Saturday, August 14, 2021

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 05814/2021, “The Final Count - 19”, “More Thoughts On The GOP Betrayal”, “Time For A Political ‘This And That’”

by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

“The Final Count - 19”

 The capitulation is complete, a surrender bordering on the obscene. The final count is 19. I’m sure that they are proud as hell in giving that IMBECILE a victory. Of course, now we will all once again say how a thorough make-over is needed for this GOP. Have we not gone through this road before with every disgusting Republican betrayal?  So many of them truly give us a bad case of agita. It always seems that we wind up with the same dimwitted candidates who run as a Conservative and then go into a state of amnesia.

 Are we supposed to be ecstatic that the Republicans achieved a bipartisan bill that will surely be so inflationary?? This GOP is in dire need of a lobotomy. Can anyone dare to disagree??? It is extremely tough to take a political party this utterly stupid, so damn dumb. The laughter you may be hearing is surely coming from the PARTY OF HATE. The Democrats must feel so damn emboldened. They have the Republicans under their thumb.

 As was the case with Obamacare none of these lowlife scumbags who serve under our behest ever read this horrific bill. That can be said with a degree of certainty. What has been done once again is the thwarting of the people’s will. Shame on the 19 who caved to the Democrat Party. And as for Mitch McConnell, plenty can be said and none of it is any good. In 2017 Trump was denied by McConnell an Infrastructure deal because of its expense. But with our forty-fifth President gone the Senate Minority leader goes along with a far more costly deal. Does that make any kind of sense?

 What now? That wretched dictator in the House has sworn up and down she will not touch the infrastructure bill until the Senate gives her Democrats' $3.5 trillion spending wish list under budget reconciliation.  Will the despised 19  be in a state of accommodation? The FECKLESS joining hands with the EVILDOERS?? I would not put anything past this disgusting GOP. We could very well be nearing in our beloved America a tried and true radical transformation. Hey, what the hell can I say? I’m so completely fed up with what has taken place and the possibility of worse things to come. Chalk it up to the cynic in me.

 One more final thing. I so wish that our forty-fifth president would plan more rallies. He is the only one who speaks for us and can be wholeheartedly trusted. Through him, we can channel how millions of us feel about the lack of courage in this GOP. Their latest betrayal leaves us so utterly disgusted.


“More Thoughts On The GOP Betrayal”

 The outrage continues at the CAPITULATION. It is something that the GOP political base will hardly forget. In a word, NEVER! Once again we saw the Republicans do what they do best. They SURRENDER. How many more examples do we need of Mitch McConnell’s lack of leadership?? He is incapable of leading the opposition to the PARTY OF HATE’S radical agenda. This latest cave-in was utterly appalling. In return for allowing Biden to reshape the American economy, and claim a bipartisan victory, Republicans,  got nothing. We are aghast that 19 GOP Senators have given Biden a victory while his administration is doing so much to hurt the country. Never have we seen such insanity.

 This disgusting regime is escalating our beloved America’s free fall as we all can surely see. The southern border is a catastrophe. While this IMBECILE in the White House talks about gun control crime is surging across our country. Mayors in Democrat cities call for defunding the police. This lunacy continues unabated when all is said and done. SCOTUS declares the EVICTION MORATORIUM is unconstitutional but Biden cares not for he goes ahead with another one. With the pandemic surging his vaccine rollout is a mess. It is sputtering. With this Pathetic FRAUD, this should not be in the least surprising.

 With regard to the infrastructure we, of course, want to see it. For the longest time, a majority of Americans wanted to see it get done but it cannot be at the price of abandoning effective opposition. What McConnell has done is given Biden a new momentum that he will surely regret. There really is nothing to stop the next 3.5 trillion dollar bill. Its passage will be a sure bet. To McConnell’s way of thinking he will threaten to oppose raising the debt limit if Democrats go ahead with their plans. Yeah, Right. This is a bluff and everyone knows it. This is posturing for he’s hoping to fool people into thinking he’ll put up a fight.

 McConnell is a useless leader, a swamp creature to the core. Of him, we are thoroughly sick and want not one minute more. On his website this scumbag boasts to his Kentuckian constituents of the so-called, PORK, he has brought to his state. Mitch McConnell is thoroughly obscene. Be assured that plenty more of this PORK was left to the other eighteen. That was the reward for their outrageous surrender. It was a big EFF YOU to our beloved America.


“Time For A Political ‘This And That’”

 All of the scumbags in the PARTY OF HATE are gloating. The passage of that one trillion dollars plus Infrastructure Bill is of course the reason why. Once again the PARTY OF STUPIDITY came to the rescue. They have quite a penchant to do things that we all decry.

 The GOP is a political party that is of little action and of so much talk. In front of 19 feckless GOP Senators, the Democrats dangled so much damn PORK. It was enough to do the trick. I detest most of these  Republicans in the Senate for they truly make me sick. So many of my barf bags are full to the brim. The chances of them showing any courage when it’s desperately needed are so very, very slim.

 Yeah. Yeah. I know the polls are showing that they’ll probably retake Congress next year but with their abysmal track record, there may be a reason for some doubt. In their doing something utterly stupid is we all certainly fear. Our beloved America is declining as the IMBECILIC FRAUD is making certain that our country will become a third-rate‘ banana public’ for many a year.

 There is much more devastation than this blithering idiot is planning. This can’t get through the thick head of a Republican for many lacks an understanding. To a feeling of deep despair we succumb. The GOP is useless for they find themselves under the PARTY OF HATE’S thumb. This is all very troubling, truly appalling.

 Next up will be amnesty. Think not? I will not bet against it. After a little more than a half year, our cherished Constitution is thoroughly drenched with the PARTY OF HATE’S spit. This is so outrageous and unconscionable to see. You might think I’m being a tad hyperbolic. Perhaps but I can’t help it. It’s the cynic in me.

 All is not so bad for see Democrat governors in a heap of trouble. Cuomo is gone and the hope is that he’ll find his way to a prison cell for life. Gavin Newson will be next. The once GOLDEN BOY of California is in a lot of strife. Don’t forget that the Governor of Michigan is in a heap of trouble too. For these cretins, things are fading quite fast in these states of Blue.

 Millions of us are trying to cope as best we can but the crap that we are dealing with is so damn difficult. We all miss Trump so terribly. Let those scumbags on CNN and MSNBC demean us. They say with much sarcasm that we are part of a dangerous cult. Years from now the historians will surely see the culpability of the media in the HELL that we are going through. This media is as CORRUPT as can be and that we all know is perfectly true.

 My fellow patriots, we are in a long war with EVIL and we must not give up or relent in any way. Things are getting bleak now but we will see a better day. Never lose hope or we surely will be done. Stay focused for there are some brave Congressional Republicans and our former President is ready to lead us. We do hope that in 2024 he will run. If he winds up winning it will be the second time in our history that a President had served two terms but not successively. If anyone can do it again it will undoubtedly be he! 


“All Things Political”

 It was the WEEK THAT WAS and one that we are sure to remember. The lowlight was when the nineteen Republican Senators caved into the PARTY OF HATE. It was another SURRENDER. Mitch McConnell was excoriated by the Trump political base. Once again he proved what we all know him to be, a total DISGRACE. Of course, what we saw was beyond aggravating. It cannot be said enough how useless this Republican Party is. This radical agenda of this Democrat party is more than a tad overwhelming.

 The PARTY OF HATE is doing as much as they can while they have the power. They’re not afraid of their opposition, the PARTY OF STUPID for in the toughest of times they will cower. That is an undeniable fact but I don’t have to try and convince you of what they are afraid to do. They’ll never stand up to the Democrats who to a person is thoroughly evil through and through.

 Is there any doubt that we are standing on the precipice of a SOCIALIST REVOLUTION?? The Senate is about to pass a massive $3.5 trillion spending bill. Bernie Sanders has the IMBECILE by the  ‘you know what’ and he ain’t letting go. The BERN is running this whole damn show.

 This upcoming humungous bill will radically change the structure of the U.S. and the relationship between citizen and state and that, my fellow patriots, is a most troubling thing. We will be seeing for some illegal aliens a  path to citizenship and an expansion of Medicare which will go broke by 2024. A bunch of FREE goodies these reprobates are promising. Be assured that will the U.S. use 80% of its energy from “clean” sources by 2030. And this is only the beginning.

 Incremental reforms these are not. If passed this three trillion dollar plus bill will move us to SOCIALISM for good. What we must try to understand and comprehend is once government benefits begin they are next to impossible to end.

 A 50-50 Senate should not be producing radicalism. They have no mandate for “revolutionary institutional changes”, a phrase that this IMBECILE was proposing last year. What we’ve been witnessing is truly an abomination.  The PARTY OF HATE is are proposing to pass the bill by abusing the technical process of “reconciliation”. Of course, all of this is being cheered on by the CORRUPT media wholeheartedly. Passing this bill will divide Americans forever. That is a certainty.

 There is a great fear among Democrats that they will certainly lose their Congressional majority next year so they must rush with this plan. While they have the power they will do all that they possibly can. 

Written by Joe Esposito,08/11-14/2021

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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