Clueless?
What is it about society today that makes thinking and acting like a complete idiot an okay thing to do? Where have our personal morals gone? Why does no one believe in karma anymore? Why is doing the right thing so difficult for so many? When will we, as a society, learn that the most valuable asset we have to offer this world and those around us is the ability of the human brain to use common sense? Seriously, what happened to common freaking sense?
In a world that has been designed, to be intricately fair and judicial – especially advanced and brilliant – we are lacking in one of the most basic of abilities of the human brain. To think and act clearly, and with common sense.
As parents, we spend most of our time trying to teach our children how to use common sense. Don’t climb on the bookcase, because it might fall over and hurt you. Don’t hit your sister because it is not nice and you will get in trouble. If you take the lid off your sippy cup, it will spill on the floor. If you stab yourself with a fork in the eye during dinner, it will hurt you. If you speak when the teacher is talking, you will get in trouble.
The list of things we teach children to do and value in life is virtually endless. And the most important parental lesson is to instill common sense in our children. For what? Because apparently from the headlines of late and the general actions of society as a whole – by the time so many people reach adulthood, they have literally no common sense left. Suddenly life is about living in the moment and not thinking about consequences or personal responsibilities that we may have to others and ourselves. Life is lived precariously from one moment to the other.
Should Starbucks and Mcdonald's really be forced to label hot chocolate and coffee with a warning that says the contents are hot? Do crib manufacturers and stroller companies really have to spend billions of dollars explaining to parents what to do and what not to do in order to protect their business. Isn’t it common sense that tells us most of these things? Does a court really need to step in and decide that what Sandusky did was morally wrong? Are our movie ratings really responsible for making choices that parents should make in regard to what is appropriate for their kids to watch?
Look inside your car, and you will see at least one, if not two clearly printed, permanent labels that explain the dangers of airbags in your car. And, you will see another printed warning that says the safest place for an infant or baby is in the backseat. Speaking of babies, is labeling clothes with fire retardant labels really necessary?
The list of endless crap that only signifies society has lost its ability to use common sense is completely endless. Today, courts are spending millions of dollars on bogus court cases and ridiculous bickerings between individuals who didn’t choose to utilize their common sense and then want to blame someone else for their ignorance.
Recently, there was an article in the New York Times about a group of people that got together and were collaboratively suing fast food establishments for making them fat. Whatever happened to personal choices and personal accountability? Did someone force-feed these people Big Macs and Apple Pies, and Whoppers accompanied by Coke? How about warnings on toothpaste containers that tell people NOT to eat toothpaste. Really, is that necessary? Because in a normal society, where people used common sense – they would already be clear that eating toothpaste is not in their own best interest.
A case study out of Psychology Today explains the lack of common sense like this. Apparently, as people become more and more intelligent, the natural progression to remain in a novelty-seeking state of adolescence. The higher the IQ, the higher chance that the person will lack what is known as civilities or common sense. Perhaps, we as a society are becoming so intelligent in our technological ways – that we are losing our abilities to be stabilized and functional in a society that requires common sense to run smoothly. Maybe, just maybe this is why the world we live in today is the way it is. Somehow, however, it seems that this theory that is explained by high thinkers – actually using their pragmatic approach to life to overthink the everyday, simple aspects of life and make them difficult is hard to swallow.
The lack of common sense boils down to two things. Selfishness and ego. People today place so much stock in being right all the time, in winning – even when there is nothing to win or lose, that they have lost touch with the most basic of human functions. Common sense.
Before long, the lack of common sense and the placement of burden on everyone and everything else in this world to accommodate it will cause people to discontinue thinking at all. At least for themselves. Then what?
Maybe instead of college exit exams and papers, in lieu of graduation exams and standardized testing – success should be measured in one’s ability to function self sufficiently in a world that is much simpler than we could ever believe. Imaginably, each of us would be ever curious about those who could pass the common sense test of life – and who would not.
I like that you touched on personal responsibility. I’ve personally complained about that myself in the past 5 yrs. or more. The other issue is parents that want to be friends with their kids and not parents. They think it is the school's role to teach kids everything there is to know in life. The other subset is parents that are almost completely disengaged in their children's lives due to substance abuse. When the parents are incapable of discerning right from wrong, how can they adequately instill the difference in their own child? That brings me to my final point, that legal and illegal have replaced right and wrong in the minds of far too many these days. If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times. “But it's perfectly legal!”. The justice system here in the US was originally set up to provide legal recourse for those who believe they have been wronged. Now it has become a revenue stream for large and small communities alike, with zero resemblance to its original intent. These days it seems everyone wants to get away with whatever they can. Great article on a subject that needs to be addressed sooner than later.
I completely agree. Sometimes I look around and think what is happening? Is everybody stupid or just ignorant? This article is spot on. We are becoming a society of useful idiots for politicians and lawmakers. We have allowed our children to be brainwashed and indoctrinated into believing that they can not think for themselves. That they have to go along to get along. It’s maddening to me how easily it happened.
Political correctness has replaced common sense. Bottom line.
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I am gravely concerned about the future of our country as the permeation of division, anarchy, and hatred is destroying the very fabric of a once-great nation. There is a movement that seems hell-bent on turning people against one another by creating division based on race, ethnicity, gender, income, age, and other factors to further their political ideology.
Truth, facts, and fair play seem to be totally irrelevant to them unless it favors their point of view. Because I care deeply about this country and dedicated 28 years of my life to supporting and defending the Constitution and our freedom through military service, I implore everyone to put aside party affiliations and utilize your brain, not your emotions, as you ponder what is best for the future of this nation.
The lies and corruption are rampant on both sides of the aisle. If politicians tell people the truth, they will never get elected. That is how broken and corrupt our two-party system is. We need to stop having career politicians and demand term limits.
Personally, I don’t care as much about their personality as I do about their policies and accomplishments. To me, the vital points for determining who to vote for comes down to who is going to support and defend the Constitution and do the best job for American freedom and liberty. It is not just about promises made, but about promises kept. Actions speak louder than words. We need to make a comprehensive list of the positives and the negatives of what each candidate has accomplished, what they stand for, and the potential long-term consequences of their actions on the future of our nation.
What am I voting for on Nov. 3? I am not just voting for one person based on their personality or likeability. I am voting for the future of our country:
• The First Amendment and freedom of speech.
• The Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.
• The next Supreme Court justice and the appointment of federal judges who will protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
• The continued growth of my retirement 401K, the stock market, and economic recovery from the pandemic.
• A return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.
• To preserve the Electoral College and the republic in which we live.
• For our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced again to China, Mexico, or other foreign countries.
• For secure borders and legal immigration.
• For our military and fellow veterans who fought for this country and defended the American people and their freedoms.
• For the unborn babies that have a right to live (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are constitutional rights).
• For continued progress in the Middle East and in support of Israel.
• To continue the fight against human/child trafficking.
• For freedom of religion without government control.
• For the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.
• For our American flag that has been disrespected and denigrated by so many on the left.
Most importantly, I am voting for my children and grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future. Like him or not, President Trump has accomplished more in the past 45 months than Joe Biden has in 47 years as a career politician, and to me, that speaks volumes. Once you surrender your rights and liberties to the socialists, you can never regain them without war and bloodshed.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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