AS I SEE IT: “The Meanderings Of A Useless Man”
Yesterday’s Biden’s address to the nation was long-winded, dreary, and delivered in a convoluted manner. The topics he covered were the OMICRON variant and Joe Manchin vis a vis BUILD BACK BETTER. He had to do this for these two topics are bedeviling his ILLEGITIMATE presidency. A more pathetic figure than this POS is hard to find. His list of political disasters can truly blow one’s mind.
It is not surprising that Joe Biden has proved to be a FAILURE of historic proportions. This FRAUD is incapable of speaking the truth. He spews lie after lie. He mouthes so many distortions.
With regard to the Omicron variant, he once again tried to instill fear in every one of us. The PARTY OF HATE never lets a crisis go to waste. These vermin continue the politicization of the Coronavirus. We heard this FRAUD once again speak of the strong possibility that we’ll be experiencing a WINTER OF DEATH. In the harshest tone, he scolds the unvaccinated. How many times have we heard that stated? He is so totally clueless that he is being tuned out. He is not fooling anyone. Millions know what he and his PARTY OF HATE are all about.
With regard to his signature legislation, it is being put on hold for the time being. Joe Manchin is a NO vote on the present form of this bill. Without his vote BUILD BACK BETTER is going nowhere. For the moment millions of us can breathe a sigh of relief due to the steadfastness of the Senator from West Virginia. He has put those who we loathe, the CORRUPT media and all of the scumbag elites, in a state of hysteria.
When questioned about Manchin Biden was careful not to throw more burning oil on the West Virginia Democrat. It would not help to do so in any way. Once again Biden claimed falsely that provisions in the bill are crucial for working- and middle-class families. Another outright lie that we heard him say.
The purpose of his speech was to show that he and his party are on top of this latest variant as the number of infections grows. If this was an emergency why did he wait until yesterday to address the nation and in the afternoon no less? He is clearly not up to the job. He is utterly USELESS.
It didn’t help that Biden coughed and cleared his throat repeatedly during a speech warning about death and disease. He rarely looks robust, but given the context, this was all so very concerning I want you to know. He has been in office one month shy of a year, with three more years to go. We shudder to think what will be. Can we survive this ILLEGITIMATE presidency?? It is a question that is asked repeatedly.
AS I SEE IT: “A Show Trial Of The Worst Kind”
The despicable daughter of the detestable WAR MONGER is at the forefront of the January 6 Committee. Full of praise comes from that wretched Speaker for Liz Cheney. She along with that scumbag Adam Kinzinger play useful IDIOTS that is quite sickening. It’s pure HATRED for Trump and his political base that they keep spewing.
The New York SLIMES recently delivered a glowing profile of this dirtbag from Wyoming who millions of us so despise. Cheney truly enjoys the spotlight that the PARTY OF HATE has put her in. This committee is truly highly partisan.
These scumbags are focused on a naked search-and-destroy mission against their political enemies. It is next to impossible to tolerate such scum. They truly are sleaze. To denigrate Trump and his political base is their sole purpose and it is all very transparent. They’ll do anything they can to destroy our forty-fifth president.
The toxic narrative that Trump and his supporters are white supremacists is clearly being done to a very great degree. Biden and his PARTY OF HATE want to hound the former president’s sympathizers out of Congress and the military. To that end the two Republican turncoats help in any way they can, doing so willingly. If FOX News or any other institution dares to harbor Trump supporters they will be dealt with in a very harsh manner. In Biden’s America, we are seeing a SHOW TRIAL whose purpose is to create a REIGN OF POLITICAL TERROR.
Preferably the political opponents must be sent to jail. Of course, that is the point of bringing criminal contempt charges against Mark Meadows and former White House strategist Steve Bannon. Methinks it will come to no avail. They rightfully refuse to comply with subpoenas from Pelosi’s star chamber. A court has yet to rule on whether Trump’s claims of executive privilege extend to Meadows and Bannon. As we have seen for these past eleven months this political regime does what it wants to. An utterly lawless president is Joe Biden.
This Committee is utterly shameless I don’t have to tell you for that is something you already know. The standards of integrity of Cheney and the rest of her newfound friends are abysmally low. It was reported that Adam Schiff, the PARTY OF HATE’S lowlife scum was editing texts between Meadows and Jim Jordan. He then proceeded to read them aloud with a theatrical flourish as this ‘pencil-necked, big-eyed cretin is wont to do every time. A more lowlife piece of trash than he is impossible to find. Hey, ‘pencil neck’, you are nothing but slime.
Those who have been jailed have been treated miserably. They languish in pretrial detention in DC GITMO to the utter delight of the PARTY OF HATE and SLEEPY Joe. In Biden’s America HATRED for political opponents reigns supreme. It is as we have seen vicious and vile to an extreme.
Written by Joe Esposito,12/19-22/2021
Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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