No, Joe -- You are Not a Nice Guy
No, Joe, you are not a nice guy. Despite your need to keep telling us, we know the ugly truth. You are a pretty nasty guy. You are pugilistic, a plagiarist, a documented racist, a race hustler, creepy with woman and children, the "Big Guy" of a crime family, and have thrown a wrecking ball into America.
Your pugilism is epic. How many times have you garnished your weakness with the threat of taking someone behind the gym? There is a difference between a bully and a tough guy. The truth is you are the archetypal man of the pampered class. If reporters dare to ask uncomfortable or "unfair" questions, you either freak, cop a few alligator tears, or hastily leave the podium. Mostly you hide.
If you are as bright as you think you are, why do you have a history plagued by plagiarism? Was it necessary for you to commit fraud in law school to get by? And who can forget your plagiarizing leaders such as Neil Kinnock? Do you realize that you were stealing his life story? The curious are wondering what was missing in your own life story. Adding that to your plagiarism of Hubert Humphrey and the Kennedy brothers classifies you as a first-rate charlatan. And stop taking credit for what Trump did to make vaccines available in "Warp Speed." It is his success, not yours.
Your not-so-thinly veiled racism disgusts the most. You have the nerve to smear our underpaid, overworked police force as systemically racist. It is they, Joe, who risk their lives every day for the safety of all Americans. There are a few bad cops, just as there are bad people in all professions-politicians, teachers, physicians, attorneys, and yes, clergy. The police force is not systematically racist. And the backlash from all your anti-cop rhetoric is that retirements are up and recruitment is down. Is that your intention, Joe? Oh, of course, it was the hero of the hard left, Karl Marx, who signaled that a "socialist society has a withering police force."
Your racism goes way back, Joe. During your political career, you praised segregationist George Wallace, opposed school busing in the 1970s because, as you said, it would lead to a "racial jungle," admired and eulogized a former KKK kleagle, voted for the 1994 crime bill, and praised Barack Obama as the "first mainstream African American who is articulate, and bright and clean." It is a repulsive record, Joe. A racist record.
For a documented racist, your constant race-hustling from the Oval Office is particularly disturbing. Time and time again, your Marxist ideology
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Why Joe Biden is no saint! |
dictates your efforts to divide Americans to incite ethnic and racial tension. The Jim Crow reference concerning the new Georgia voting laws outstrips human decency. Your Marxist rhetoric is not only a lie but an insult to every Black American. Joe, you are not a nice guy.
Creepy with women and children is an understatement. Who goes around sniffing women's hair and continually invading a woman's space? And what would you say about another older man who tells the story about the hair on his legs turning blond in the sun and then letting kids rub his blond hairy legs? Sick comes to mind. You are not a nice guy.
While the media and intelligence have chosen to protect you from the investigation, it is clear to most that you are the "Big Guy" of the Biden crime family. Your family has an impressive rap sheet. They have had severe scrapes with the law but never pay for their crimes. How come, Joe? And you, what is your role in making your family millions? How often did you monetize the vice presidency? Anyone with an IQ above their body temperature can figure out what is going on.
Your "Trump Derangement Syndrome" compelled you to reverse the effective border policies of the previous administration. As a result of your derangement, there is a humanitarian catastrophe at our southern border. Do you even care about the miserable conditions? It appears not. And your socialist economic policies are egregious and smell like inspissated bile. How long will it take for America to become Venezuela?
No, Joe, you are not a nice guy by any stretch of the imagination. Please stop trying to convince us. Niceness is akin to money and sex. If you have it, there is no need to brag.
I anticipated the Biden presidency with great trepidation. On the campaign trail—or at least in the primary and presidential debates, as he really didn’t campaign in the usual sense—he appeared to be weak, mentally and physically, an ideal Trojan horse for the leftist radicals in his party to smuggle in their preferred policies. He pandered to their dreams of open borders and a Green New Deal, and he repeated their mantra that the U.S. was plagued by “systemic racism,” a term undefined and incapable of being defined in any way recognizable as racist. He jumped on his party’s identity politics bandwagon. And, of course, he told quite consequential and provable lies—such as that Donald Trump had praised Nazis in Charlottesville, or that he, Biden, knew nothing of Hunter’s business dealings in the Ukraine and China, much less that he himself was involved in the China deals.
Still, we were told that Biden was a moderate, a unifier, a bipartisan compromiser. He was just good-old, backslapping, women-hugging Joe, an old-time professional pol who might occasionally have a strained relationship with the truth—a couple of bouts of plagiarism, perhaps, but generally just a harmless fabulist—but surely not an ideological or a calculating, mean-spirited liar. There was hope that the Biden we saw vying for the presidency would be different from the Biden we would see having won the presidency.
Unfortunately, that has not been the case. If anything, Biden as president has been worse than Biden as a candidate. Here is his first one hundred days report card.
First, the good grade (though the only one). Biden’s team has managed the vaccine rollout fairly effectively, building on the foundation the Trump administration laid. He deserves credit for that, though he would deserve more had he expressed some gratitude for the near-miraculous success of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed in producing vaccines in a matter of months.
Thanking Trump, whom most of his party reviles, would have shown some class; but I guess presidents thanking the good works of their predecessors in the opposing party, or at least not heaping scorn on those predecessors, is an act of presidential class that disappeared after George W. Bush.
Now for the failing grades. Biden has taken the poison of identity politics to an extreme. Almost every presidential appointment has been made based on the appointee’s race, ethnicity, sex, or sexuality, not the appointee’s being the most highly qualified for the position. He has reinstated the Critical Race Theory inspired, and thus racist, ideological training in the federal government. (CRT divides humanity into oppressor races and oppressed races and revives the wicked ancient notion of blood guilt.) He signed a law that gives loan forgiveness to Black farmers but not White farmers.
Biden has abetted the vicious lie that there is an epidemic of police violence against Blacks, leading most Blacks and many Whites to believe that Blacks are more likely to die at the hands of the police than in automobile accidents, whereas the facts show that the latter is ten times more likely than the former, and that police killings are statistically quite rare and show no racial skew. And Biden continues publicly to indict the U.S. as plagued by systemic racism and White supremacy, despite offering no bill of particulars to back up that indictment (because there are no such particulars).
Relatedly, Biden has encouraged military leaders, who always want to know the path for career advancement, to cease trying to make the military the most muscular fighting machine and instead to make it woke. We now see the sex norming of fitness standards, the mandate to “diversify” the officer corps, and the purging of those with “extremist” (pro-Trump?) beliefs. A military has only one role—to win wars. But the Biden administration is willing to have the military turn its focus from that role and pursue an ideological agenda, even if that agenda will lead to cohesion-destroying sexual tensions and rivalries in combat units and the exclusion of those with excellent combat abilities.
Then there’s Biden’s disaster on the southern border. Biden’s stopping border wall construction and his restrictions on deportations have created a humanitarian crisis for the thousands of unaccompanied minors who have crossed the border in response to Biden’s welcome mat. They currently huddle together in temporary shelters, a high percentage infected with COVID, many of whom will be released to infect citizens.
Biden’s border policies have been a bonanza for the Mexican cartels, both financially and in terms of sexual exploitation of female migrants. Moreover, because the crisis of the unaccompanied minors has drawn border patrol agents away from policing the border, and because of the gaps left when Biden halted border-wall construction, the cartels now can easily smuggle in drugs, gang members, sex offenders, and potential terrorists.
There are other failing marks on Biden’s first report card. He continues to call Georgia’s voting law “Jim Crow 2.0” and lies about its content. Apparently, requiring a photo ID is racist because Blacks just don’t know how to get one. Of course, as is frequently pointed out, one needs such an ID to do almost everything. Indeed, one needs such an ID to get the COVID vaccine. So, is the Biden administration trying to suppress Black vaccinations? If requiring a photo ID is racist, then Biden’s vaccination program stands indicted.
Then there’s the XL pipeline’s cancellation, a completely irrational act. Canceling it cost thousands of people jobs. And what does it accomplish? The oil from Canada will still come in, but now it will come in by the less safe and more polluting truck and rail. Jobs lost, and nothing gained.
Indeed, the Biden climate policy, in general, is irrational. Biden would have the country endure enormous costs for almost no gain in reducing the world’s total output of greenhouse gases, particularly since China and India are the major contributors to that output. Moreover, if Biden were serious about this, he would opt for clean nuclear power and natural gas rather than the unreliable eyesores of wind farms and solar panels.
Biden has rescinded the due process rules the Trump administration prescribed for handling sexual assaults on college campuses. The Obama administration’s rules were widely criticized for being one-sided and unfair to those accused. Even a large portion of the liberal Harvard law faculty voiced that criticism. Apparently, true due process is not a Biden value.
Biden has signed and endorsed policies that spend money like drunken sailors—except that drunken sailors cannot print money. The idea that one can print money at a pace that outstrips the production of goods and services without devaluing that money and causing inflation—a cruel tax on those on fixed incomes—seems to be a Biden verity.
Biden’s foreign policy report card is still incomplete. Will he be tough on Iran and China? Perhaps, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
Finally, where are the promised moderation, bipartisanship, and unity? And where is his past support of the filibuster? My surmise is that Biden—or perhaps his handlers, who may be running the presidency—never intended these things. That’s another failing grade, perhaps the most important one.
You didn't need to watch (p)Resident Biden's dim address to the diminished Congress marking his first hundred days in installation to know what would come dribbling out of his mouth. The party that has made a god of government has seized power, and the figurehead of that government knows he must dance to the Marxist-socialists' tune if he doesn't want to find himself 25th-Amendment-ed (or Jeffrey Epstein-ed!) in short order.
So if you happened to miss Dementia-in-Chief's big speech, here's the official State narrative: there are all kinds of problems in America, and almost all of them should be blamed on the last legitimately elected president and his coalition of Make America Great Again (yuck!) "white supremacists." Every problem created by those terrible sub-humans can be solved if we just spend more money, give the government more power, stifle economic growth by fighting the weather, stay terribly afraid all of the time, and pray five times a day at the altar of "woke" racial grievance.
In addition, it is neither the policy nor the preference of the United States government to "make America great" or to imply that America was once great or to suggest, should it later be determined that America was once great, that its past greatness was ever greater than any other nation's greatness. Also, red hats are banned, and an image of that bespectacled woman screaming at the sky during President Trump's 2017 inauguration has been embroidered on all new American flags.
Now, it has come to the attention of the Rice-Harris administration that some Americans believe that the Department of Justice and the Intelligence Community engaged in illegal activities both before and after the 2016 presidential election in order first to spy on the Trump campaign and later to obstruct his presidency by pursuing false criminal charges against him and members of his administration and releasing to the press a steady stream of disinformation and propaganda meant to tarnish the former president as a Russian spy and remove him from office. The new administration takes these charges very seriously and has therefore asked the Department of Justice, FBI, and CIA to confirm or deny whether they did anything wrong. Having seen no show of hands, it was decided that the Department of Justice should instead turn its attention to pursuing charges against Americans recklessly questioning those agencies' actions in online articles. The FISA Court has jumped at the chance to track down dissidents in this regard. Never let it be said that the federal government spies on American citizens or denies them the full protection of the Fourth Amendment when it has Google, Facebook, and Twitter to do such work for it.
It is the policy of this new administration that no constitutional amendment is absolute, and should a court of law later incorrectly determine that the Bill of Rights is absolute, then such a ruling will do nothing more than perpetuate institutional racism and white supremacy. The Founding Fathers' advancements in human liberty, just like Isaac Newton's accomplishments in classical mechanics and calculus, aren't relevant in a modern, multicultural nation.
It's imperative that all constitutional rights first be vetted by trained medical professionals in order to determine whether they can coexist in a "healthy" society. "Unhealthy" parts of the Constitution must go. It is "healthy" to chemically castrate children in the name of feelings and to resettle COVID-positive illegal aliens around the U.S. without worrying about the spread of disease. It is "unhealthy" to value a baby's life as much as a mother's when restricting abortion. Should you have trouble determining which constitutional rights still exist, please consult Dr. Fauci's latest proclamations on what liberties are permitted in a world with germs before inadvertently acting more freely than he believes is in your best interest.
After this latest health emergency stemming from the virus that most likely arose in China but must not be referred to as the "China Virus" out of the obvious need to keep angry infected people from randomly engaging in violence against Asians, it is clear that America is actually in the middle of innumerable "health emergencies," which we must address before Americans are allowed to remove their masks. There's a "systemic racism health emergency" and a "gun violence health emergency" and a "D.C. statehood health emergency." There are even a "filibuster health emergency" and an "Electoral College health emergency" that might mean the end of "democracy" unless Congress acts fast! The good news is, if Congress fails to pass legislation quickly, Attorney General Merrick Garland has already determined that the president actually has the power to rewrite the Constitution and make law through simple "pen and phone" executive orders. Somebody should put that guy on the Supreme Court!
In a particularly touching moment, the president directed some important health warnings to Republicans. First, since conservative speech is now "hate speech," and "hate speech" is "extremist," and "extremism" gets you locked up in solitary confinement without due process or habeas corpus for months at a time, or worse, murdered in cold blood, it's in the best interest of conservatives to forfeit their free speech. Second, since gun-owners are actually "gun nuts" and must be disarmed before they can defend themselves from those who would wish them harm. They should hand over their weapons before government agents are forced to harm them. And lastly, since highlighting the rampant fraud of the last election is "actual violence" against "democracy," conservatives shouldn't be surprised when "democracy" punches back. Fair warnings, I guess.
Oh, and a number of dictionary definitions were officially "improved" by executive order. "Infrastructure project" no longer has anything to do with bridges and roads but instead refers to a pork-barrel graft that allows Democrats to launder payoffs to regime supporters. "Bipartisanship" now simply means that both straight and gay Democrats back Democrat partisanship. And "voter suppression" relates to anything that hinders Democrats from cheating in elections. More new definitions are on their way. (I hear "gulag" might soon become "hotel for Trump-supporters" — yay!)
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that's what happened.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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