US NEWS Iranian Militia Groups Claim to Have Active Cells in Washington: Report
Antifa, BLM, and all your radical groups are in our capital, is it surprising our country is being taken over from the inside. Look at the socialists, George Soros and the other billionaires, Big Tech, the MSM, all on the money strings of Communist China, even our president and his son making money from them. We the people haven’t awakened yet, hopefully, we will before we are bused off to slave camps or organ donor facilities like China, with our own military backing them, even though they were sworn to uphold the CONSTITUTION.
No doubt that Iran’s agents are sent to other countries to spread propaganda and spy for Iran. However, most Iranians do not support Iran’s regime and we must be aware of the ways that globalists including CCP, Iran’s regime, and Democrats try to divide people and conquer. There are so many people in Iran who are suffering at the hand of their gov’t and so many in China too and now the U.S. is as well; you know the horrible Biden policies that are killing Trump’s achievements. The last thing that the globalists want is for the people who are oppressed by all of these regimes and others to unite and refuse to see anything these regimes do as legit. The globalists, technocrats, communists, whatever you wanna call them just want war and more power. They want to control and they can only achieve that by dividing the people amongst each other through race, ethnicity, religion, etc. They don’t want us to be what we want to be, that is to be free Americans, and to unite as human beings against TYRANNY.
By, Catherine Parker
Some levity:
Here are 12 things to consider since we closed the door on 2020:
1. The dumbest thing I ever bought was a 2020 planner.
2. I was so bored I called Jake from State Farm just to talk to someone. He asked me what I was wearing.
3. 2019: Stay away from negative people. 2020: Stay away from positive people.
4. The world has turned upside down. Old folks are sneaking out of the house & their kids are yelling at them to stay indoors!
5. This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her dog. It was obvious she thought her dog understood her. I came into my house & told my cat. We laughed a lot.
6. Every few days try your jeans on just to make sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom.
7. Does anyone know if we can take showers yet or should we just keep washing our hands?
8. This virus has done what no woman has been able to do. Cancel sports, shut down all bars & keep men at home!
9. I never thought the comment, “I wouldn’t touch him/her with a 6-foot pole” would become a national policy, but here we are!
10. I need to practice social distancing from the refrigerator.
11. I hope the weather is good tomorrow for my trip to the Backyard. I’m getting tired of the Living Room.
12. Never in a million years could I have imagined I would go up to a bank teller wearing a mask & ask for money.
By, Catherine Parker
Here are 12 things to consider since we closed the door on 2020:
1. The dumbest thing I ever bought was a 2020 planner.
2. I was so bored I called Jake from State Farm just to talk to someone. He asked me what I was wearing.
3. 2019: Stay away from negative people. 2020: Stay away from positive people.
4. The world has turned upside down. Old folks are sneaking out of the house & their kids are yelling at them to stay indoors!
5. This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her dog. It was obvious she thought her dog understood her. I came into my house & told my cat. We laughed a lot.
6. Every few days try your jeans on just to make sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom.
7. Does anyone know if we can take showers yet or should we just keep washing our hands?
8. This virus has done what no woman has been able to do. Cancel sports, shut down all bars & keep men at home!
9. I never thought the comment, “I wouldn’t touch him/her with a 6-foot pole” would become a national policy, but here we are!
10. I need to practice social distancing from the refrigerator.
11. I hope the weather is good tomorrow for my trip to the Backyard. I’m getting tired of the Living Room.
12. Never in a million years could I have imagined I would go up to a bank teller wearing a mask & ask for money.
Catherine Parker
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. John Adams

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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