The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

The leadership of the Democratic Party and some in the Republican Party should be charged with treason under The Patriot Act, they have created a state today where our national security has been compromised and violated, and they have put in jeopardy the lives and treasures of all of the American people! The fact that they will not stop invaders from crossing the southern border has been witnessed by more than two, these are the terms to define treason against our nation in accordance with our laws if there are no government agencies that are enforcing government policies and laws, then the United States of America is truly in a state of anarchy without any analytical leadership dedicated to the protection of our nation, our laws, and our lives, this is treason against our nation and our people, and that we wish to protect our ways of life then we must confront the people at all cost, those who are truly in a position to defend this nation in the military should start organizing from within not to overthrow this nation, but to overthrow those who are in power who are destroying this nation.
If the Declaration of Independence was the first document of freedom created by the founding fathers, then what are the other two documents in relation to the Declaration of Independence? The Constitution was written to preserve protect and defend the Declaration of Independence and to establish our form of government which is to protect the rights of the people, the Bill of Rights was established to protect and defend the Constitution from becoming a cancer to our liberties, one document establishes our rights liberties and freedoms, and the other two documents were created to protect the first, circumventing the second two documents would be treason against the first and to all of the people's liberties and freedoms. To alter any of the two secondary documents would be to change our form of government of the self-governing of we the people to democracy by mob rule or a dictatorship, and that is why it would be treason to alter the documents designed to protect this form of government, if it is not in defense of our liberties and freedoms, then it is an attack upon our liberties and freedoms.
I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

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