Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Mob Boss Ready to Flip on Biden and the Democratic Party, on How They Stole the Election


Philly Mob Boss Ready to Flip on Biden on How They Stole the Election in Exchange for Full Expungement of His Criminal Record

Jordan Sekulow, an attorney for the Trump team and current executive director for the American Center for Law and Justice, tweeted a special article from the Buffalo Chronicle hinting that Skinny Joey Merlino, rumored leader of the Philly mob, may potentially be ready to turn on operatives of the Democratic party in exchange for complete eradication of his criminal record that spans years.

An insider states that Merlino is potentially prepared to flip on Joe Biden, as well as the operatives of the Pennsylvania party who requested over 300,000 ballots that were marked for Biden.

It’s thought that Democratic Party operatives working inside Philadelphia’s election office provided Merlino with crates of raw ballots just hours before polls closed on election night, which he transported to two private households in South Philadelphia. By 10 p.m. that night Merlino’s operation was already generating more than 3,000 ballots per hour, which quickly scaled to more than 6,000 ballots per hour before midnight.

But now, Merlino might just be willing to flip on Biden — in primetime Congressional testimony — if President Donald J. Trump is willing to issue the longtime mobster a full expungement of his decades-long criminal record. And, of course, Merlino wants to be pardoned for the election fraud itself and any crimes to which he may incriminate himself during his testimony.

Merlino is said to have worked in conjunction with a team in efforts to produce these ballots. It is important to note that he did not do this for free, but rather was given $10 per each ballot, adding up to a profit of over $3 million in total.

Upon the ballots being produced, they were then delivered to a convention center in Philadelphia.

Corruption is rampant in the U.S. Don’t listen to the media or the Democrats who say that election fraud isn’t a concern…it’s a major concern.


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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