A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"; it may have originated as "a little learning is a dangerous thing": A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: their shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.
Fighting the Department of Education Against the Critical Race
From the Federation for Liberty and American Greatness: FLAGUSA.org Nick Adams: Conservative Group Host: To eliminate the Critical Race Theory curriculum from American Schools: PO Box 98139, Washington DC 20090-8139 Submitted by PL Sturgis, author of Pilgrims Path to Freedom, "Render Tribute Due" history paperback books. amazon.com/authors page/Pearlsturgis _______. Nick Adams, the founder of "The Foundation for Liberty and American greatness, was born in Australia and immigrated here in 2016 because he believed that America was the greatest country in the world. He was shocked to find America's Education System infected with poisonous woke anti-American ideology. So he founded the Foundation for Liberty in order to create educational materials for Kindergarten to grade 12 to explain what has made America so exceptional in human history. That is also my goal and has been since way back in the 50s when they kicked the Bible out of Public Schools and took down our Covenant with our Creator of the "Ten Commandments" our moral common law in our Christain nation under God. I was in the 5th grade in Harford County, Maryland when they immediately began teaching the theory of evolution. Then in the 70s, I had 4 kids in school when they began teaching, in South East Pennsylvania, pre-marital sex and abortion and handing out birth control pills to the girls and condoms to the boys. I contacted my representative about this problem and I informed him of a paperback book titled "Bless the Beasts and the Children" which was filled with bad words and all about kids rebelling against their parents and gathering groups to run away for their own freedom. The Representative knew nothing about it and thanked me for contacting him. The teacher was fired and things went smooth but not for long. I later learned it was not just a private matter but was from the National curriculum turning students against their parents. I, then joined a national group "Eagle Forum" by Phyllis Schlafly, in order to form a chapter in this South East, PA area. At that time Reagan was President and we fought against the (so-called) "equal rights" Amendment and banned it. It was giving equal time to evil as to good and immorality as to morality. _____. So naturally, (back to the present) 2022: when I receive Nick Adams's Critical Race Theory (CRT) explanation of poisoning children's minds, it took me back to the same agenda of brainwashing the younger generation. I was glad to find this group standing against the department of Education's evil curriculum. it is just the same controlling agenda using another system to steal our children from their families._____. I opened the Letter signed by Nick Adams and read about the same old evil again with a different name. So happy to learn here is a group standing up against this powerful Brainwashing evil to control our children: _____. The Letter begins like this: *Joe Biden's Department of Education is aggressively pushing the Critical Race Theory (CRT) in our Public Schools. * Teachers who speak out against it are losing their jobs. * Students who speak out against it are being expelled from their schools. The Critical Race Theory has its origins in 1960 and 1970. It is based on Marxism which has its philosophy behind Communism. it has led to the slaughter of more than 100 million people. Tens of millions more were put in slave labor camps. The Critical Race Theory is Communism and Marxism rebranded. Instead of putting classes of people against each other, as carl Marx and Communism did, CRT puts black and brown people, called "oppressed people" against white people called "oppressors." ______. They are taught how to hate! CRT indoctrinates white children to hate themselves and to hate America! Under this curriculum now taught in all our Public Schools to our children; are separating white children from the rest of the class and scolding them for being white and for their oppressive nature! THE CRITICAL RACE THEORY IS NOW THE FOUNDATION IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ACROSS AMERICA: Nick Adams: FLAGUSA.org
PL Sturgis: I agree with Nick Adams and his Conservative Group: We want these Christian curriculums taught across America: 2 Timothy 2:19: The Foundation of God stands sure: Let everyone who names the Name of Christ depart from iniquity: We want the Bible back in Public Schools and the same teaching of Blackstone's common-law taught in our Christian nation as, at one time, our Christian Supreme Court and 95.5% Christian founding fathers set up our Pledge of allegiance for justice and liberty for all.________.
Here is how Nick Adams put it: "NO COUNTRY IN HISTORY HAS EVER BEEN FOUNDED IN LIBERTY FOR ALL. MARTIN LUTHER KING REPEATEDLY REFERRED TO AMERICAN DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE IN HIS HISTORIC "I HAVE A DREAM" "I have a dream that one day my 4 little children will live in a nation when they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." But the Critical race Theory teaches the opposite of Martin Luther King's Dream. It teaches America was built on racism and evil at its founding instead of the colorblind Christian society that Martin Luther King wanted. Critical Race Theory divides people by race and puts people against each other. here are a few examples of today, 2022: *In Philadelphia (city of brotherly love) 5th graders were required to celebrate black communism! (In this Christian Nation? God forbid!) In Buffalo New York a kindergarten class was forced to watch dead black children on a video. They were warned about racist police who may kill them at any time. * In Columbus, Ohio 3 students were expelled because their parents disagreed with the CRT curriculum. (to be continued) 4 Part Battle to remove Critical Race Theory from our Public School

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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