The Ministry of Biden’s Truth and the Democrats will lose Every Vote in Midterm Elections Now That People Know Who they are Really, The American Communist Party
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction
Cognitive Dissonance: The Ministry of Biden’s Truth
Cognitive dissonance equates to “intellectual denial of reality.”
And this from GOP congressional candidate Errol Webber: “Adolf Hitler had a Ministry of Truth…Joseph Stalin had a Ministry of Truth along with Mao Zedong. All of them were dictators. The Biden regime now has a Ministry of Truth.”
If you haven’t read George Orwell’s book 1984, please pick up a copy to give yourself an understanding of what’s happening in Washington DC as to the Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas.
The Best of President Reagan's Speeches Against Tyranny
He’s a Cuban-American who features more Fidel Castro in his blood and mind than anyone can imagine. It’s obvious he never read the U.S. Constitution. He doesn’t understand that the foundation of our Republic stands with the 1st Amendment. That’s why it’s the first of all the amendments to our Constitution.
The fact remains that the 1st Amendment allows all of us to argue, debate, quarrel, dispute, question, and ultimately resolve our differences in a peaceful manner. It allows dimwits like AOC or Maxine Waters to splatter their voices onto the halls of Congress. It allows calmer voices like Tom Cotton or Rand Paul to give greater perspective. It gives highly intelligent Tulsi Gabbard a voice of reason for democrats. It furthers intelligent dialogue, new ideas, and better choices by all of us as to how we conduct our country’s present and future.
On April 27, Biden regime DHS head, Alejandro Mayorkas, announced the formation of a new Disinformation Governance Board — to enforce the suppression of truth-telling instead of countering what conflicts with it. During congressional testimony, Mayorkas claimed the following: “We have just established a miss- and disinformation governance board (DGB) in the Department of Homeland Security to more effectively combat this threat, not only to election security but to our homeland security.”
Shades of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth.
This rather stupid announcement by one of Biden’s henchmen comes on the heels of calling parents who stood up at school board meetings to give their opinions on CRT being taught to their children: terrorists.
Never mind that Mayorkas allowed 2,000,000 illegal alien migrants to jump our borders in 2021, and already in 2022, he’s allowed another 220,000 per month to invade us at our expense. Never mind that 105,000 Americans died of drug overdoses last year because Mayorkas-Biden invited all the drug cartels to dump their poisons all over America. Never mind that we have 35 documented Islamic Training Terrorists Centers within the United States from New York to California. Never mind that MS-1-3 gangs distribute fentanyl, heroin, ecstasy, methamphetamines, and worse to our kids. Never mind that Biden brought 124,000 Afghan refugees to our country with NO VETTING of any of them for being Islamic terrorists. Never mind Biden gave those Afghanistan Taliban terrorists $93 billion in free war machinery.
Never mind Joe Biden gave $33 billion of our tax dollars to Ukraine to defend themselves when he’s encouraging an invasion of our own borders in violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution. Biden also violates US Code 8, Section 1324… 24/7 by allowing this invasion and it is being ignored by Mayorkas. Again, cognitive dissonance.
So, who are the “real” terrorists in our country? You cannot escape the fact that Joe Biden and Mayorkas break our laws daily. Never has a president or DHS chief been so trapped in “cognitive dissonance.” Are they brain dead, politically inept, incompetent…or all of the above?
If this invasion of our southern border continues under Biden’s watch, and you can bet it will continue, the very makeup, the stability, the very essence of America cannot and will not survive. We will continue to devolve and decline into massive pockets of third-world misery. If you could simply walk through the 66,000 homeless in Los Angeles or the 35,000 homeless in San Francisco—you would discover our future.
What these men are creating: systemic, endemic, and unsolvable poverty. We witness illiteracy, crime, drugs, and human futility on a scale not seen in the USA, ever before.
Biden encourages third-world poverty to establish itself within the United States. He invites systemic drug use among our young and our older addicts. He invites total loss of the rule of law. He manifests the decay of cities like Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis, New York City, Miami, Denver, and more. He invites homelessness, hopelessness, and futility to our own cities.
Did we the American people deserve this treatment? Did we deserve this kind of lawlessness by our own president and DHS chief? Do we deserve the final outcome of another 2 million or 10 million illegal migrants rampaging over our borders? Do we deserve the Islamic training camps? Do we deserve to protect Ukraine’s borders, but not our own? Do we deserve the loss of our sovereignty? What are those two guys doing to our country?
Oh, Mr. Biden and Mr. Mayorkas: you can stick your “Ministry of Truth” where the sun…well, you get my drift.
Is anyone in America thinking about these questions? Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?
Ronald Reagan Warns Us of Bernie, Hillary, and Obama
As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future? If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.
This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks, and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more. Just click the link below to see the video.
Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge
This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.
We need a total termination of all immigration for the next 20 years. These two organizations are the only ones to advocate for a 20-year moratorium on all immigration. Take action: and
Share these videos all over America:
Jimmy Dore: “They never wanna censor people [for] lying… Julian Assange is in prison not because he told lies; he’s in prison because he told truths about war criminals.”
Max Blumenthal: “They influenced the election by lying to the American public because they lie for a living. They’re trained to lie; they are paid to lie. They are master liars; they are the biggest propagators of disinformation. Like Mike Pompeo, former CIA Director, said, ‘When I was trained, we learned to lie, cheat, and steal. That’s what we did,’ and these people are now determining what truth and fiction are.”
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