Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

Self-enslavement or forced enslavement, or is it being possessed by your possessions or desires?
Here are two old stories, one is about the coal miners in The United States of America, and the other story is about the rubber barons and the Indians of South America.
The coal miners in the United States were being starved to the point where they could barely survive, so the coal miners figured out and try to do Something to combat the low wages of working for the coal mine Corporations, That was to organize amongst themselves and pull their money together to create their own store, and shop outside of the confines of the company store, they had to do this because the company kept raising the prices in the company store, to keep the coal miners financially broke so they could not Do anything but work, And not to have any free time.
Every time the coal miners would boycott or strike to get a pay raise, all the coal mine corporations had to do, was raise the prices in the company store to compensate or offset the pay raises, making it impossible for the coal miners to get ahead or out of debt, and even forcing the coal miners children to participate in working in the coal mines, so they, the Coal miners devised a plan to purchase goods supplies from outside and beyond the reach of the company store, because the prices outside of the confines of the company store were much better and they were not inflated, my the coal mine corporations.
But what the coal mine corporations did, was hired a private army known as the Pinkerton's, today's equivalent would be Blackwater, basically ex-military mercenaries, and they would attack the caravans of food and supplies coming back into the community where the coal miners lived, thus stealing the supplies or burning them and assaulting or killing those who who were trying to bring the food and supplies back to the community.
This led to the organization of unions, during one of the great battles between the coal miners and coal mine corporations, the Pinkerton's had set up machine gun nests, manned by 36.06 machine guns, to stop the protesters and strikers, the coal mine corporations also Went as far as to hire aircraft, to drop bombs on American citizens protesting the unfair treatment and conditions of the coal mines, thus this led to a law allowing people to organize and start unions, after! the coal miners took unexploded bombs into Congress, and show them what the coal mine corporations were doing to the coal miners, coal mine corporations also murdered a sheriff and a union activist on the steps of the courthouse in Virginia or West Virginia.
Story Number Two, the Rockefeller's, and Carnegie, Ford, and the major industrial tycoons in the United States went down to South America and set up plantations to harvest rubber. They hired soldiers and mercenaries once again and sent them into the jungle to kidnap the Indians, and forced them to work on the rubber plantations, but the Indians that were living in the jungle, were living in the garden of the Eden, it was heaven to them, and they did not want to work on the plantations and they kept escaping back to the jungle.
So the industrial tycoons kept sending their soldiers back into the jungle to recapture the Indians but in the process, because they were not familiar with the jungle Environment many of the mercenaries were killed by the jungle and the animals and insects that inhabited the jungle, so it started to affect the bottom line and the ability for the tycoons to maintain and operate these rubber plantations, so the industrial tycoons devised a plan, and that was to go back into the jungle and recapture the Indians bring them to the plantation, give them alcohol, and give the women shiny cloth and buttons, and then tell them that they were free to go, but if they wanted to continue to get alcohol, and buttons and cloth they Would have to come back and work on the plantation, and this eventually led the Indians to enslave themselves, for alcohol and trinkets.
The bottom line is that here in America, And in most of the world that this is done, and also to the American people, they have shut down all the independent stores or are trying to shut them down, so that only the company stores, Walmart, Target, the corporate chain stores like pharmacies, and gas stations fast food services will remain, using inflation to enslave the people in the United States of America by the same process, the trinkets are different, they are houses automobiles planes boats second homes, and political power, but the techniques are still the same make people addicted to the things they really don't need or exploit the things that they do need, like shelter, land, water, air, food or access to food, but the cycle to have someone enslave themselves is the same.
I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

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