Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
The logic and reason for the parameters of government.
The parameters for all governments within the bounds of the United States of America known as the framework is designed to keep the fundamentals of the people's government intact.
The parameters should be considered the maxims of law or the maxims of power that any government agency has to operate lawfully and to maintain a Republic form government, the maxims of law, are the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution to the United States of America, and the absolute barriers of power to government is the Bill of Rights.
When any government entity agent or agents exceed the parameters of our form of government, they have broken the law, they have exceeded the standards And principles of a Republican form of government, and at that point of exceeding those limits, that is when they any agent who swore an oath to remain within the parameters of a constitutional republic started creating, abating And supporting Another unlawful lawful form of government, Which is repugnant to our Constitution that protects and maintains our form of a law! These acts equate to treason against the people, and it all starts with the violation of their oath of office, which defines those individuals as performing felony perjury under Their oath of office, which At that point becomes a criminal act. The oath of office was created specifically to identify those with ill will and evil intent that are untrustworthy, that is why it is mandatory but also voluntary that someone Must take the oath of office before holding Any positions of emolument in our form of government.
That violation of the oath of office becomes a criminal act! because what they have done by violating that oath of office, is that they have exceeded the bounds of power and the maxims of law, which keeps and maintains a Republic form of government, and at that point of violating the maxims of law the parameters of our government, those agents and agencies have now initiated an Unlawful change to the Boundaries of government without the consent of the people! Performing Tyranny, treason with the sole intent to change this Republican form of government, that guarantees to the people liberty and justice for all, into another form of government that is not just or righteous, Which can only be defined by our form of government as criminal acts, only to perverse our laws to use them as weapons against a prosperous and peaceful people, Unconstitutional laws were Designed to create division and injustice and prejudice among the people, to destroy our nation from the inside, using our judiciary as a weapon to create injustices among all people, solely designed to self-destruct this great nation that was created With the divine consent of God.
The Constitution of the United States of America under article 4 section 4 the guarantee to all states a Republic form of government, And have absolute parameters and when those parameters are exceeded, those individuals who have exceeded those parameters can no longer maintain a position within our government, because by some means of deception or force they are changing our constitutional republic form of government, into some unlawful and perverse form of government that our founding fathers fought to escape from, and this is the whole purpose of having maxims of law, the parameters and boundaries to maintain this constitutional republic of law and order.
Every member of every governing body of every state across the nation, from every municipality who reaches out to usurp more powers from the people to make the entity any government agencies more powerful, must, in fact, violate their oath of office and exceed the parameters of government, and at that point, they have to Expose themselves as traitors Infiltrators And spies and have disqualified themselves and have become criminals in violation of their oath, and At that point premeditated criminals! because they have Deliberately failed to uphold protect and defend the laws of the United States of America, Which were systematically designed to protect the liberties and the freedoms of all the people of the United States of America.
Every parameter designed by the founding fathers was done so with the purpose to expose our enemies and stopping any government Agent or agency from going rogue outside of the lawful boundaries of the United States government, which every state in the union agreed to these rules before joining the United States of America, and acknowledge by joining the United States of America that these were, in fact, all the boundaries And limits of power of all governments and all franchise governments within the boundaries of the United States.
Bill Sharpe Sussex County Delaware In the day of our Lord 04/22/2021.
I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.

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