“A Regime Under Fire”
It is not a very good time for Joe Biden. It is in fact very bad and getting much worse. So painful this is to see. This imbecile tries to defend his decision to wave the ‘white flag’ in Afghanistan to an America who are extremely jittery. Among the federal agencies, there is an outbreak of the BLAME GAME erupting trying desperately to duck responsibility. There is much ‘leaking’ by Intelligence and Defensive officials that Biden was told that withdrawing American troops we could ill afford. Did this blithering idiot listen to them? Of course not. Their advice was totally ignored.
For the PARTY OF HATE, there is much worry. The sycophants in our CORRUPT media are aggressively taking on Biden’s preposterous assurances instead of defending him as they always seem to do. Incredulously they are turning on this administration but nowhere near the hostility given to Biden’s predecessor. The media, for once, are holding a Democrat responsible for a very, very serious blunder!
Of course, this demented dolt avoided taking questions on the Afghanistan DEBACLE. This week they trotted out Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor for Biden to take questions. He defended the competency of this administration. In addition, he defended Biden’s work habits, insisting that he was “deeply engaged” in every situation. Sure. Right. So many mistruths we heard him spew but this is what these miserable cretins in this disgusting regime always do. Hey, you dirtbag, give us a break if you please. Don’t you dare try to convince us that your moronic boss was ready for all contingencies!
This Jake Sullivan is your typical leftist scumbag, the kind that millions of us surely disdain. So insufferable is he who looks down at all of us thinking we do not have a brain. It is laughable that this regime is banking on the largess of the Taliban to allow the US to carry out tens of thousands of evacuations from the Kabul airport. This is something we ain’t buying. Do they actually think that these savages are capable of playing nice? We can all surely see that this catastrophic debacle caused by Biden will have short and long-standing negative effects. For the incompetency of this blithering fool, America will surely pay a heavy price.
This cut-and-run strategy was completely outrageous. Now the Taliban is armed to the teeth with American weapons it took from the Afghan army. The utter fecklessness of Biden has created one hell of a catastrophe. Thousands of Americans have been left behind. This is truly appalling. We pray that they will not be taken hostage but that we could very well see. If that happens don’t be surprised if this monster leaves them all to rot. Biden is a coward. Unlike his predecessor, a pair of balls this gutless bastard hasn’t got.
There are long-term ramifications of his calamitous decision to effectively turn Afghanistan over to the Taliban. They now control the government and the entire country, are far richer, and have the arms and equipment of a modern military. Their capability to launch attacks across their borders and around the world is what we will no doubt see.
One major ramification of this Biden capitulation is the effect it will have on our allies and adversaries. Will China see this surrender as their opportunity to move on to Taiwan? This could come to be. Who could date trust us? Biden has so completely damaged America’s credibility.
“Seven Months Of Pure Hell!!!”
Thousands of Americans are stuck in Afghanistan, desperately trying to get out. The situation worsens every damn day. Where is Joe Biden? Where?? In the situation room showing leadership? Of course not. He is tucked away in his home state of Delaware.
Trying to get into the mind of this imbecile can cause one a great deal of difficulty. He no doubt thought that when a presidential candidate hides in a basement, that might be smart politics, but when the president of the United States does it, that is a dereliction of duty.
It is seven months to the day that this feeble, old man ascended to the presidency. By the means of the widespread voter, FRAUD got him into the Oval Office. He is as illegitimate as one can possibly be. There is absolutely no doubt about this. It did not take him long at all to be proven a total and utterly abysmal FAILURE. The question that is before us is how much of this can we possibly endure?
The photo of him last week at Camp David sitting among empty chairs, dealing with this crisis is embedded in our collective mind. What an utterly hapless soul is what the scumbag leftist puppet masters surely did find. That photo of him said it all. ISOLATED, INDECISIVE, and FEEBLE. That is the lasting image of this pathetic FRAUD as this nation suffers the worst self-inflicted humiliation of its history. Can it get far worse than it is? You can bet the house that it will certainly be.
What we and the world is seeing is an old man who in his warped mind is thinking what a wonderful thing he has done. His terribly botched conceit is in ruins at his feet. With such hubris, he is totally replete. In a fiery HELL, this monster will surely go for the misery that he has caused to not only the people of Afghanistan. Yes. He is in severe cognitive decline but more than that he is the head of a family so steeped in personal CORRUPTION. Joe Biden is a worthless and utterly EVIL man.
Until it was decided that he sit for what can only be described as a ‘softball’ interview with Georgie Stephanopolous he stayed clear of answering any questions from the press, refusing to be held accountable for any of his decisions in any way. It was an extraordinarily cowardly display. It proved to be a wrong strategy for it gets worse for this pathetic dunce day by day.
Seven months to the day he has been in office. During the seven months in office, the damage he has done is incalculable. He is worse than a disgrace. He’s been a failure in all that he has dealt with, from the border crisis, the pandemic to all questions of race. But this Afghanistan catastrophic DEBACLE will define his presidency. Willingly and wantonly he set in place a most horrific political agenda. We hope and pray that all that he has done and will do will not leave in ruins our beloved America.
“Politically Speaking”
The mission was far from accomplished. It was a complete failure. Everyone knows it except the demented DOLT who we have been cursed with due to an election that was clearly stolen. The walls are closing in on Joe Biden. Like JFK’s Bay of Pigs our departure from Hamid Karzai International, The airport will be a synonym for America’s DEBACLE. Joe Biden has created a total mess, a humiliating spectacle.
The thousands of Americans stranded in Kabul and other cities have been told that to get to the Kabul Airport. They must make their own way. This is what we hear Secretary of Defense Austin say. The U.S. depends today upon the sufferance of the Taliban to let the Americans through the gridlocked highway.
Many Afghan allies are being impeded and turned back. Having aided our troops during the war, these Afghan allies face murderous reprisals and retribution. To think otherwise you would have to be in a state of delusion... Many other perils are certainly looming. We must overcome them as best we can. One thing is certain. If fighting is renewed, the Americans left in Kabul and other cities become hostages to the Taliban. And there are so many more than the 52 Americans were held by Iran in the hostage crisis that ended the Carter presidency. Yes. My fellow patriots, we are indeed in a deep crisis. It makes us all so very jittery.
The Taliban is in desperate need of cash. Without it, they will have a hell of a time providing for the necessities the country needs to stay viable. Events are happening at breakneck speed. Both sides have to try to take heed. They need time to get control and we need to find a way to get our fellow citizens freed. Let us not be fooled by the Taliban putting on a moderate face at the top level. Of course, this Biden and his plethora of fellow feckless morons will grovel. Leadership is sorely lacking I don’t have to tell you. The INCOMPETENCE of this regime is in full view.
The damage to Joe Biden is significant and permanent and no matter of political spin will change things one damn bit. Clearly, this man is totally unfit. And that goes for the laughing hyena, the CACKLER, as well. If Biden goes it is she who becomes president and the thought of that is unfathomable. If one had to choose between these two, it would be a choice between the MISERABLE or the HORRIBLE. Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences as we can certainly see. The EVILNESS of the PARTY OF HATE is a cancer that we must destroy. My fellow patriots, that is the reality.
Tonight there is a SAVE AMERICA rally. Our forty-fifth president will lay it all on the line. He will address this Afghanistan abomination. He has already called for Biden’s resignation. We so look forward to what he has to say. Great anticipation is the state we are all in. So many of us will of course wonder what might have been if not last year’s election had not been outright stolen. There is the only man who has the strength to save our beloved America from all of this misery and shame. Donald J Trump is his name. He did it before and he will do it again. We cannot wait for the 2024 campaign to begin!!
Written by Joe Esposito,08/19-21/2021
Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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