If you look at the 535 Congressional critters leading America toward ruin, destruction, and civil strife—you must ask questions as to why they are doing it to us. Let’s ask a few pertinent questions that need answers from your two U.S. Senators and House Members. Forget about asking the president any questions. He couldn’t remember the question if his life depended on it. If he did, his answer would be the same hot air since 47 years ago when he arrived in DC.
With over 580,000 documented homeless Americans and tens of thousands of homeless veterans, why are we absorbing 178,000 illegal aliens monthly and spending over $60 million a month to house, feed, and medically care for them? Does it make sense to take care of the world’s poor when our own poor struggle in the streets of our cities?
What about Mr. Biden giving Palestine $200 million to buy more weapons to completely rocket and kill Israel? Why? Can you think of any reason to empower Iran with more money? Why would you empower a Muslim enemy that wants to demolish every last Jew in the world? Any answers for that question Congress and Biden?
Who in their right mind thought that importing documented 68 IQ Somalians who subsist forever on our welfare programs was a good idea? Congress trashed Lewiston, Maine with Somalians who suffer a bushland-hunter-gatherer culture from 1,000 years ago—but now, they find themselves in a civilization 1000 years more advanced than they can handle. Whose bright idea was it to flood Minneapolis, Minnesota with 125,000 Somalis who can’t read, write, or work any kind of advanced jobs in America beyond taxi driver or janitor? Why? Was there a point to it? Did it benefit American taxpayers? What about how they scammed EBT cards to over $2 million in our money? Anybody have any answers to that one? You question that 68 IQ statement? Here’s the source of collective IQ’s of every country in the world.
The lower the IQ, the more barbaric and chaotic the culture. Somalia doesn’t carry the lowest collective IQ, but pretty close. (Source)
Who thought it was such a grand idea to bring 300,000 Muslims into Detroit after that religion bombed us on 9/11? At least, we know that 19 Saudi Muslims ran those planes into the towers. What was the point to bring an incompatible religion that’s out to defeat all Infidels and “Convert or kill all non-believers?” How stupid are those people allowing in these third worlder’s with so much violence in their religions? Do you like an average of 25 honor killings annually in our country according to DHS? How about over 500,000 female genital mutilations committed on their women? Where are the women’s rights groups? (Source: Feb 2, 2018, DHS report, Edward O’Callaghan, DHS Assistant DA spoke at a press conference on Muslim activities in America.)
Why have we funded $6 trillion in war funds to fight two useless and meaningless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for the past 20 friggin’ years? Answer me that one Mr. Biden since you’ve been in Congress for 47 years to make that happen? Were 7,100 combat deaths worth it? Were the documented 114,000 servicemen and woman suicides worth it? (Source) Yes, that’s right, 114,000 suicides in the last 20 years from those two insane-provoking wars!
What about our $29 trillion debt? Who in the name of common sense and rational thinking would run up their credit card with that much debt—knowing that when the bill comes in that at some point, we won’t be able to pay it? Got any answers Congress and Biden?
Why in the name of common sense are we importing 1.5 million of the world’s poor into our country annually? Why? What’s the point? What will be the logical result of spreading all those people across our land from 196 countries, half of them failed-states, with 196 world views, religions, cultures, and languages? Anybody figure out how that’s going to end up?
Why have we taught our kids to hate their own country? What was the point of allowing BLM to burn and loot our cities with immunity? Why did we allow a bunch of anarchists to burn and loot Portland, Minneapolis, Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago, and more?
Why are we tolerating the “Critical Race Theory” to be taught to create White hatred and Black victimization? How do you think that will end up? I’ll tell you: total separation of our culture, our way of life, our equality, our peace, and tranquility. Why? What is the point?
We need to answer these questions because if we don’t, we’re heading for the bottom of the toilet faster than a bullet train.
I will cover Part 2 in the next commentary.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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