by Joe Esposito
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!
by Joe Esposito
In The Week That Was . . .
We saw CORPORATE TITANS falling all over themselves in a rush to show they were in a state of WOKENESS. This is far from a joke for what the ultra radicals are doing to our beloved America is so very dangerous. You would have to be a thorough fool to think that private businesses will not be destroyed under the one-party SOCIALIST rule. My fellow patriots, we all know that there are many uninformed souls in this country who do not know what is happening. It is very TROUBLING and downright APPALLING. There is a BIG LIE being perpetrated by none other than the FRAUD in Chief who is mouthing what his RADICAL PUPPETEERS tell him what to say. We are being told by this thoroughly demented ILLEGITIMATE president that the newly passed Georgia Election Reform laws are unAmerican and racist. The use of the ‘RACE CARD’ is once again firmly on display.
It should not be surprising for the PARTY OF HATE always indulges in this behavior. It is a strategy that has worked so well. Can some please tell me how showing a photo id when you vote reeks of racism? Can someone, anyone supply an answer, pray tell? Photo identification is required to fly and to do banking so doesn’t it stand to reason it should be required to vote? Common sense and logic is an anathema to the lunatics on the LEFT I duly have to note. We saw Major League Baseball, Delta Airlines, Coca Cola cave into these radicals so very easily. Methinks that they didn’t read the Georgia Law. There is no doubt that they all acted in a reflexive manner. This ORWELLIAN atmosphere that we are in is far from a laughing matter.
It seems as if everyone is being bullied by these LEFTIST FASCISTS. This is a movement that is HORRIFIC where speech is being monitored and it is getting to the point where no one can be trusted. The Left has succeeded to divide this country, pitting one against another, leaving millions of us so very disgusted. All segments of our society are being affected. We are deep into a national MALAISE... The PARTY OF HATE, the CORRUPT media, the Titans of Silicone Valley work closely together in ways that are far from heavy-handed. Millions of us are close to some kind of rebellion. In a country that is under an oppressive one-party rule will increase millions more to be welcomed by the RANKS OF THE DISENCHANTED!
“A Political Party Of Evil”

Racial DEMAGOGUERY and serial LYING is what the Democrat Party is about. They are so damn shameless in the HATE that they spew. It makes millions of us so angry and irate seeing what they do. About what they have caused with this Georgia business we should not at all be surprised. They are who they are, a political party that is so utterly loathsome and deserving to be despised. There is no pretense about any of these lowlifes, dirtbags who comprise this PARTY OF HATE. They have become cretins of the worst kind. They take joy in destroying every decent thing in our beloved America. This is something that I must unequivocally state. They are led by a pathetic individual who fancies himself as another FDR, the second coming of LBJ. In less than three months' time, he has turned our dysfunctional political system on its head. It is beyond disheartening for millions upon millions of us to see the radical changes, he wishes to make. It leaves millions of us with a feeling of deep dread. How much more of this can we possibly take??
Joe Biden is truly an empty suit who is led by the ultra radicals. He and they are so damn dangerous. They poison our society with the tenets of socialism. If they are allowed to continue on their course this country will become unrecognizable. Many months ago the possibility that we’d be where we currently are was unimaginable. We have seen what the effects of a worldwide pandemic, coupled with a stolen national election have done. The policies put forth have been, to say the least, unwise and unfortunate. We have a government-controlled by this PARTY OF HATE with a horrific agenda. In our White House sits a Joe Biden, a president who can rightfully be called ILLEGITIMATE. It would be one thing if he won the presidency in a fair election. That alone would be utterly GALLING but to see it being done by a man who won the election by fraudulent means is beyond APPALLING.
The CANCEL CULTURE is what we are facing on a daily basis. It is on full display. Corporate Titans giving to the demands of these radical FASCISTS is what we are seeing There is indeed a massive transformation that is clearly underway. There can be no denying. In a mansion sits our forty-fourth president who is liking what he is seeing. His former Vice President sits where he once sat acting like the despicable TYRANT who for eight years ruled over us. This is all too frightening. This is a time so very dangerous. POLITICS OF POISON is everywhere. The sports world cannot even escape it. The MLB is pressured to moves its all-star game from Atlanta due to lies being spewed about the Georgia Voting reform act. This will cause severe economic damage to the state. That is an undeniable fact. When no one speaks up against this madness it will only embolden the FORCES OF EVIL. It will be never-ending. Do nothing and into a bottomless pit, our beloved America will be heading.
The PARTY OF HATE wields its power. They play dirty. They play extremely rough. What will it take for us to finally rise up and say we will take not a moment more of this? Surely we have had more than enough. One can say that there is little doubt that in next year’s midterm election they will lose their Congressional majority. Think again for if House Resolution 1 becomes law we will be ruled by this PARTY OF EVIL for what will seem like an eternity.
Written by Joe Esposito,04/03/2021
Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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