Perhaps no head of state before Joe Biden has so completely personified the maritime proverb that the fish rots from the head down. In both deed and physical decay, he is that putrefying rancidness wafting from where offal is tossed near the dock whose ability to trigger the gag reflexes of unsuspecting travelers seems the perfect metaphor for this nauseating moment in American history. Not only is Joe's walking corpse a fitting symbol for a country that has never looked more debilitated, but the reality (ignored by the State's slavishly devoted press corps) that his cognitive acuity is plummeting so fast that terminal velocity was reached long ago drives the point home that the head of our head of state is rotting, too.
When Biden's handlers sent him to Buffalo, New York, to exploit a mass murder by blaming conservatives, liberty-lovers, Trump Republicans, Fox News, and just about anybody to the right of Karl Marx for a crime whose perpetrator didn't even merit the faux-president's direct condemnation, angry, spiteful Joe Biden showed just what a miserable, acidic, revolting excuse for a human being he's always been. A real president would have mourned the dead, comforted the survivors, consoled the grieving, and united Americans through the common bonds of their humanity. But Joe Biden is no real president, so he both dishonored the solemnity of the occasion and betrayed his sacred duty to elevate the nation's welfare over the interests of his party's political power. With an outstretched, bony finger good for nothing now but casting blame, he tarnished the tragedy with petty partisanship, rebuffed the nation's need for grace, befouled what should have been dignified, and withered further the civic sinews barely binding Americans together as one nation. Biden's moment in Buffalo was disgraceful.
I know Republicans such as Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham love to tell stories about how charming and friendly the Great Mental Void from Delaware has always been, but you can't spew such filthy, spiteful rhetoric as Biden did in Buffalo without having a dark and rotten soul. This is who Joe Biden has been all his wretched life. When he wasn't stealing other people's words for his own use or orchestrating Justice Thomas's "high-tech lynching," he was running around the country telling black Americans that Republicans wanted to "put y'all back in chains," scaring elderly Americans that Obamacare opponents wanted to destroy their Medicare or straight-up lying about the authenticity of his son's "laptop from hell." You don't have to watch that old lecherous canker fondle children or impose on women's personal space to know that Joe Biden has a mottled, tattered soul that would turn the stomachs of the devil's most sulfurous henchmen.
When a man lacking the requisite character to hold great power is overwhelmed by his own moral turpitude, entire nations fall apart. How quickly the mindless destruction of President Trump's economic and immigration policies have thwarted an American middle-class renaissance and set the country adrift on a downward spiral. A Marxist, corporatist, globalist hydra-headed beast has broadsided the nation. More than any other animating principle, Biden's administration operates under petulancy, enraged that American citizens would have a reasonable desire to "Make America Great Again." The fact that MAGA policies were actually having their intended salubrious effect has pushed the "America Last" cabal into the kind of apoplexy required to witlessly unleash this bizarre and defeatist national self-immolation. Welcome to Biden's America, where everyone is imprisoned in a nightmare republic of financial insecurity, stagflation, crime, institutional corruption, and war. If you don't like the cultural wasteland outside your window, you'll fall in love with the abundance of lost opportunities.
What kind of damage do "America Last" policies inflict on the American people? They lift up the spirits of our enemies and dampen our own. They enrich the tyrants of Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, and China, at the expense of American small towns and their working-class residents. They turn "peace" into a dirty word, so that endless war becomes inevitable. They erode what's left of the value of the American dollar while forcing more of the middle class into poverty. They so confuse our children with Marxist propaganda that misguided youth volunteer for life-altering bodily mutilations before even reaching puberty. They put such a low value on human life that would-be mothers twist infanticide into a virtue. They vilify American history so that America's past achievements are forgotten. They blame the innocent for the wicked's transgressions and punish the law enforcers for the lawbreakers' crimes. They praise the illegal immigrant while demonizing the American citizen. They denigrate as racist those who see character before skin color and laud as "woke" anyone pathologically obsessed with race. They "manage American decline" as if American decline were inevitable and not intentionally inflicted by its ruling class. In all ways, Biden's unforgivable "America Last" parade of horrors hurts Americans, damages their prospects, and seeks to provoke and embitter them until their hopes are sufficiently sunken to match the blighted souls of America's tormentors. And the more that Biden and his enablers succeed, the more America resembles the broken-down, stumbling, slobbering, slow-witted, vanquished, bought-and-paid-for China appeaser whose fifty years of public corruption made him the perfect shell to occupy the Executive Office of the President today.
Sometimes, it seems to me, that God looks around at the chaos His children have unleashed and decides that a more direct approach to jolting them awake is required before it's too late. As devastating for the country as Joe Biden's time in office has been, he has without a doubt woken up a lot of people to the perilously declining health of the United States today. It is as if the Almighty has held up a giant mirror near the Potomac River so that Americans confronted with Biden's morally vacant visage can properly see just how craven, duplicitous, and vilely gangrenous Washington, D.C., has become. For that one service, I am thankful for the rotting fish in the White House, whose unmitigated disaster of a presidency and obscene predilection for doling out needless cruelty have helped more Americans understand our sorry state of affairs than was previously possible. If this is our final warning as a nation to stand to, correct course, and sail around the unforgiving seas ahead, then perhaps America needed the wayward, wobbly excuse for a man we have today in the Oval Office to appreciate wholly that the hour for last chances is fast approaching. What damage to America Joe Biden has wrought! Saving the ship before it sinks will require all hands on deck!
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A major new development in the Hunter Biden laptop scandal
The Washington Examiner’s new reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop saga marks a giant leap in the public’s understanding of a significant story of national import. A story that was reprehensibly suppressed in the run-up to the 2020 election.
For one thing, the Washington Examiner has put to rest the risible claims that the laptop’s digital contents are not authentic. Plainly, the contents were produced by Biden’s operation of the laptop and nothing else. An exacting technical analysis performed by a highly qualified expert, retained by the Washington Examiner based on his decades of government and private work in the field, confirms what has been patent since the laptop emerged as a public controversy in the weeks just prior to the 2020 election: The laptop belonged to Hunter Biden.
The thousands of emails, memos, ledgers, and photos contained on the laptop were generated by his use of it. To have suggested the laptop’s contents were the result of a hack, a plant, or (most preposterously, Russian intelligence service disinformation) was grossly irresponsible. There was scant evidence that the information could have been fabricated, in comparison to overwhelming evidence that the information, though startling in many particulars, was what one would reasonably have expected to find on a Hunter Biden laptop. Expected to find, that is, given the younger Biden's notoriously shady foreign business entanglements, his network of family and friends, his history of trading on his father’s political influence, and his demons.
Contrary to what the public was told, it is not difficult to authenticate evidence for purposes of use in court. The rules of evidence indulge a presumption in favor of the admissibility of probative evidence. If an item appears to be what the proponent represents it to be, the rules provide for its admission into the evidentiary record even if there are gaps in the chain of custody or other indications of possible irregularities. Our law’s theory is that such questions go to the weight of the evidence, not its admissibility. The party against whom the evidence is admitted gets to demonstrate any weaknesses through cross-examination; the jury or court then decides how much credibility and significance to attribute to the item. Hunter Biden's laptop always appeared to be what its proponents claimed it was: Hunter Biden's laptop.
Even before the Washington Examiner’s analysis, there was a plausible account of how the laptop came to be left at a repair shop. There was the revelation of numerous emails that appeared, in context, to relate to independently verifiable transactions. There were emails and memos that similarly related to independently verifiable personal associations and events. There were photographs that appeared to be of a personal nature. There were witnesses who authenticated key documents. And perhaps most telling of all: There was no detailed denial from President Joe Biden's campaign or Hunter Biden himself — the parties in the best position to cry foul if the materials published by the New York Post had been corruptly manufactured.
When a question emerged about whether Joe Biden, as vice president, had met with one of Hunter Biden's Ukrainian business associates, campaign officials said they would need to check the former vice president’s calendar — they didn’t deny that it could have happened or claim the relevant laptop file was a fabrication. And Hunter Biden’s latest position is that the laptop information "absolutely" could be his. Now, we finally have an analysis that makes what was already obvious indisputable. This forensic analysis combines standard, technical DKIM analysis with so-called "digital sandwiching." The latter is a not-so-fancy term for placing things in their factual context. While the analysis is an impressive piece of work, we are not talking rocket science here. This sort of "sandwiching" is what all of us do when questions arise about the reliability of information: We place the information in its time (relative to events that happened before and after), and we assess how the information stacks up against other independently verifiable facts, and we determine whether the people involved were in a position (and had logical reason) to say and do what is reflected in the information.
Because it applies this commonsense approach methodically to the thousands of files on the laptop, the analysis enables us to say with confidence that the laptop’s contents would be admitted as evidence by any competent judge in the United States. The authenticity of the laptop should never have been a serious issue. That is why legacy media outlets suppressed the laptop. They knew they could not establish its falsity because it wasn’t false. That former government national security officials would exploit their expert credentials in a blatantly politicized effort to discredit information that was not suspect, but that stood to harm the Biden campaign, goes far in explaining why public confidence in our intelligence services has never been lower.
There are many alarming facets of the laptop's contents. Some are already known. Some are only now emerging. But the first order of business in any fact-finding endeavor is to authenticate the source of one’s information. The laptop is authentic.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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