The Lessons of Afghanistan
What is occurring in Afghanistan is not surprising to most conservatives, as this crisis only confirms the corruption and ineffectiveness that dominates our foreign policy establishment and military leadership. While this crisis is far from over, there are already a number of sobering lessons that Americans have learned:
1) The “America Last” agenda of the Democrat Party remains in place. It is simply unprecedented to have American military troops extracted from a crisis before every American citizen has been evacuated so once again, American citizens are treated as if they were lepers. Even in Vietnam in 1975, the military did not leave until all citizens were evacuated.
Moreover, what’s worse is the Biden Administration is spending far more time, money, and effort evacuating Afghanis than they are Americans. They even announced that Americans are on their own to get to the airport while 5,000 troops on the ground are ordered to do nothing but seal off the airport. And at least one report says that the State Department was intending to charge all Americans $2,000 to fly them home but apparently, they changed their mind.
2) Dismantling Trump’s policies is more important than national security. We now know the Biden Administration disbanded a State Department unit called the “Contingency and Crisis Response Bureau” which was created especially to draw up plans regarding the evacuation of Americans from situations like the one we have now.
3) “Social Justice” issues are now such a high priority in the military that it has affected its effectiveness. We now know that our military spends an inordinate amount of time, money, and energy championing phony “social justice” causes, both at home and abroad. Even the gay agenda in Afghanistan apparently received more attention than developing evacuation plans:
Indeed, military personnel are being promoted based on skin color, gender, and “sexual orientation,” merit be damned. This is destroying unit cohesion, troop morale and individual performance as incompetents are being promoted for reasons having nothing to do with merit. Moreover, physical fitness standards have been lowered for females so that we are now putting soldiers in the field not able to carry a wounded colleague to safety. Diversity goals are now more important than merit and performance. Transgenders are also readily admitted to the military no matter how disruptive they are to unit cohesion and the millions of dollars they cost taxpayers for sex-change surgeries.
It is clear that the woke agenda is a higher priority than military effectiveness as evidenced by the Biden Administration’s announcement that it is a “top priority” for the entire military to “stand down” while they weed out nonexistent “White Supremacists.” While the military wasted millions of dollars -- and continues to do so today -- on a phony witch-hunt targeting conservatives, the Taliban advanced toward Kabul, but that was apparently a lower priority.
4) The left still doesn’t care about wasting our tax dollars. No surprise here. Billions were wasted by leaving the Taliban over 2000 armored vehicles, not to mention planes and helicopters. Overnight, the Taliban became a well-armed military thanks to a complete lack of any planning by the Biden team to reclaim vehicles and planes ahead of the Taliban advance.
5) Our allies no longer trust the USA. We have lost the trust of our Allies and it is doubtful they will readily join the USA in any foreign intervention again, no matter how honorable it may be. The Alliance is gone and everyone knows this except for the White House. Some of our allies have already spoken out while others are using proxies, but regardless, the relationship with our allies, especially the Germans, French, Brits, and Aussies, has been severely damaged if not permanently altered.
6) The idea of “nation-building” is over. The Neocons and Democrats who dominate the foreign policy establishment under both Republicans and Democrats have lost all credibility. The idea that the USA can graft a Western-style culture and democratic institutions on top of a backward Islamic society was never realistic. In twenty years, we were unable to even create some semblance of national loyalty among the Afghan people as evidence by the fleeing of its entire military as soon as they saw the Taliban advancing on Kabul. America will never again engage in nation-building and that’s a good thing.
7) Joe Biden places political advantage ahead of America’s national security. Bidens’s effort to withdraw from Afghanistan was all about having a photo op to coincide with the 9/11 anniversary so he could boast to the American people about how he got us out of an endless war. Shockingly, he didn’t care how the withdrawal was carried out, the impact on our security, the damage to our relationships with our allies, etc. What’s worse is that he then repeatedly lied about the withdrawal even while events on the ground and his own CIA and military leaders countered almost every statement he made. Biden has misled Americans about the readiness and size of the Afghan military, the lack of an evacuation plan, what his intelligence and defense advisors told him, the danger Americans face trying to get to the airport, how this crisis has affected our relations with our allies, and on and on. He should be impeached for this alone.
8) The feminists confirm they are a phony movement. While they have conniption fits over men opening doors for women and terms like “manhole covers,” they went silent while the most anti-female government on the planet came to power. Radical feminist leaders are so concerned about hurting the reputation of Biden and the Democrat Party that they were willing to sell out millions of women in order to protect the Hair-Sniffer in Chief. It is now quite clear that the feminist movement is fake and its real purpose is to elect and keep leftists in power, women be damned.
9) The left detests America and always takes actions that strengthen our enemies. The crisis in Afghanistan reinforces the idea that the Democrats so detest America due to its “racist” roots, that they always end up favoring policies that weaken America and strengthen our enemies. This explains almost every Democrat policy in the last decade, from the Iran Nuclear Treaty to the push for open borders to the efforts by Obama to undermine numerous moderate governments and replace them with radical Islamic extremists. If you believe America is essentially evil, Biden’s ill-planned exit from Afghanistan makes perfect sense, since, after all, it weakens America and strengthens the Taliban. Source:
10) The State Department is grossly incompetent. Despite the billions allocated to the State Department, they have no idea how many Americans are in Afghanistan. It’s somewhere between 10,000 and 40,000. How can that be when all Americans over there are assigned some form of a visa which can be easily tracked by State Department’s computers?
11) Pakistan sold us out as we knew they would. Pakistan is the recipient of three billion dollars in U.S. foreign aid each year, even though they have been covertly supporting the Taliban for years. We knew this but continued to fund them. Stupid is as stupid does.
There’s no lack of lessons to be learned from the Afghan debacle. It’s too much to expect the ruling elite to learn any of it. That’s one more thing the American people will have to handle.

The level of incompetence apparent in the Afghanistan withdrawal has been breathtaking. Even a smart 12-year-old, after all, would know that you have to evacuate American civilians and vulnerable allies before removing your military personnel. This reality has given rise to staggering speculation, that, for example, the powers-that-be desired this messy outcome. Some have even theorized that the goal, by hate-America-first Deep Staters, is to diminish the United States.
But what if the goal is actually to damage the Joe Biden administration, something that’s already a fait accompli?
What if some people who pull strings were so angry about our Afghan exit that they said, “Okay, you want a withdrawal? We’ll give you a withdrawal you’ll never forget.”
I am one to often say when addressing conspiracy theories especially, that you should never “attribute to malice what is better explained by stupidity.” This is generally a good guide, but the problem is that the Afghanistan fiasco is not better explained by stupidity. Oh, sure, it is true that people who believe boys can become girls, as many pseudo-elites do, aren’t exactly in touch with reality and that “the eye altering alters all” (including military operations). But as “Denton Scratch” -- the pen name of a man identified as “a retired 30-year U.S. military veteran with experience in planning for noncombatant evacuation operations” -- pointed out Saturday in “What the heck is going on with our military in Kabul?” to believe the “botched” withdrawal is mere incompetence, we have to believe that the military suddenly forgot how to perform numerous garden-variety operations that it has been performing for decades.
Then there’s investigative reporter Lara Logan, who has spent time in Afghanistan and has some sources. She said in a striking Tucker Carlson Today interview last Wednesday that “at its heart,” the withdrawal situation is “very simple”: It “comes down to the fact that the United States wants this outcome.”
"Whoever is in power right now, whoever is really pulling the strings – and I don't know that – they could do anything they want to change this,” Logan elaborated. “And they're not.”
Logan’s claim is that the U.S., insofar as worldly entities go, is practically omniscient and omnipotent. Our National Security Agency (NSA) watches continuously like an all-seeing eye and “is known as the crown jewel of intelligence collection in the world,” as Logan puts it. “There isn't a digital signature in existence that they don't collect and store and analyze and have algorithms and everything else to sort through,” she continued, expressing that there’s no way the intel agencies “missed this” (what would transpire).
Logan also “posited that the NGIA [National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency], which controls government satellites and other resources, has been watching the Taliban taking control of abandoned U.S. military equipment; bringing it back east into Pakistan,” writes Fox News.
“‘The NSA and the [NGIA] are watching this happen in real-time,’” the site continues, quoting the journalist. “‘And they're doing nothing to stop it. Why not? So what the Afghans will tell you… Is that the United States chose this outcome.’”
Insofar as military operations go, Logan points out, correctly, that the U.S. can do anything it wants in Afghanistan.
Next, we have independent journalist Glenn Greenwald. He appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight’s Friday edition to discuss why, quite oddly and after basically being Biden’s public relations team, the Enemedia now have t°he knives out for him. Greenwald said that the media’s closest relationships “are with the CIA, with the Pentagon, are with the national security state” and that these entities did not want to exit Afghanistan. In fact, he points out, they’re so zealous about this that when President Trump wanted to withdraw, the CIA invented a story about the Russians putting bounties on American soldiers’ heads to thwart his ambition.
Greenwald theorizes that the Enemedia turned on Biden 180° because they’re executing the military’s and intel agencies’ will, which is that the commander in chief should be blamed for the botched withdrawal. But here’s what he didn’t say:
What if the military/intelligence complex purposely botched the withdrawal, to begin with, knowing the buck would stop with Biden?
Remember that left-wing senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) did state in 2017 (in reference to Trump), “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community -- they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”
Did we just witness the sixth way in Afghanistan? Biden would be especially vulnerable to such contrivances, do note because he can be easily painted as what he is: a senile old man incapable of leading the country.
Note also that the strategy in question here accords with man’s nature, often having a visceral basis, and has been used innumerable times before in various contexts. If you must execute a plan that thwarts a long-standing plan you hold dear, and you’re unscrupulous, the instinct is to thwart that plan in response. It not only is emotionally satisfying but, in the military/intel agency complex’s case, sends a behavior-modifying message that reinforces Schumer’s warning: You challenge us -- we’ll destroy you.
As for why the Deep State has this love affair with war, Greenwald posits that the Afghanistan withdrawal “offends their ideology” and undermines their warped conception of American greatness. (This, of course, contradicts the more common theory that the Establishment wants to take America down a peg, but actually makes more sense in its own way.)
Consider as well that, as also reported on Tucker Carlson Tonight’s Friday edition, the Afghan war was apparently a huge “money funneling” operation through which defense contractors got rich. You can bet, too, that many politicians and high government officials also benefited financially (e.g., via donations). Stopping the gravy train couldn’t have been well received.
Of course, this is all speculation. As I’m wont to say, quoting ancient Chinese sage Confucius, “Wisdom is, when you know something, knowing that you know it; and when you do not know something, knowing that you do not know it.” The Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco is a confusing situation, and we may never know exactly why it occurred. But one thing is for sure: There are a lot of strange, evil people in our government’s upper echelons. I wouldn’t put anything past them.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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