The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

It's mandatory in accordance with the Constitution that every state is a constitutional Second Amendment state, if they do not follow the Constitution they are outside the parameters of article 4 section 4 of the Constitution, which guarantees to every state a Republican form of government, also any legislator who does not support the Constitution has performed by his/her non-support of the Constitution, is perjury against his/her oath of office which is an impeachable offense.
Rights travel with you wherever you go, if the state claims that your rights do not travel with you they have breached the contract between the state and federal government, and the state is now liable for breach of contract and any damages caused by that breach.
Rights are not privileges and are not subject to conditions, privileges have conditions rights do not have conditions Rights come with responsibilities that is the difference between a right and a privilege owning and possessing a firearm is not a privilege! it is a right! Anyone trying to take another's rights away is committing a crime because rights are property, so anyone trying to remove someone's rights are performing theft of property.
Greetings to my fellow Christians, do you realize that at any given moment in time God could take every evil person off of this planet all at the same time, do you realize that the people who have this great evil intent in destroying other people's lives, do so because they have nothing, they could be sitting on an island in paradise, or to travel to any part of the world they wish, and no matter where they go they cannot be happy and satisfied.
They could be on an island a paradise on this planet, with all the food and drink, and all the people around them that they wish to manipulate and control for their own perverse pleasures, and they cannot quench their thirst or their hunger, no relationship with another will fulfill them, they walked and travel this land seeking out those who possess happiness and try to destroy those who are happy and content in their world, because these people in power can never find that, that's what makes them a great evil, imagine having all the money and power in the world and never being able to quench your thirst, never being able to be satisfied with anything Or any relationship, and never being able to trust anyone, so they try to manipulate people to take the simple pleasures of life away from simple people, because we possess the treasure that they can never have, and the more the people seem unhappy and dissatisfied with the treasures that God has given us, these evil entities allegedly who control the world find some perverse pleasure in the suffering of other people.
Remember this at any given time God created all of this and at any given time God can End all of this.
By Bill Sharpe Sussex County Delaware, 5/28/ 2022.
I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

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