Sunday, January 9, 2022

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 01/09/2022, AS I SEE IT: “The Day That Was”/ “The Poisoning Our Body Politic”

by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

AS I SEE IT: “The Day That Was”

 If anyone had doubts that our beloved America needs to be saved the theatrics by the PARTY OF HATE in the day that was should have put all of it to rest. They are vile, vicious, and calculating. To completely destroy those of us in the MAGA movement is their undeniable quest. It was shameful what we witnessed at the Capitol. The Democrat party is totally consumed with EVIL. It would be a compliment to call them reprehensible.

 That despicable cackling, laughing hyena had the balls to equate January 6th with 9-11 and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. She and Biden deliberately blew out of proportion what occurred a year ago Thursday. So truly demented are they in every possible way. It was truly sickening to paint the political base of Donald Trump as Nazis, as terrorists. It is utterly appalling what comes out of the mouths of these radical MARXISTS...

 They have politicized JANUARY 6 to an extreme. It distracts the many failures of this feckless, old doddering fool, Joe Biden. He is a drowning man who proved that he will grab hold of anything that remotely resembles a life raft. It was clearly so. His attempt to use last January 6 as a savior for the presidency reveals more about his party’s predicament than it does about the unsettling events of twelve months ago.

 Of course, he went too far. That was clearly apparent as he excoriated his predecessor, holding him responsible for causing what he and his PARTY OF HATE have labeled an insurrection. The events that the Democrats took part in were clearly a downright abomination. They lie and lie and lie some more. These are wretched reprobates so rotten to the core.

 The detestable warmonger, Dick Cheney was in attendance and with Nancy Pelosi, he stood shoulder to shoulder. Close by stood his disgraced and utterly despicable daughter. The whole day was truly appalling I needn’t have to tell any of you. These scumbags think that by hyping up the riots that took place it will resonate with the electorate. Anyone with a brain knows that is not true. Voters in this country have the riots of that day in January far down their priority list. As we all know the PARTY OF HATE never lets go of a crisis go to waste. It is something that they cannot resist.

 When it comes to weaponizing Jan. 6 for partisan purposes, the Democrats don’t know any limitations. Indeed, sometimes it was hard to tell on Thursday if they were commemorating a tragedy or celebrating an opportunity. And what you may be asking might that opportunity be? Clearly, it was to promote the PARTY OF HATE’S bid to override state laws to federalize elections. It is highly unlikely that is something we will see.

 The January 6 Committee is nothing but a SHOW TRIAL. It is a total SHAM. A search for the truth it is not. In their press conference two super-patriots, Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene made their case for the truth to be revealed. Was the riot inspired by undercover federal agents?? What we demand to know has been deliberately concealed.

 It is only a matter of time before we will find out the truth. When the GOP takes over Congress that is when it will be. Until then the lies will continue. Our body politic is so dysfunctional. It’s in a state of insanity!!!


AS I SEE IT: “The Poisoning Our Body Politic”

 The PARTY OF HATE puts the end of the filibuster front and center. This is a political party more and more comprised of revolutionaries with a horrific agenda. We clearly saw last year how much they revealed about themselves regarding their vision of our beloved America’s future. None of it is any good. These are ultra radicals steeped in an ideology that will destroy our nation. This is something that must be completely understood.

 Never have we seen a political party so evil. It is comprised of very few if any who will dare to try and stray. No dissent is tolerated. Each and every one of these scumbags must OBEY. Be forewarned that this year they will be more dangerous than ever. I say this with certainty. They realize that they will be shellacked in the upcoming midterms. It is a foregone conclusion that they will lose their Congressional majority.

 It must be said yet again that as presently constituted the PARTY OF HATE is made up of lunatic revolutionaries that we have not seen in many a generation. Their agenda is perverse and utterly frightening. Whether it be federalizing elections, packing the court, or ending the electoral college one thing can be certain. Anything that these cretins propose strikes millions of us as utterly appalling.

 In our body politic, it seems as if every despicable thing is fair game when it comes to winning an election. The Democrats have perfected the art political shenanigans to perfection. Getting ‘dirt’ on a political opponent is commonplace. It was seen in the presidential election of 2016  against Donald Trump which included FISA abuses. This was way beyond a disgrace.

 As we all know the pandemic gave the PARTY OF HATE the opportunity to go beyond cheating to outright stealing. Mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting were permitted and led to the election of Joe Biden. He is our nations’ first illegitimate president who is rapidly declining cognitively. We see this FRAUD living out a fantasy.

 We see him speaking from make-believe sets in the middle of the afternoon. This dolt cannot put two sentences together. This is all rather sickening to see. Life for all of us under his reign is far, far from better. Let me put it this way. I detest this POS who has been a miserable failure all his miserable life and personally corrupt to his miserable core. A year of him has been truly appalling. I dread the thought of him being around for three years more.

 Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Capitol Riot and you can be sure all of the HATEFUL SCUM will spew their venom. They call us INSURRECTIONISTS. It is on the face of it an absurdity. We will not be silenced to accept an election that we all know was as FRAUDULENT as one could ever be.

 We stand with our fellow patriots who have languished for a year in a prison cell. They have been denied due process. They have been put through for lo these many months pure HELL. Is this what our beloved Nation has come to? Is this the abominable state we find ourselves in? Apparently, it is so in the America of Joe Biden.


Written by Joe Esposito, 01/03-05/2022

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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