The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

June 8, 2022, Dover Delaware on the ledger.
Tried to participate With other people from my state of Delaware in the functions of government in Dover Delaware pertaining to a hearing on gun ownership restrictions, they change the rules for the participants only speak for one minute barely giving anyone who wishes to speak and challenge what the legislative body was doing enough time to mention their name and say whether or not they were for or against this extension of communist rule in the state of Delaware.
The state of Delaware or Delaware state however you wish to define it is an unconstitutional government being run and controlled by foreign entities which have basically eliminated any participation from the people in the process of a civil government, the state of Delaware or Delaware state has become a foreign political entity within the boundaries of the United States of America and does not follow or comply to the strict rules of the Constitution of the United States of America, they have blatantly eliminated input from the people and allow political theater by political operatives to control the Hearings and narrative of the state to control the people and the people's lives.
The representatives have written legislation that comes from the fruit of the poisonous tree, these representatives had to violate their oath of office that they took Before they could become eligible to hold any position in our government, they took this oath of office before God with their hand on the Bible and sworn an oath to uphold and protect the documents That secure this nation for the people and under control of the people, and by violating this oath of office They have perjured themselves and have fallen out of honor and are no longer eligible to hold any position of in government and must step down from that position.
By their acts of perjury, They are no longer trustworthy have violated the faith and the trust of the people, and are now And forever are without honor! These legislators had to violate and break the law and their own rules to create a law that they wish to invoke upon the people of the state of Delaware, let that sink in!
The people of the state of Delaware need to realize that the legislation that they pass on June 8, 2020, pertaining to gun control and gun legislation is designed to make sure that no victim or any person will have the ability to defend themselves against tyrants and criminals alike, it's an insult to the people and the children who have been shot down in our communities, basically saying to those victims you don't have a right to defend yourself, and they are expanding by legislation the crimes against these victims By proxy, now these victims are victims of the legislative process that will create only more victims, and turn more innocent people into criminals.
When the state of Delaware remove the ratification process for the people to vote on the laws of the state of Delaware they removed the Peoples input into government and change the state of government and the state of Delaware or Delaware state into a communist dictatorship or into a democracy which is mob rule, what we the people have witness yesterday on June 8, 2022 was mob rule of the legislative body, not taking into consideration whatsoever what the people of Delaware wants or desires from their government, they gave the people 60 seconds for comments barely enough time to state your name and where you live and to articulate the crimes of the legislative body, perhaps the next insertion of the destruction of liberty in the state of Delaware will only have 15 seconds for comments, or perhaps that they will close the and lock the doors and not listen to anything That the people want from their government Because at this point The legislative body does not they care what any of the people have to say! when both parties are communist agents working against the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and are using our government As a weapon Against us to line their pockets and steal Our powers And liberties from us, And continually Engineering and creating legislation that completely removes the input of the people to be part of the government.
I also provided a letter stating my non-negotiable notice un-a-lien-able rights to every member of the legislative body that was distributed by the clerk of the Senate to every member of the legislative body representatives and senators alike, stating many Supreme Court rulings that says this legislation is basically unconstitutional and unlawful, and the legislative body continued to violate and break the laws of the land in spite of being informed in writing that what they were doing was unconstitutional and unlawful, in just one of those notices from the Supreme Court was US versus Miller Supreme Court ruling 230 F2-D 486 which states the claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime, the legislative body blatantly ignored this Supreme Court ruling in spite of being notified prior to the vote on this legislation, which means this legislation had a predetermined outcome and that's why they only gave people 60 seconds to speak because they did not care what you had to say.
strategies to destroy America!
I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

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