Saturday, October 23, 2021

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 10/23/2021, “The Truth And Nothing But The Truth!!!”/ “Behold The National Embarrassment!!!” / “All Things Political”

by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

“The Truth And Nothing But The Truth!!!”

 Millions of us care a great deal about DEMOCRACY even if this scumbag that sits in the White House and his fellow scum in the PARTY OF HATE clearly do not. They care very little about the devastation to our beloved America that they have wrought. These verminous Democrats are doubling down on DISCORD and DISORDER, flying in the face of the president’s campaign promises to restore unity and civility. They are helped by the fecklessness of their political opponent, the cowardly GOP.

 The PARTY OF HATE succeeds in alienating voters with their destructive policies. With a majority in this country they are clearly out of touch. Marxists have taken over this party and they DESPISE everything that our country stands for, very, very much.

 What the reprobates in this political regime are doing is not a recipe for success in next year’s midterm elections. That is for damn sure. The misery that our beloved America has been experiencing is so very hard to endure.

 At this point in any administration when the ‘honeymoon’ is over and the polls are cratering as we are currently seeing you would think that those in power would take stock and make adjustments accordingly. It is not the case with this moronic FRAUD for he ‘doubles down’. Biden engages in political suicide. This bodes well for the GOP.

 Such ARROGANCE and DUPLICITY is displayed by this ILLEGITIMATE president and the dirtbags that are clearly in control of this man. He follows every one of their orders as much as he can. It is so clearly obvious to see. There is GREAT DISILLUSIONMENT with this presidency.

 He has a major problem connecting, resonating with millions in our country. The F JOE BIDEN!! chants can be heard far and wide at many a sporting event.  Though the CORRUPT media along with the many DESPICABLE elitists will deny it, millions upon millions of us know Joe Biden is a FRAUD, an ILLEGITIMATE president.

 I, as well as all of you, my fellow patriots, love our country so. We are OUTRAGED  at what this disgusting political regime is putting us through. Our ANGER continues to grow and grow.

 There is talk that Biden is weighing whether he should reappoint Jerome Powell as Chairman of the Fed. It is being reported that many of the scumbags around him want Powell to be replaced by a Marxist. That’s right. A MARXIST!!! Don’t be shocked by this. Over me there is a feeling of deep dread.

 You might have heard that  two of the most conservative members of the Fed Board of Governors resigned last week after leftist Senator  Elizabeth Warren  mounted a campaign accusing them of insider trading, at the perfect time for progressives to stack the board with more of their own kind. A more loathsome cretin than the senior Senator from Massachusetts you’d be hard pressed to find.

 Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers sounded the alarm last week when he blasted “a generation of central bankers who are defining themselves by their wokeness”. My fellow patriots, you cannot deny that what we are seeing is very, very serious.

 Think of this. If progressives take over the central bank, they will have power beyond their wildest dreams to advance their destructive ideological agenda through economic policy that bypasses Congress. All of this power we simply can not let them harness.

 To win progressive plaudits is so dear to this FRAUD’S who sits in the Oval Office. Our beloved America does not deserve to be in the state that we are in. Once again we see the catastrophic effects of a stolen election.


“Behold The National Embarrassment!!!”

An abysmal performance it was but hardly surprising. The FRAUD in Chief took center stage at a Town Hall gathering. He did not do himself much good for he was not very convincing. To say it was creepy and awkward would be a true understatement. He is a man to be despised, this ILLEGITIMATE president.

 The event was televised on CNN with Anderson Cooper as the moderator. Of course I don’t have to tell you how much latitude Biden was given. Any serious questions asked of this DOLT was strictly forbidden.

 Joe Biden struggled with the optics of this event. It was so obvious to see. An election that was stolen was the only way possible to have this blithering idiot attain the presidency.

 We watched in utter amazement when  where he admitted he did not have a short-term plan to lower gas prices and defended the taking down of President Thomas Jefferson’s  monument. It got even worse when said he did not have enough time to visit the Southern border. This was all much too obscene. He did not stop there. He made it perfectly clear that he backed mass firings of police and first responders if they did not get a coronavirus vaccine.

 We were not surprised that Cooper gently steered Biden back to the subject at hand as the FRAUD started rambling. From CNN’s hack we expected nothing less. His adoration for Biden he has in excess.

 The awkwardness that Biden showed made you feel a tad uncomfortable. This was all too surreal if you ask me. We watched as he clenched his wrists, standing ever so rigidly. The next moment he allowed  his arms to droop with his head bowed down. Throughout the night you could not help thinking that that he is a pathetic POS of some renown.

 At one point he went on a much too long rant on the integrity of the DOJ. There were other moments where he had to stop and close his eyes before finishing what he started to say.

 And then there was the whispering. We watched as he made the “OK” symbol with his hand and peered through it, hoarsely whispering at the audience when talking about tax rates. All of this was downright embarrassing.

 The RNC published a supercut of the FRAUD’S town hall this morning. In thirty four seconds they managed to successfully capture the total incoherence of the meeting. His performance could be summed up in three words: IT WAS HUMILIATING.


“All Things Political”

 Yesterday the FRAUD in Chief met with the only two political moderates that are left in his disgusting PARTY OF HATE. Biden is desperately trying to save his horrific legislative agenda. Senators Manchin and Sinema are holding back the great flood of government waste known as BUILD BACK BETTER.

 The legislation has been crafted by Bernie Sanders and that in itself should scare the living daylights out of everyone. Anything he is for we should automatically despise. According to Bernie the current price of $3.5 trillion is the minimum and already a compromise.

 He and 47 other Democrats are on board with this most expensive piece of legislation in our history. Biden is allowing him to fulfill his minimum socialist dream of giving a blank check to the Green New Deal. To millions of us this is insanity. What these radical scumbags are supporting is totally unreal.

 Parts of this bill is still to be written and much of it is secret. What remains in it is anyone’s guess. We are being told by this regime that it must be passed. Forty eight Democrat senators have already said YES! Of course these four dozen are fine  with the vicious attacks on the two holdouts, Manchin and Sinema. It must be said that there’s no precedent to the Sanders bill because it never would have the light of day in any other era.

 These senators remain silent as the attacks on the holdouts continue at a very alarming rate. Instead of trying to win them over they’re trying to bludgeon them into surrendering. So utterly RUTHLESS and utterly EVIL is this PARTY OF HATE.

 Millions see this type of strategy so unacceptable and it is frankly DANGEROUS but the FRAUD in Chief justifies this by saying that it’s part of the process. What process is that? Inquiring minds would love to know. It appears like it’s ‘gutter politics’ to me. It’s a strategy that we must see go.

 It is not at all surprising to see the New York SLIMES join in on the attacks. They never miss an opportunity to bond with the radical LEFT. They always have their backs. This daily rag is happy to be the enforcer of the progressive orthodoxy. They scorch Manchin and Sinema on its front page, insisting that they stop resisting. It sickens the hell out of me.

 The New York SLIMES long ago stopped being a newspaper and started becoming a radical activist to the extreme. Like those in the PARTY OF HATE they are so desirous of creating a UTOPIAN DREAM.

 It has been a long while since they have reported news for now they spew nothing but leftist propaganda. So in sync are they with BIDEN’S AMERICA. According to these dirtbag reprobates America is worth saving only when it delivers the results that those cretins on the LEFT demand. No surprise there for millions are aware of that. It is something we fully understand. Only when the SLIMES approve is dissent patriotic. Of course all of this comes across to us as extremely moronic and utterly idiotic. 

Written by Joe Esposito,10/18-22/2021

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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1 comment:

  1. Democracy is not mentioned in the Declaration of Independence or the constitution. Because the founding fathers knew that democracy or a democratic form of government was the pathway to anarchy and dictatorship And monarchy, and they knew that they were creating a Republican form of government which is in no way compatible with democracy. It is as difference as night and day, a Republic is for the people and by the people, a democracy is mob rule.
