by Joe Esposito
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!
by Joe Esposito
“A Blueprint To Destroy Our America!!”
The FRAUD in Chief will be up past his bedtime tonight. He will be addressing our highly DYSFUNCTIONAL Congress. This will be Biden’s first speech and I trust they’ll not be many people watching. It is my fervent hope that many House and Senate Republicans will not be attending. Weren’t there many Democrats missing in action when Trump gave his first address? It would take BALLS not to attend and as we know so many in the GOP lack a pair. Of course, we will see them in the audience. They will be there. I wouldn’t put it past some of the disgusting RINOS joining the Democrats in their applauding. Believe me, my fellow patriots, when I say that I ain’t kidding. It is being reported that HIS FRAUDULENCE will call for trillions more in spending. The pressure on him to sell HUMAN INFRASTRUCTURE is certainly mounting.
We are ‘spending our way into oblivion as the saying goes. To the PARTY OF HATE, it matters not as we can surely see. Our national debt is truly soaring. We are reaching the heights of INSANITY. To a modern-day Democrat, the thinking is that money can be created from thin air. What no longer matters much are annual deficits and aggregate national debt. Past presidents ran up huge debts but at least there was the thinking that the money was real and needed to be repaid but this regime’s spending is humungous. It is truly outrageous. The additional spending he will ask for will bring the total to six trillion dollars. This is a staggering amount and this blithering idiot has been in office only one hundred days. He will ask for additional funding for a slew of things that people will get for free. In addition to this will be more food stamps and paid leave. This is truly utter MADNESS taken to the nth degree.
Of course, Biden plans to pay for this proposed spending with dramatic tax hikes on capital gains and raising the corporate tax rate. Don’t dare tell me that you are in any way surprised. This is what you get when an election is rigged and the government is in firm control of those who despise everything decent thing in our beloved America. We are firmly in the clutches of the PARTY OF HATE who continue their assault with the most radical agenda. A great NATIONAL MALAISE is what we see. There is little doubt that this ILLEGITIMATE president’s first 100 days is the most and radically Left administration in American History.
“The Woke Revolution”
Continuing on its destructive path is the Woke Revolution. A grassroots movement it clearly is not for is empowered by the well-connected and guilt-ridden elite. That is apparent and very much evident. Of course, the most woke of all is our pathetic, masked ILLEGITIMATE president. To our horror corporation after corporation falls in line, shocking as that may be. What is happening in our beloved America? Millions of us so deplore what we see. Many CEOs feel they have much to lose if they stay silent. Boycotts and protests are what they most certainly fear. To the LEFT each of them surrenders. Keep in mind that there is little concern about offending the conservative silent majority for they hardly ever do boycotting. That is a point that one must make very clear.
Wokeness is so very elitist. An entire vocabulary has been created by the ‘woke practitioners’. Words like deplorables and irredeemables’ come to mind. The louder they damn our American culture the more important and enhanced each of their careers will be. The un-woke lower-middle classes are the object of derision by the wealthiest people in our country and most certainly the multimillionaire politicians that populate DC. All of the celebrity billionaires go on and on in their preaching about a rigged system. Of course, it is one that they have managed to somehow master. They about the system’s oppression but do we ever hear them talk about the problems faced by the less paid in their own profession?
See them all rant about carbon footprints, how security at our southern is unnecessary, the need to defund the police and how we must have gun control. They insist it is how it must be. Now I ask you to look and see what they do. They bask in the attitude of ‘Do as I say, not as I do’. They are scumbags so laden with HYPOCRISY. Do they ever forgo their private jets? Have we seen them give up their private security? Other hypocritical behavior can easily be shown. The more we hear these woke elitists go on and on about privilege the less they need to be concerned about their own. The media is awash in wokeness. Just listen to the newsreaders preach its goodness. It is enough to make one puke. This WOKE REVOLUTION is in great need of more than a stern rebuke.
Dare not try to convince me that that being woke is to have great concern for those who are less fortunate than most or about minorities. I’m sorry but the truth of the matter is this so-called Revolution is made of self sanctified bullies. About their thirst for power and privilege, we should all take great umbrage.
“And So Begins Another Week”
Millions of us wonder what further harm awaits us from Joe Biden’s ILLEGITIMATE presidency. We are nearing one hundred days of his rule. It seems like it has been an eternity as the ultra RADICALS have their way with Biden. He has for them been a most useful tool. Since the day this FRAUD was sworn he has taken a wrecking ball to our cherished institutions. This has been no laughing matter. Don’t dare tell me that he has not been a disaster. Confidence in America’s strength and resiliency have been put into doubt. That is so very apparent. There is not one policy put forth by this FRAUD that is not repugnant. You cannot help but notice a concentrated effort to alter the constitutional order and centuries of custom and tradition. It truly is deserving of much derision. The deep unpopularity of the LEFT’S agenda is obviously the reason for this. That is why you see policies unleashed by the cretin who sits in our Oval Office.
A nation’s institutions are its foundation. But what we are witnessing is the ELECTORAL COLLEGE and our Constitution’s emphasis on individual states establishing voting laws are under assault, coming under fire. We cannot allow this to be. This is just the ‘tip of the iceberg’ of this INSANITY. Last November we saw the decades-old tradition of ELECTION DAY being altered. Add to that the push to add additional members to our Supreme Court. These changes that are being demanded by the HATE AMERICA PARTY are far from measured. It has caused among our citizenry much anger. And, oh yes, let this be forgotten, the Democrats in our Senate are calling for the end of the filibuster. Surely, the well-being of our beloved America depends on prosperity and freedom but this is far from what we have been seeing. Our constitutional and political stability is being severely tested by these lunatics. They are evil and so very wicked.
The PARTY OF HATE so wants to stay in power in any way they can. If the rules need to be changed then let that be. They know their congressional majorities are minuscule, to say the least. Next year’s midterm election could turn out to as fraudulent as the one we saw in 2020. In these turbulent times, it seems that sanity does not reign. Mobs seem to rule with impunity. They tear down statues and endless monuments are defaced. It is the greatness of our history that these scumbags want to be erased. The dangers of nihilism is at hand. The wrecking ball has surely been unleashed on our beloved homeland.
Written by Joe Esposito,04/27-28/2021
Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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