I’m linking to John Kass at Real Clear Politics, but a number of media outlets are reluctantly admitting that the main reason they treated any suspicions of COVID-19 escaping from a Chinese lab as a racist conspiracy theory that had to be silenced is that President Trump suggested it.
As longtime readers know, I’ve repeatedly cited this kneejerk media anti-Trump bias, in which everything Trump said had to be contradicted, nit-picked, distorted, and branded as a “LIE,” even if he just said, “Good morning.” If Trump said he’d seen intelligence suggesting that the virus might have escaped from the Wuhan lab, then the media had no choice but to deny it in the strongest possible terms, even if it meant, to quote PJ Media’s Stephen Kruiser:
“…the American mainstream media was willing to take at face value any claims made by agents of the Chinese Communist Party, all the while rejecting and denigrating anything that was said by the president of the United States. It was a new low even for that group of professional bottom-dwellers.”
Remember, these are the same people who spent over two years giving us breathless updates on Trump’s lies about not colluding with Russia to steal the election, until their one-time hero Robert Mueller announced that he’d found no evidence of Trump colluding with Russia to steal the election. It makes you wonder how many other things they claimed were lies and conspiracy theories were actually just things Trump said, so true or not, they had to be denounced, denied, and destroyed.
Here’s what happens when a "news" outlet foregoes professional journalistic standards in exchange for biased, kneejerk attacks on one political figure to drive him out of office…and it succeeds.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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