Friday, June 18, 2021

Biden Appears Lost at G7 Summit


Biden Appears Lost at G7 Summit

I have an “independent” friend of mine that was hell-bent on getting Trump out of office in 2020.

He once told me that “I would vote for a potato over Trump” in the election. Well, it looks like a potato would have been a step up from Biden.

Dazed and Confused

Is too much being made of Joe’s many blunders during this trip overseas? Personally, I would say not enough is being made of them.

We stated before this trip occurred that Biden would start to break down, as it was his most demanding schedule to date, and that has proven to be true.

I want you to watch two videos that surfaced this week and tell me if you think this man should have his finger on the nuke button.

The first video is from Joe’s walk earlier in the week when he booted a few reporters from their table so he could sit under the tent.

Biden appears both confused and lost when a reporter jolts him back to reality.

However, before he could really get into an answer, Jill Biden can be heard calling him over to get him out there before he says something he should not…Then we head to the actual summit meeting, where Biden again just looks like a lost puppy at times.

And, again, he starts warning about getting in trouble…

There is simply no way anyone can convince me this man is all there mentally right now and shame on both the Democrat Party and Jill Biden for parading him around and using him as a front to push this leftist agenda.

And shame on the mainstream media for continuing to gush over Biden rather than asking the really tough questions that need to be asked right now about his mental health.



Putin Trolls United States in Post-Meeting Press Conference

We predicted that Putin would eat Joe Biden for lunch during their recent meeting, which appears to be exactly what happened.

Not only did Putin walk out of there with the apparent upper hand, but he also came armed to the teeth at the post-meeting press conference.

Sadly, all that rhetoric Democrats have been throwing around was used against our country on a world stage by Putin.

Ready to Go

Unlike Joe Biden, Putin came prepared for his press conference.

Every time a media member brought up treatment of Russian opposition protests, Putin referred to the Capitol or other narratives being pushed by Democrats.

Putin, in part, stated, “America just recently had very severe events, well-known events, after the killing of an African American.

“And the entire movement developed known as Black Lives Matter.

“I’m not going to comment on that but here’s what I do want to say.

“What we saw was disorder, destruction, violations of the law, etc.”

He continued, “We feel sympathy for the United States of America but we don’t want that to happen on our territory. We’re doing our utmost in order to not allow it to happen.”

Fox News discussed these very comments…

Russian president bashes US over BLM violence during press conference |

So, not only is Joe Biden getting embarrassed, now our entire country is getting embarrassed so that Dems could score a few points in their effort to oust Trump.


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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