AS I SEE IT: “A Democrat’s Best Friend”
In the disgusting WORLD OF THE RINOS, they ask their political opposition, “What can we do to help you?? They so want to move bipartisanship along. That is the damage that they are determined to do. What they engage in is so damn wrong I don’t really have to tell you. It happens more in the Senate with dirtbags like Romney, Sasse, and Cassidy. We must purge these lowlifes from the GOP in my personal view.
As long as we have the poison of RINOism infecting the GRAND OLD PARTY there is no guarantee of a mind-boggling victory next year. You can’t depend on Mitch McConnell. He acquiesced in raising the debt ceiling. As the leader of the PARTY OF STUPID, he does things that we find contemptible. His removal from the Senate leadership is oh so deserving.
Speaking of removal why is the daughter of the detestable warmonger, Dick Cheney, still in the GOP?? She and Adam Kinzinger should be removed immediately. They are the two darlings of the January 6 Commission. That disgusting show trial they are part of would make Josef Stalin proud. We must demand that the feckless minority get rid of those two vermin. We must say it very, very LOUD!!
Say what you will of the Democrat Party and take it from me that none of it is any good. They all toe line. In the lower chamber of Congress that is indeed the case. In the upper chamber, you see Manchin and Sinema stand apart but unfortunately, that is few and far between. They’re holding firm against the elimination of the filibuster and, of course, BUILD BACK BETTER. That is what we have seen.
The progressives are a bad lot but the ultra radicals in the PARTY OF HATE are far worse. On our body politic, they are nothing but a curse. In this hyperbolic environment, you see no bipartisanship. In the White House sits a cretin who should not be there. We all know that the 2020 election was not exactly on the up and up. It was a tad unfair. We are saddled with this FRAUD who rules by decree. To be frank he acts like a dictator. How is that for insanity??
He and his party just cannot refrain from destroying the fabric of our society. This is what we have come to completely understand. I end this post with this question, “Why the hell is it that the RINOS always want to give the scumbags in the PARTY OF HATE a helping hand????”
AS I SEE IT: “It Is So, Joe!!
“Poll: Most Americans Say Economy Is Getting Worse and Inflation Is a ‘Very Serious’ Problem”
“Poll: Joe Biden’s Disapproval on Inflation, Crime Hits Record High”
“Poll: 56 Percent of Voters Believe Biden Is Not Concerned About Inflation “
Behold the polling, Joe. They all point in a downward direction. Your ILLEGITIMATE presidency is in a free fall. Patience with you is running thin in our beloved nation.
It should not be surprising that this FRAUD blames his dismal numbers on misinformation and Coronavirus anxiety. This pathetic POS points the finger of blame on anyone or anything other than himself. The truth millions of us surely know but the truth is a complete anathema to SLEEPY Joe. We hear him constantly say he continues trying to make life better in the United States but his policies are just making life far worse than one can ever imagine. There is pure misery in the America of Joe Biden.
Leave it to the Republicans, the PARTY OF STUPID, to keep giving him a lifeline. The despicable Mitch McConnell strategizes in ways that are truly appalling. Once again he acquiesced in raising the debt ceiling. Not only must we take over the Congressional majority but it is equally important to get rid of the GOP leadership that finds ways to bring us a great deal of dissatisfaction. Both McConnell and McCarthy are feckless leaders, men of little action.
The trifecta of illegal immigration, inflation, and lawlessness is weighing very heavily on each and every one of us. You can add to that Biden’s abysmal handling of the Coronavirus. It is laughable to think that this FRAUD blames misinformation for everything that has been failing. He has this CORRUPT media in his back pocket who always cover for him. They cheer and do his bidding.
Before the reign of the PARTY OF HATE is over they will desperately try to pass Biden’s BUILD BACK BETTER. If this is accomplished it will make things far worse. It will be a true DISASTER. That is my fellow patriots, a certainty. Will Manchin or Sinema cave?? Inquiring minds would certainly like to know. We wait patiently. If they don’t it will be the final blow to SLEEPY Joe.
Biden’s ILLEGITIMATE presidency is on life support. The only thing he has accomplished is he has proved himself to be the worst president in history. He has done that in less than a year. We shudder at the thought of suffering through three more years of his presidency. For the half-century that he has been in government, he has so managed to have enriched everyone in his family. His dirtbag, lowlife son, Hunter, plays the bagman so well. The Family Biden, courtesy of China, has amassed much wealth as far as anyone can tell
Of course, we all know that this pathetic schmuck is but a lame duck. You are hearing talk of the possible re-emergence of DASTARDLY Hillary. Don’t for a second think that this scandalous, fat thighed pig is not salivating at the thought of entering the political arena. Might we see a rematch of her and our former president? If the poll numbers keep tanking for Biden and Harris methinks you will see America’s number one hated monster fulfilling her dream of making it to the presidency. For millions of us, it will be a nightmare. This is something I don’t have to tell you. It is said that history repeats itself and in 2024 that might very well prove to be true.
AS I SEE IT: “Guilty!!!”
From the scumbags in the CORRUPT media and the moronic Hollywood elites, their silence is deafening after Jussie Smollett’ was found guilty by a jury of his peers, guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. His celebrity had no influence but what mattered was the preponderance of the evidence. It carried much clout.
Jussie is a smug SOB. The perpetual smirk on his disgusting face could get under your skin. Sorry, you piece of human trash, we can’t wait for you to be sent off to prison. Of course, that will not happen for he will likely get three years probation and will do much community service instead of rotting in a prison cell. That is too bad but when the Good Lord decides to take this dirtbag from us he will go straight to a fiery HELL.
All of those high-profile public figures that we despise and loathe were taken in by this low life’s HOAX. They quickly wanted to believe his story. No investigation by our CORRUPT media was done. That was indeed most troubling. What he told them to fit their ugly narrative about Trump supporters being racist, capable of performing a modern-day lynching.
Smollett will file an appeal. He so wants to clear his name. This is a despicable monster who certainly is without shame. Of course, he maintains his innocence but let's face facts his story was full of more holes than swiss cheese. Jussie tried his best to defame and demean the MAGA movement and with it our beleaguered forty-fifth president. Jussie Smollett is nothing but pure SLEAZE.
Today The White House admitted there were “lessons learned” by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Yeah. Right. I sense a tad of disingenuousness. These two scumbags are incapable of telling the truth. Let there be no misunderstanding.
Written by Joe Esposito,12/14-17/2021
Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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