Mountains of Deceit is a very profound book that demonstrates how culture can be won or lost by how we define words.
Most ideas currently presented as solutions to our cultural crisis are just a rehashing of the thinking that created the problem in the first place.
I was freely given this eye-opening book: "Mountains of Deceit" by Dr. Marlene McMillan. I was so impressed with her answers when she was interviewed by Sam Rohrer on the "Stand in the Gap" TV Show on Light House TV that I decided to do a few excerpts and highlights to get the information out. I suggest you get the book at WHYLIBERTYMATTERS.COM. These are her words and my titles as I separated and highlighted important subjects. Submitted by PL Sturgis:
1) Introduction: 2) Exposing False Facts: 3) The Downside of Understanding Dialect: 4) One essential Step of their Dialect Agenda: 5) A Burglary in Progress: 6) Guard Your Conscience: 7) America, Behold thy God: by PL Sturgis:
1. Introduction: page 7: by Dr. Marlene McMillan: No one wakes up in the morning planning on being deceived. However, the culture as a whole is absorbing Christians into it instead of the Christians transforming the culture into the Kingdom of God./ subtly and gradually our cultural foundation has been twisted. whatever is accepted as normal meets no resistance. Sitcoms on TV get us to invite people into our homes that we would never choose as friends for our children. Adult cartoons get us to laugh at things that would otherwise be considered perverse. Slowly but surely our resistance is broken down. We see ourselves as powerless to the sin doctors. They are relentless and tireless in pursuing a world without the Bible!
2. Exposing False Facts: a) Christians have no right to speak to the culture because of the "supposed" separation of church and state:
b) Christians should be ashamed of Christianity itself with its abuse of Christian Doctrine such as the Inquisition. c) Since capitalism has been embraced by many generations of Christians, and since capitalism has been maligned to be the cause of poverty in the world, Christianity is really the problem.
d) The Bible is archaic and an impediment to progress and it is time Christians get out of the way and let progressives lead.
3. The downside of Understanding the Dialect: You will no longer plead ignorance! Your excuses are over! Your days of responsibility have begun! Don't read any further if you don't love the truth! I am the watchman on the wall and I have blown the trumpet! What you do in response to it is up to you! This work is merely to call attention to the dialect process and open your eyes to how the redefinition of a word leads to deceit. You can not expect to get a Biblical solution with an unbiblical premise. You can not arrive at a Biblical premise with an unbiblical definition.
4. One Essential Step of the Dialect Agenda: The current cultural shifts were neither inevitable nor irreversible. If Christians open their eyes and decide they care more about the truth than their own comfort things could change quickly. We seem to forget that God wrote His law on the fleshly tablet of the heart and no matter how hard the God fighters try to redefine God, change His laws or ignore Him, they can not escape their consciences. The conscience is the most sacred of all property. It can be seared. The earlier a child is exposed to lies, the more normal and truthful those lies will seem to them. "A wicked doer gives heed to false lips and a liar gives ear to a naughty tongue." Proverbs 17:4: The one essential step in their dialect agenda is to permeate every area of society.
5. A Burglary in Process: We spend masses amounts of money on security for our homes, churches, and businesses. We attempt to protect ourselves from identity theft but do you have a security system protecting yourself and your children from the theft of conscience? No alarm was sounded and most of the theft has already occurred. This is a burglary in process. The conscience bandits have stolen much from our society. They do not show up with a mask and a gun. They come with words, noise, music, constant bombardment and deceit! They bring enough truth for their lies to sound plausible. they work extra hard on the children of those with good motives whose spirit is willing but their flesh is weak. The Holy Spirit speaks in a still quiet voice to those who care to hear. He teaches those who desire to be taught by Him.
6. Guard Your Conscience: Conscience is the most sacred of all property. If you do not guard your conscience all of your other property is at risk. Without a conscience you are nothing! Only you can allow another to breach your conscience. Government, bosses, pastors, spouses, parents or children who dare to breach the conscience of another have crossed a sacred boundary. But this is not a book about the conscience, but much of the reason the dialect process is so effective is that it erodes the conscience subtly and gradually which turns the victim into a willing instrument of their own destruction. If that does not make sense to you at this moment just ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the condition of your conscience and show you how to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
7. America, Behold thy God: by PL Sturgis:
Now desperately you grope and grasp for balance lest you fall.
Your limp's no longer hidden portraying to the world the downward paths are forbidden you led your boys and girls.
You are decked from shore to shore with fortune and with fame...
Yet, you are wretched, You are poor and naked in your shame!
Your Maker loves you nonetheless. From Heaven, He will hear
And turn you back to righteousness if you repent in tears.
America, Behold thy God and turn your child around.
Right the wrong that paths he trod may lead to higher ground.

Pearl Sturgis
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