Friday, November 19, 2021

Hyperinflation in the 1920s is coming here soon...THANK JOE BIDEN AND THE DEMOCRATS

Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic of Germany in the 1920s.

The hyperinflation that occurred in Germany in the 1920s was not the first that ever occurred in Europe or even the most extreme that has ever happened. Inflation and eventually hyperinflation happens when a government starts spending and printing money out of control. During the early 20’s Germany had just come out of a very expensive war, (WW-I ). Europe was demanding that Germany pay back all the costs and damages associated with that war.
Rather than go through all the gory details of why they ended up in such a mess for the sake of this article, I’ll simply remind you of the results of that hyperinflation and the devastation that occurred because of it. In the beginning, if you were working at a regular job like most people, you were paid perhaps the equivalent of $20-$30 dollars per week, (just an example here, but also in terms of the German currency). Working for a weekly income of $20-$30 per week back then was probably about a normal rate of income. The cost and price of everything else would have been proportional to that weekly income. For example, a loaf of bread probably would have cost about 30-40 cents. A small sack of potatoes would probably cost around one dollar for a five or ten-pound sack. Once the out-of-control spending and then the subsequent printing of money got out of hand inflation and eventual hyperinflation started to kick in. That 30 cent loaf of bread went to one dollar, then to ten dollars, then it went to $30s, then up, and up, and up, until that simple loaf of bread cost over one Billion dollars. That’s right folks, over one BILLION dollars for a loaf of bread.

That one-dollar sack of potatoes went to over one TRILLION dollars. By the time things got to their worst the German currency wasn’t worth the cost of the paper it was printed on. People were rolling it up into “logs” and using it to burn to heat their homes. All manufacturing and jobs had shut down. Employment went to nearly 90 percent of the population. The German civilization went into total chaos. That situation was what lead to and allowed the people's Socialist Republic Party to gain power. Today we know that the German Socialists Party as the Nazi’s. It doesn’t matter now whether they called themselves a Republic or not. The opposition party was the Communist party from China and Russia. By that time it was easy for a slick-talking mad man by the name of Adolph Hitler to gain control of the system. He promised to ‘take care of the people. He had a plan to get things straightened out. And people believed him.
By now we all know the result of this was World-War-Two, (WW- II ).

The reason I’m writing all this is to remind people of what that hyperinflation did, but more importantly, I want to warn people about what is coming. Yes, that same type of hyperinflation is coming here and soon. This time it's part of the plan, it’s all been written down. Read the Communist Manifesto and watch the video called “The Project” on The It is all party of the Bidens administration “Fundamental Transformation of America”. So what if anything can we do about it?

Well, one thing we can do is to warn people of what is coming and more importantly, we need to make sure people know and understand what is causing the inflation. Biden will of course try to blame it all on the Republicans, he will blame it all on Trump again. He will blame the Republicans for their failure to “compromise” 
We need to make sure people know the truth. That is where all of us can help stop the takeover of America. We must make sure every person in America knows the truth, that this hyperinflation is deliberate and it is all part of the Biden administration's plan. It is all part of their “Fundamental Transformation” process. Do NOT allow them to get away with blaming it on the Republicans or the conservatives. Tell everyone you talk to and send this around to all your contacts. Make Biden and his administration “own” the coming mess all by themselves.

Also, Read

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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