“America’s DARK HOUR!!!”
He has been a FAILURE of epic proportions and if you dare to think not you are living in a world of fantasy. Former President Trump has called for Joe Biden’s resignation. It should not be that difficult since this hapless IDIOT did not win the presidency legitimately. The world is incomplete and in utter shock at what has happened in Afghanistan. Our beloved America has lost another in a long line of wars. So damn shameful it is to see that country in control of the Taliban. It is not an exaggeration to say that the political world is shocked to its core. Of this feckless and disgusting regime, we cannot have a minute more.
Where is Joe Biden? In Camp David, he is said to be. This is leadership?? Of course not. He a pathetic joke, missing in action. The CACKLER is nowhere to be found as well. This is an abomination. The RED MENACE that is this regime’s spokesperson has decided to take a week off. She is on vacation.
At the airport in Kabul desperate Afghans try to board a US airport to no avail. You hear cries of people who are hopelessly stuck trying to get away from the Taliban. It proves to be a monstrous fail. There have been reports that multiple US citizens in Kabul have been trapped behind Taliban checkpoints and cannot safely reach the US perimeters and have no clear option on what to do. This is an out-of-control catastrophe in full view.
How has Joe Biden let this get completely out of hand in Afghanistan?? It is a question that needs to be answered desperately. We so deplore this total ILLEGITIMATE presidency. Once again I will say it. Elections have consequences and an illegitimate one has consequences of massive proportions. They most surely do. Incredulously we have a moronic FRAUD running our government who is a complete danger to both me and you.
It should come as no surprise that there are those who blame our forty-fifth president for this. He had planned a withdrawal but with conditions when all was said and done but his demented DOLT of a successor decided to just cut and run. What will surely be is that this whole damn business will be a stain on his damn disgusting legacy.
As I write this blog there is a report that this IMBECILE is accepting thirty thousand Afghan refugees. This will certainly exacerbate our open border policies to an even greater degree. Under no circumstances should America accepts a single ‘refugee’ from Afghanistan due to Biden’s disorderly withdrawal. Biden is becoming a damn menace to us all.
Our allies are fuming at Biden. “Whatever happened to ‘America is back is a question that they are asking. They see this as our country’s DARK HOUR. All are wondering if our country’s rapid collapse, and this regime’s refusal to consult other countries before withdrawal, means America’s decline as a world power.
We are truly witnessing an implosion of this fraudulent regime. This is something that is a deep concern to everyone. Failures have been abounding by the score and this IMBECILE has not even completed year one. It is mind-boggling to see how failed leadership can cause catastrophes like this. It is even made much more so when we know that’s this man doesn’t deserve to be sitting in the Oval Office.
Yes. Elections do have consequences and a fraudulent one has consequences that can be unimaginable. I am a child of the fifties that grew up in a strong America and to see how we have slid down over the intervening decades is simply unconscionable.
“The Master Of Disaster”
The horrific images of whole families running for their lives and of men jumping on moving airplanes at the Kabul airport to escape the Taliban are unforgettable. What we saw in Afghanistan was shocking, infuriating and so tragically predictable. Simply put it didn’t have to be like this. We have a man, so incompetent, and ineffectual sitting in the Oval Office. Joe Biden is a ‘walking disaster’, a national embarrassment whose fecklessness is simply appalling. No one can deny what is so very obvious and evident. China, Russia, and Iran will celebrate the evidence of a weakened America under a weak president.
The shameful scenes of Americans evacuating from Kabul’s airport were avoidable, as was the specter of American helicopters, planes, weapons, and ammunition in the hands of our enemies. It was a shock to our nation. The utterly nauseating abandonment of Afghanistan to its fate recalls a similar humiliation at the hands of Islamist radicals in the Jimmy Carter administration.
The insistence by Biden that he made the right decision in pulling all troops out of Afghanistan is ridiculous and defies the reality that unfolded before our eyes. Those scenes stain the reputation of the United States in the eyes of the world, more than this IMBECILE could ever realize.
It is said that by his despicable supporters that he is a man whose sense of empathy was touched by tragedy. Yeah. Right. I don’t buy any of it. To be commander in Chief he is so clearly unfit. Yesterday’s debacle made that point so very clearly. This blithering idiot came off as cold and uncaring about the Taliban’s habit of bloody revenge. So easy it was if you would care to see. In less than a year, this pathetic POS has produced failure after failure but yesterday will go down as one of the worst in any Presidency.
The proverbial buck stopped with him we heard him say. Such disingenuousness this demented dolt was spewing. What did not escape us all was his finger-pointing. Of course, he blamed Trump as well as the Afghan army. He claimed the collapse of the Afghan army in the last two weeks proved the correctness of his decision. Wrong. It proved just the opposite. The Afghan army was good enough as long as it had the support of American airpower and intelligence. The fallout from this cut-and-run exit strategy will thoroughly embolden many a Jihadist. Terror attacks will surely come. Look out for its re-emergence.
In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, H.R. McMaster and Bradley Bowman writes that “Pundits in Washington repeat the mantra that there was ‘no military solution’ in Afghanistan. The Taliban seem to have come up with one.” How true this all is for it could not have happened without, THE MASTER OF DISASTER, the hapless Joe Biden.
“More Thoughts On Afghanistan”
We are still reeling from the Afghanistan DEBACLE. The optics of it all is truly stunning. Over the last 20 years, the U.S. lost 2,500 troops with 20,000 wounded and invested $1 trillion to create an Afghan army, only to see that army crumble and disintegrate. Our cut and run strategy is truly appalling. This is something that one cannot simply overstate.
A wipeout of our investment of a generation to convert Afghanistan into a democracy with the ability to hold the allegiance of its people and to defend itself was a monumental failure. That is the reality that we must and have to accept. There can be no more attempts at NATION BUILDING. Was not the attempt to transplant Madisonian democracy into the soil of the Middle and Near East a fool’s errand from the beginning?
Many questions need to be answered, not the least of which is, Did the U.S. generals, statesmen, politicians, and journalists who went to Afghanistan during these last two decades delude themselves, or were we deliberately deceived? It is the latter that most Americans have surely believed. Methinks quite a few U.S. generals knew what was going on and when they were questioned by Congress they refrained from any truth-telling. They dared not to risk their careers by hiding the fact that the Afghan army and regime would likely collapse like a house of cards once the Americans departed. So dependent we’re they on our hand-holding.
As for that IMBECILE who sits in the Oval Office I have a thing or two to say. He is right about a majority of our country wants us to leave Afghanistan but what he can’t get through his thick head is how we left. A cut-and-run strategy was certainly not the right way. We left so much ammunition, war equipment behind. It was there for the taking. It will undoubtedly be used against us in the future. All this is so very troubling and shocking.
For the Taliban it is critical that they be restored to their previous dominance, to create an Islamic Emirate, to make themselves the moral, social, and political arbiters of a more purely Islamic Afghanistan. That is what we will be witnessing. The cut and run strategy ordered by Biden helped enormously. In the White House sits a complete FOOL. In severe cognitive decline is this man.
The Taliban want desperately to be able to stand up and say to the Muslim world: “We have shown you how to do it. We fought America, the world superpower, for 20 years until we forced the Americans, tails between their legs, to get out of our land, and then put their puppets up against a wall.” The re-emergence of terror attacks we are more than likely to see. The Biden regime will no doubt try to have us focus not on the jihadists but the white supremacists they feel are a greater danger to our country.
Written by Joe Esposito,08/16-18/2021
Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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