by Joe Esposito
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!
by Joe Esposito
Joe EspositoI THINK, THEREFORE I BLOG“All Things Political”
We are in the midst of a political persecution that is so widespread and so very real. Half of our beloved America is DEMONIZED for being loyal supporters of our forty fifth president. We live in a political atmosphere that is utterly surreal.
We have sitting in the Oval Office a man that is beyond weak and frail. He is instituting horrendous policies that is destroying our country. It gets worse by the day and it will not subside. Cognitively speaking he is declining at a rapid pace. In every way he is totally unfit. The radicals that compromise the PARTY OF HATE have their hands up his backside and they’re moving his mouth like a puppet.
These scumbags will stop at nothing to further their political agenda. This is what we are witnessing on a daily basis. This must end. It has to stop. We must be rid of this insanity. The ruling class like what they see from this illegitimate presidency. They hope this goes on for four years. They really think that so long as they can just demonize Trump and Trump supporters, they’ll be okay politically.
In DC the culture is that of an OLIGARCHY. We are not fools for we see more and more and more that there are two sets of rules. One for us and the other is for the SUPER ELITE. These vermin get to do anything they desire and are not held to any accountability. Consider the case of that overbearing, insufferable blowhard, General Mark Milley.
It is being said that this General of the Joint Chief of Staff plotted to undermine our former president and inform China of an impending attack after the sixth of January. This was excerpted from the latest Bob Woodward tome. It is clear that this POS is infected as with all on the Left with TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME.
He is said to be unrepentant and says to those who severely castigate him for what he has done, “See you in Congress!” This is a dirtbag who thinks he has not committed any thing egregious. Millions of us see his actions as treasonous. Add to that his involved in the botched Afghanistan withdrawal and we see a lowlife General who shuns any accountability.
Incredulously General Milley saw himself as the hero of a “Seven Days in May”-style fever dream in which o he could save the nation from Trump launching nuclear war with China to stay in office. I mean. Really. This truly is a left wing equivalent of any QANON conspiracy.
It wasn’t Miley’s place to insert himself in the chain of command. He was just a military adviser to the president when all is said and done. But by then he was caught up in TRUMP DERANGEMENT that consumed Washington.
They say his anger at our President reached the boiling point when he was asked to pose with him outside St. John’s Church in Lafayette Square. The madness that got hold of Milley seemed to have started there. The only thing for him to have done was submit his resignation and not indulge in what we can rightly call an INSURRECTION!
Written by Joe Esposito,09/17/2021
Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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