My Democrat Friends are Getting Very Embarrassed

We’ve implemented more “humane” immigration policies, creating a flood of illegal immigrants across the border -- wearing “Biden” t-shirts. Our humane policy has given us men, women, and children sacrificing their lives pursuing the dream promised them by the Democrats. Thankfully, we’re no longer keeping illegal immigrant children in cages. Now we’re keeping them in Conex boxes. I guess we can feel good about that.
Those arriving illegal immigrants are putting more pressure on a struggling job market, decimated by COVID lockdowns. Rather than help struggling small businesses, the Democrats seek to impose more economic distress with a $15-per-hour minimum wage. As small businesses close their doors, the dreams of their owners are dashed, and entry-level job opportunities disappear forever.
President Asterisk has also signed an executive order ensuring that transgender people may use whatever facilities they prefer. We’ll need to be on the alert for gender-fluid pedophiles seeking to spend quality time in bathrooms with young girls. But, that’s a very small societal cost to show the necessary respect to a perfectly normal woman-with-a-penis, who wishes to shower with women-with-vaginas at the gym.
The Democrats have also arranged to reward blue states for disastrous fiscal decisions. It seems that those states which imposed the most severe COVID lockdowns (New York, California, Michigan, and etc.) have suffered significant loss of tax revenue. Who could have seen that coming? The most recent COVID relief bill includes a $350B bailout for those states and municipalities which suffered tax losses during the lockdown. The citizens from the red states who stayed on the job are going to bail out the blue states that took the year off. San Fran Nan and Chucky Schumer owe a great big “thank you” to all the farmers, merchants, tradesmen, and truckers who have agreed to help them out. I’m sure they’ll respond with, “You’re welcome. It was the neighborly thing to do.”
The “new normal” also includes a permanent military presence in Washington D.C. You can rest assured that our representatives are doing the “people’s work” when they need a contingent of heavily armed soldiers to protect them from the people. My friends who voted Democrat unwittingly facilitated the transformation of Washington D.C. into Pyongyang, North Korea.
But what really embarrasses my friends is that after they voted for a return to political harmony, the turmoil is greater than ever. The Democrats called for unity, then slapped Trump’s supporters in the face by impeaching Trump two weeks before he was to leave office. They’ve accused any Republican who questioned the election result of inciting insurrection. The Democrats even considered not seating any Republican congressmen who questioned election integrity. Some have even spoken publicly of the need for “truth commissions” and reeducation of MAGA supporters. There’s nothing creepy about that, is there?
It seems that when the Democrats asked for unity, they were actually demanding obedience. If there were only some means to demonstrate our obedience to our new masters. How about we all wear facial coverings to demonstrate our fealty? There’s a word that describes order through forced obedience -- tyranny.
My friends are belatedly realizing that the turmoil was not created by Donald Trump. It was manufactured by the Democrats, simply to win an election. The Democrats embraced socialists and anarchists (even though they never play well together) to create the turmoil, and now they can’t turn it off. Radical elements of the left are political vampires. Once invited in, it’s not so easy to get them to leave. The Democrats are stuck with the radicals, even though the voters aren’t.
But I don’t get angry. As my friends complain, I keep reminding them that this is what they asked for. They’re beginning to realize they helped create this mess and they’re feeling a bit like that guy that gave the Nigerian prince $1,000 -- embarrassed! But here’s the thing about embarrassment -- it’s the embryonic stage of anger. I estimate gestation to require about 19 months. Angry and motivated voters will be fully mature, just in time for the midterm elections.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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