Taken from Jeremiah Chapter 44: Highlights:
Like USA Today:
1. Serving other gods:
2: Dispersed Throughout the Nations:
3: We worship the Queen of Heaven: Jeremiah's Answer:
5: Spiritual Famine: Pearl's Poems:
1. Serving Other gods: The Word came to Jeremiah (Chapter 44 AKJV) the weeping prophet: "Thus says the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel: "You have seen all the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem and upon all the cities of Judah." (At that time no, and dwelt in Israel until May 14,1948, when the Lord promised to bring Israel back to the Land. Verse 3: This was because of their wickedness which they committed to provoke the Lorde to anger in serving other gods. (Like USA Today!) However, the Lord had sent HIS Prophets, rising early, saying: "Do not do this abominable thing that the Lord hates." But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, to turn from their wicked ways in burning incense to other gods.
Verse 6: Then the Lord's anger was kindled and HIS anger poured forth in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem. (Like USA Today!) Then they were spread throughout the nations. Deuteronomy 32: 8 and 9: (Like USA Today) Global Orders: Beginning March 17,2020 World Health Organization: 2: Dispersed throughout the nations: Deuteronomy 32:8 and 9: "When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance: When HE separated the sons of Adam HE sets the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For the Lord's portion is HIS people. Jacob is a lot of HIS inheritance.
(Read the whole chapter of Deuteronomy 32: (known as the Song of Moses) (Global Order ????) Jeremiah Chapter 44: Israel committed this great evil against their soul to cut off man and woman (transgenderism? As I filled out my health history there was a place to check male? female? or other.) This happened just a few days ago.) child and baby out of Judah and none remained. (Abortion? forced vaccines? Like USA Today?) Therefore Israel was made a curse throughout all the nations. Jeremiah 44: 7-16 lists all the evil: ____. The People of Israel answered Jeremiah: "As for the word Jeremiah has spoken in the Name of the Lord: We will not hearken! We will certainly go forth out of our own mouth to burn incense unto the Queen of Heaven!" (Women's Movement? Like USA Today?)
3. We will Worship the Queen of Heaven: (Like USA Today?) Jeremiah 44:15 "Then all the men which knew that their wives had burned incense to other gods: and all the women that stood by: A great multitude: Even all the people that dwelt in the Land of Egypt, answered Jeremiah, saying: "We will pour out drink offerings to the Queen of Heaven as we have done; We and our fathers, our Kings and our Princes in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. Jeremiah 44:17-19: "We will worship the Queen of Heaven for we had plenty of victuals and were well and saw no evil. Since we left off pouring out drink offerings to the Queen of Heaven we have wanted all things and have been consumed by the sword and by famine. When Israel burned incense to the Queen of Heaven without our men (Jeremiah Chapter 7: 18) the children gathered the wood and the fathers kindled the fire and the women made cakes to the Queen of Heaven to pour out drinks to other gods to provoke the Lord to anger. Do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces?"_______. 4: Jeremiah's Answer: Jeremiah 44:20: "Then Jeremiah said unto all the people:
To the men and to the women and to all the people who had given that answer, saying: "Did not the Lord remember all your worshipping the Queen of Heaven so that HE could no longer bear the evil of your doings?" "Therefore, your Land is desolate. You have sinned against the Lord and not obeyed HIS laws. Therefore all this evil has come unto you." 1 john 5:3: "His commandments are not grievous: "
"Ten Commandments" God's Moral Law and covenant: First Commandment is: Exodus 20:1 and 2: "God spoke all these words saying: "I AM the Lord your God which brought you out of the Land of Egypt: Out of the House of Bondage: Thou shalt have no other gods before ME! Reference Deuteronomy 5:22: "These are the words the Lord spoke unto all your assembly in the mount of the midst of the fire of the cloud and of the thick darkness with a great voice: and HE added no more. He wrote them in two tables of stone and HE delivered them unto Moses the Prophet. ________. 5. Spiritual Famine: Jeremiah 44:26: "Therefore, thus says the Lord:
"I have sworn by MY Great Name: My Name shall not be mentioned in all the Land of Egypt saying: " The Lord God Lives!" (Just like USA Today!) NO BIBLE READING IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS (in spite of the fact that the common law of the Bible is the very reason Benjamin Rush, the youngest signer of the United States Constitution, declared The Bible must be taught in Public School in this Christian Nation!) NO PRAYER IN PUBLIC PLACES! TOOK DOWN THE TEN COMMANDMENTS WRITTEN BY THE FINGER OF GOD! _____. JEREMIAH 44:28: "YET, A SMALL NUMBER THAT ESCAPED THE SWORD SHALL RETURN TO THE LAND OF JUDAH TO LIVE THERE. (May 14,1948. fulfilled) and they shall know MY Word Shall Stand! n
Pearl's Poems:
My God and My Country:
Prophecy fulfilling highlights of Jeremiah Chapter 44: (read all) Deuteronomy 32:8-9: Deuteronomy 5:22: Deuteronomy Ch 7: Song of Moses: by PL Sturgis:
"Listen to O people of the earth, give ear. The Song of Moses, the people must hear. God's doctrine shall fall like dew on the grass. It drops as the rain and forever will last. Moses, who published the greatness of God throughout generations where man's feet have trod, God's truth and HIS mercy is Holy and Right:
but we have corrupted ourselves in HIS sight!
Consider the old days our fathers foretold. Go back generations to learn times of old. How foolish, we people; unlearned and unwise, that we have corrupted ourselves in HIS Eyes! When God set the nations in order back then; the bounds of the people were set forth by HIM! 'T'was Israel God found in the desert alone. He led them about like the eagle, they're young. God gave them honey and flint from the rock:
He gave them the rams; the best of the flock; There was no strange god with Israel then, But Jeshurun waxed fat and let Satan move in! The Rock of Salvation the people forgot! Strange gods moved in that the people knew not! There is much more to this story, it's true!
Please read it all. It involves me and you. Deuteronomy Chapter 32: (Like USA today) the end of series:
Global Police Force from United Nations. "In the name of world peace!"
4HomeStoriesCreate StoryLisa ClarkTeresa GilliaCat HernandezMicheal HudsonCreate a post what's on your mind, Pearl?Live video photo/video feeling/activity create roomActiveActiveActiveActiveActiveActiveActiveActiveActiveActiveActiveNews Feed postsActivePearl Leona Sturgis3m · Shared with PublicTraditional marriage is critical to the health of society. Our policies should aim at strengthening families and not undermining them. Changing the definition of traditional marriage will undermine the family structure. On the issue of this great significance, opinions are strong and emotions run deep. American people and not court orders should decide the future of marriage in America.LikeCommentShareActivePearl Leona Sturgis6m · Shared with PublicActivePearl Leona SturgisFebruary 7, 2018 · Shared with PublicGlobal Strong Cities Cold War is a title I made up for a series on my Daily Bites Series which is a title I made up when my daughter Donna got me a hardback book for Christmas in 2015 with blank pages. On October 18,2016 I heard a news announcement by Attorney General Loretta Lynch saying, “This is a historical day for world peace. A resolution has just been enacted with the United Nations agreement for Global Strong Police Force. (unquote) I thought about the studies I had done of the Protestant Reformers I had done in the 1990s and how in the 16th century they had also said that these World Councils who dominated nations and all people was for peace. I thought about how they thought by good intentions they would go against all the Biblical Translators and put them to death by burning them at the stake for putting the Word of God in the hands of the people, to bring back the teachings of the Apostle Paul by translating the Bible back to the original Hebrew in the Old Testament and in the Greek in the New Testament. I thought of all we had learned in American Public Schools in the 50’s and what persecution our forefathers and the Pilgrims had gone through to escape the tyranny rule in the mid-east. I knew that this new resolution with the UN was wrong for America. It was wrong for all the people all over the world.
Daily Bites Index:
Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 1:
Testimony of Assistant Chief of Police Robert Vernon, Los Angeles Police Department: 12 bites:
#1) Christian Culture Crisis:
#2) Attack on Moral Principles:
#3) The Group Behind the Attack LGBT:
#4) Pay Back Time:
#5) Destroying Faith in the name of World Peace:
#6) Denying Faith in the Work Places:
#7) Under Investigation:
#8) Betrayed by a Friend:
#9) Thought Control:
#10) Law Suit Filed:
#11) Unjust Judge:
#12) Creating the Silent Majority:
Series 2: Global Strong Cities Cold War:
Child Abuse in the Classroom: Phyllis Schlafly: Court Transcripts:
#1) Defense of Truth: #2) Contacting my Representative:
#3) Transforming America:
#4) Joining Eagle Forum:
#5) Inspection of Material by Parents:
#6) Highlights from Testimonies:
#7) Educating for Therapy:
#8) The Law Against Teaching Therapy:
#9) Examples of Mental Abuse:
#10) The Media Cover up:
#11) Federal Agents in Local Schools:
#12) Equal Opportunity Postings:
#13) Excerpts from Official Transcripts:
#14) Shocking Details:
#15) District Official’s Manipulation:
#16) Parent’s Letter to Editor:
#17) psychological Abuse in Classrooms:
#18) Same Program Sneaks through with new Name:
#19) Testimony of Janet Brossard:
#20) Children Punished with Parent’s Withdrawal:
#21) Graphic Sexual Abusive Tests:
#22) One Step right: One Step Left: (politicizing)
#23) Testing Students for slang sexual words:
#24) Sex Transmitted Diseases:
#25) Testimony of Carrie Brooks:
#26) Teaching Transgenderism:
#27) Opposites are not Equal!:
#28) Testimony of Marcella Warila:
#29) Teaching No Absolutes:
#30) District Court Declares Parental Authority:
Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 3: Exposing the Enemy:
(to be continued. (go to the Friends of Liberty page.
This series by Pearl Sturgis
Edited by Richard D. Miller

Pearl Sturgis Hear,
God Bless America is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and revised by him in 1938. The later version was re
corded by Kate Smith, Note: I would Like you to take the 5 minutes and listen to the words of this Song and remember the Generation that fought A world war so we could be free, So stand up beside Her and let's take our Country back, my Patriot Friends!

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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Knowledge Is Power And Information is Liberating: The FRIENDS OF LIBERTY BLOG GROUPS are non-profit blogs dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
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