The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

Good morning to my fellow constitutional loving

Good morning my friends
, Americans patriot constitutionalist
Here's my thought for today

Hello, my Christian constitutional American patriots.
Good morning friends and fellow Americans and patriots,
Greetings to my Christian friend's Patriots 3% ers, and tea party freedom fighters.
Maxims of the law are the Absolute limits of authorities and power of the government!
What is the source of this conflict in government between the government and the people?
Well, it's very simple it's something called maxims of law, or the maximum of allowed laws in our nation.
The government or I should say the Communist Demonic Democratic Party and some in the Republican Party do not believe in maxims of law, you may be asking yourself what are maxims of law, that is the limits of power that anyone in the government Can possess? that is the limit of their power and authority of the legislative, judicial, and executive branch of government, this is the limit of their authority and what they can delegate.
Our form of government was designed to govern the government, it was not designed to govern the people! When the government governs the people's liberties and freedoms, our liberties and freedoms Will be lost or removed, that is not a Republic form of government when the government governs the people!
These are the maxims of law And They Have been Declared and ordained and written down, the maxims of law started In America with the Declaration of Independence the foundation of this nation, the other maxims of law are the Constitution of the United States of America, and the absolute maxims of law known as the Bill of Rights, these documents defined a tyrant and enemies of a free people, these documents expose those who do not wish to have any limits on their powers, those who do not believe in the maxims of law will bend fold and mutilate all the limits of the law, to steal Rob rape and pirate the liberties and freedoms of everyone around them?
When a legislator or any person in the political theater of emolument or employment of government violate their oath of office, they are telling the people that When they swore an oath to uphold and protect and to defend the Constitution, that they lied,( Committing felony perjury ) and that they do not believe that the people have the ultimate power in government,( All political powers are inherent to the people ) that's why it is felony perjury when you violate your oath of office, it's also piracy you are attempting to perform a hostile takeover by Pen or sword, because they do not believe that the laws are limits of their authority and or power.
Our founding fathers were intellectuals on a level than most people cannot even imagine, their exposure to these criminals who did not and do not believe in maxims of law, because the people who do not believe in maxims of law wish to enslave everyone around them, some our founding fathers knew when they wrote the Declaration of Independence, and if they were successful in creating a nation, there would have to be other documents that protected the liberties and freedoms of the common folk common people, they knew that they would have to write a Constitution, creating a form of government that placed maxims of law on the elected guardians of government, for they knew if they did not put limits on the authorities maxims of law and power, that the people's liberties and freedoms would be short-lived, which also led to the Bill of Rights which were absolute limits of law and authorities( the Maxim of law) that deliberately removed lawful authorities of power from any entity holding emoluments within the boundaries of government, So powerful are these maxims of law that they are all shall not be infringed upon, which means that no government entity or agency no branch of government has the authority to touch change or infringe upon the Bill of Rights, they are the absolute maxims of law and restrictions for a lawful government, when any government entity.
President, the Senate or the house, the legislative branch of government, the judiciary branch of government, or the executive branch of government trespasses upon the Bill of Rights they have removed their qualifications to hold any position in government, they have disqualified themselves as being untrustworthy and too ambitious to be trusted to hold office.
The founding fathers also wrote into the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights the right of the people to pick up arms if necessary, to regain authorities and the power of government back from any entity, foreign or domestic that threatens the maxims of law to control the government, for if we the people are to keep and enforce the law, we must know at what point in time that we must exercise our second amendment rights and reestablish the maxims of law, and pay whatever the price and penalty are to secure the liberties and freedoms to the people of this nation.
The maxims of law are defined in created through the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution to the United States of America, and the Bill of Rights, these documents put the law and creating laws in the hands of the people, and the law will only be defended by a just people seeking laws that create justice.
If there were no maxims of law in government this would be a kingdom or a monarchy and there would be no limits to the tyranny of ruthlessness of the unholy and unjust people.
For the laws to be just and fair, there must be maxims and limits to them, for if there were no limits on law liberty and justice could not exist.
I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.
God Bless America is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and revised by him in 1938. The later version was recorded by Kate Smith, Note: I would like you to take the 5 minutes and listen to the words of this song and remember the Generation that fought A world war so we could be free, So stand up beside Her and let's take our Country back, my Patriot Friends!

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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