AS I SEE IT: “The Fall Of Andrew & FREDO”
In the end, KARMA will come for us all. If you don’t believe it just ask the BROTHERS CUOMO. They have gotten it with much savagery. Mario truly fathered two despicable dirtbag sons. Each is loathsome as one can be.
Both Andrew and FREDO, along with America’s number one annoying PUTZ, Anthony Fauci, were deified by a CORRUPT media in a quest to bring down our forty-fifth president. On destroying Donald Trump they were truly hell-bent. And now we have seen two of them fall from grace with a very loud thud that can be heard from coast to coast. Chris Cuomo was fired. Good riddance, you dimwitted DOLT. As the saying goes, “You are finally ‘toast’.
Of course, CNN dithered for months before they let Chris go. A moral compass they do not possess. The decision to jettison this moronic scumbag should have been done a long time ago. Why they didn’t you do not have to guess. He actually had the highest-rated show on that FAKE news station. That truly defies explanation.
Tuesday’s suspension was prompted by new documents released by the New York Attorney General, which removed any doubt that Chris had transgressed the rules of ethical journalism to save his brother’s undeserving hide. “I never made calls to the press about my brother’s situation,” Cuomo told his audience. To them, he did the unconscionable. He looked into the camera and LIED.
He vehemently denied doing “opposition research” with the purpose of defaming the women. It was another lie that just added another nail to pound into his proverbial coffin.
FREDO’S behavior was indeed dishonest and unethical and to his colleagues it surely brought shame. For a long time, he played a dangerous game. He obviously thought he was rather slick. How truly callous he and his disgusting brother were at the height of this pandemic.
The norms of journalism and basic decency were broken as Chris had his brother nine times on his show last year. The repartee between them was as cringeworthy as it could possibly be. So nauseating it all was. For Cuomo to put his audience through that it was a wonder that he wasn’t fired immediately.
If anyone knew why so many seniors died in nursing homes you can look no further than Andrew Cuomo. That is so damn obvious to see. A special kind of disgusting sociopathy it takes to laugh it up on TV when you have presided over such a tragedy.
FREDO blatantly used CNN to polish his brother’s image and help perpetuate the myth of superior pandemic leadership that Biden latched on to. All of this was so clearly evident. The goal was to tarnish and discredit our beleaguered former president.
In the final analysis, the moral of the BROTHERS CUOMO is simply this. Bad people abuse their privilege. For them, the rules do not in any way apply. They are insufferably smug and what comes out of their mouths is lie after lie.
Hopefully, Andrew Cuomo can wind up in a prison cell. And what about Chris, pray to tell?? Is there any doubt that this dimwitted mediocrity will no doubt end up on MSNBC??
AS I SEE IT: “A Presidency In Free Fall”
The radical policies of the PARTY OF HATE are failing. Our beloved America is in the early stages of a major political shift. It is happening. All indicators point to it. A RED WAVE is what we will see less than a year from now. Don’t think for a moment that I am exaggerating.
On issue after issue, from Critical Race Theory to soaring crime to inflation, we are seeing the Democrat party play defense. As poll after poll indicates they will lose their congressional majority. Due to their many failures that will be the consequence.
The PARTY OF HATE looks to be finished. The resulting social justice and climate change has come to fruition as Joe Biden has promised. It is far from what the electorate voted for but Biden couldn’t have cared less. What a majority wanted to be done he has chosen to ignore. Consequently, does it come as a surprise that his poll numbers are cratering? The first of a one-two punch will happen next year. That is the betting. Two years from then, God willing, the White House and Congress will be in the hands of the GOP. What is sorely needed is a heavy dose of sanity.
Under this regime, it has taken less than a year to see that the results have been disastrous. This FRAUD has failed miserably in handling the Coronavirus. There have already been more deaths than there was the previous year under his predecessor. The CORRUPT media stays silent on that front. Hardly a word is mentioned about that. It’s the same old story about how they protect each and every disgusting Democrat.
To put it is best I can is simply this. The effort to reshape our nation is clashing with reality and reality is indeed winning.
I remain optimistic and what truly gives me and should give you hope are the tanking poll numbers that we see Biden and his party getting. Add to that the results of the most recent election. It portends that in next year’s midterms there will be lots of bloodletting.
Rest assured that the Democrats are well aware of what is to come even if Biden remains clueless in his dementia-ridden state. You can see a number of them deciding to not seek re-election. So cognizant are they of their impending fate.
The jobs report that was released Friday shows how dismal is the economy. That, my fellow patriots, does not bode well for them and Joe Biden. They look for anything positive and find that the price of gasoline dropped two cents a gallon!! Such is the sorry state that they’re in.
This FRAUD, this ILLEGITIMATE president has been an utter calamity. His failures are mounting with nary a success insight. Lately, he has been given additional grounding over his additional declining faculties that are increasingly obvious. He’s been caught in many a lie. He is protected in his job for his successor is so totally dangerous.
Biden has been caught in telling ‘tall tales and they are mounted by the score. It gives us all great pause that our country is in the hands of such a manipulative fool. A total FRAUD is he, the object of scorn and ridicule.
The crisis at the border remains in a dreadful state and crime across our beloved America increases at an alarming rate. And what is the reason given for all of this? With a straight face, we are being told it is due to the Coronavirus. They and the CORRUPT media are obsessed with race. They spew HATRED causing us much dread. These cretins would have you believe there is a white supremacist under everyone’s bed.
Fortunately, the miserable media notwithstanding America cannot be fooled about this presidency and the many disasters it has created. An electoral tsunami there will be. It is something that cannot be overstated.
Written by Joe Esposito,12/04/2021
Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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