“A Most Tumultuous Time In America”
The PARTY OF HATE and the CORRUPT media does what it does best. They overreach. From Trump, they want their ‘pound of flesh’. Pelosi insists that he resign or the House for a second time will IMPEACH. The anger that we are witnessing is beyond hyperbolic. It is only surpassed by all of the HATER’S HYPOCRISY. They want to be rid of Trump immediately. There was absolutely no justification for what happened on Wednesday. It was horrific and truly appalling. To a great degree, we see the Democrats engage in rampant politicizing. The Speaker labels our President as UNHINGED, DERANGED, and DANGEROUS. He should be prosecuted we hear her say. This type of rhetoric does not help in any way.
The detestable actions of a small segment of a very massive gathering are being excoriated as it rightfully should be. To our nation’s Capitol, we saw them rush. Now we see the HATERS paint everyone in this MAGA movement as a terrorist. They use a very, very wide brush. It is unfair. It is despicable. That is what they are doing. We even hear from one that after Trump is gone the movement he has led is in need of cleansing. For days now we have been inundated with malicious hyperbole. It is downright disgusting propaganda. We are less than two weeks away from our beloved America being poisoned with what promises to be a most radical socialistic agenda.
During the time of this upcoming FRAUDULENT REGIME who will speak for the seventy-four million of us? Who will have our back? We all know that the AMERICA FIRST agenda will come under a withering attack. We thought last year we suffered through a most perilous time. We all really thought this year would be a whole lot better but, alas, it is not to be. We hoped that somehow, someway Donald Trump would turn his political fortunes around. It is what we so wanted to see. In horror, we all watched on television a mob occupation and desecration of the temple of the American Republic. And the event will be forever exploited to discredit not only Trump but the movement he led and the achievements of his presidency.
My fellow patriots, so utterly sad is all of this. I don’t have to tell any of you. We must remain strong for the future looks bleak with a FRAUD who will sit in the Oval Office. We truly fear the damage that this demented DOLT will do. The TITANS OF SILICON VALLEY feel emboldened by the takeover of our government by the PARTY OF HATE. About things, they feel a whole lot better. Last night we found that they have permanently banned our President from TWITTER. Freedom of speech is coming under attack. It looks as if you dare not to toe the progressive line you will fond the ‘proverbial shiv’ in your back. More and more insidious CENSORSHIP we will no doubt encounter. Many other of our rights will be trampled upon. It will become commonplace. I weep for my beloved America. What the LUNATIC Left has done and plans to do is an absolute DISGRACE!!!
“It Is Truly Laughable That . . .”
The FRAUD-elect is calling for healing and reconciliation. This is the demented DOLT, who with his PARTY OF HATE, managed to steal an election. He quickly condemned those who acted violently but stood silent last year when BLM and ANTIFA destroyed public statues, businesses, and defaced property. Behold the HYPOCRISY. It is truly disgusting. It is utterly appalling. We are in a state of extreme agitation for what awaits our beloved nation. With the TITANS OF SILICONE VALLEY monitoring everything on social media, we will be entering this century’s Orwellian era. Along with the Democrats being such damn hypocrites, it is the DOUBLE STANDARD that they indulge in. The TRIO OF EVIL will lead our America into a never-ending descent. Of course, I speak of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and that pitiful FRAUD, Joe Biden.
My fellow patriots, what lies ahead for our beloved America will be beyond bleak. With our President soon leaving the political stage just think of the radical agenda that lies ahead. It will be hard for us to shake off a feeling of doom and dread. All of the Trump HATERS are piling it on. What we are hearing from every scumbag is malicious hyperbole. The meltdown continues unabated. The CORRUPT media can’t wait to see our President finally leave and have that demented DOLT of a FRAUD be inaugurated. For the last twenty-four hours, we have heard talk of removing the president through impeachment or invocation of the 25th Amendment. Every dirtbag wants ‘to get their pound of flesh’. They’ll not stop till they get it. Into each of their disgusting face, I would love to spit.
Don’t think that RETRIBUTION is not the order of the day. The political editor of ABC NEWS was quoted as saying the cleansing of Trump's Movement of conspiracy theories has to get underway. Really?? Do we hear any mention of terrorist groups like ANTIFA and BLM who were driven by conspiracy theories of systemic racism as well as a plethora of hoaxes? We didn’t at all. The media is so damn agenda-driven. They lie, they mislead. They are filled with such unmitigated gall. The call for reconciliation and unity is a pipe dream. It is beyond fantasy to think that those of us who have been demeaned and excoriated by the PARTY OF HATE and the utterly CORRUPT media non-stop for the past four years will accept an extended hand. They have been totally contemptuous of us. Do we think that we are stupid and do not understand??
For we Trump loyalists we really have no one to turn to now that the Democrats will soon be in total control. They will be beyond DANGEROUS. Do you really think that the Republican Party can be a viable counterforce? How can they be when time and time again they prove to be so damn useless? We see them currently joining the many HATERS in destroying Donald Trump and more importantly the MAGA movement as well. What is particularly galling as far as I can tell is the lie that he incited the violence when he clearly stated that those in the STOP THE STEAL movement should move on the Capitol peacefully. It can easily be verified that it is what he clearly said. Anyone can see the video. It is proof positive and that is as we all know would go against the CORRUPT media’s narrative.
We stand by our President even more strongly than ever. There are many things that have angered and outraged us. The lying, the misinformation that we have had to put up with truly boggles one’s mind. The insults, the epithets that have been directed at us is so very hard to bear. It’s been truly an abomination. Count me out and millions of my fellow patriots when we hear a talk by those who were complicit in stealing this election who now talk of unity and reconciliation. That will never be. I, for one, am sick of their HATE for our America and their appalling HYPOCRISY!!
“It Is Without Question That . . .
It was a DARK DAY yesterday with many, many more dark days to come. Thousands upon thousands had shown up for the STOP THE STEAL rally. Into a violent rage, we saw a small portion of those in attendance succumb. Don’t for a moment try to convince me that the DISGRACEFUL storming of our nation’s Capitol wasn’t ANTIFA driven. I truly believe it was. Of that I am certain. Of course, the CORRUPT media excoriates all those who were there, conveniently forgetting that more than a majority were lawfully assembled and peaceful. The damage was done and a new narrative was posited. It was the notion that all of Trump's supporters are the scum of the earth, so thoroughly wicked.
The day in DC started out so very well and then before one knew it everything turned into HOLY HELL. They say that this day will live in infamy and that will no doubt be. The optics were truly dreadful. Trump’s enemies are rejoicing. In two weeks' time, they’ll be ecstatic to see the end of the presidency. Our President is once again demonized relentlessly. He is being blamed for causing what we saw yesterday. The hopes were high that Vice President Pence would have the courage to do what we knew he wouldn’t do. He bailed out right away. Our feckless VP surrendered like so many others in this GOP. With few exceptions we see them shy away from being courageous. My fellow patriots, this Republican Party is GUTLESS, WORTHLESS, and thoroughly USELESS.
With the two runoff victories on Tuesday night the PARTY OF HATE are in control of Congress and the Republicans will for years to come be the minority party. It did not have to turn out this way but there has been a four-year vendetta against Donald Trump and ends with an election that was clearly stolen from this man. His enemies will now make sure that incomplete tatters will be his legacy. In that, they will do the best that they can. Lost in the debacle that we saw yesterday was yet again the conclusive evidence of widespread FRAUD and CRIMINALITY that could not be presented. It cannot be aired for every Trump HATER who refuses to acknowledge the overwhelming evidence. From the day of the election, there has been total RESISTANCE.
Incredulously the courts have said that the lawsuits that have been brought forth had no standing. They all refuse to judge the merits of the case. This has been utterly APPALLING and an outright DISGRACE. This whole matter has been an ABOMINATION. For four years Trump has fought bravely this evil, dreaded DEEP STATE. With little backing from his cowardly and feckless political party, he outwitted at every turn the PARTY OF HATE. Today the inevitable happened. Joe Biden received his certification. This demented DOLT is now this country’s President-elect, an utter FRAUD, not worthy of a smidgen of respect. In less than two weeks we will have a government in control of the PARTY OF HATE. They will put our country in a most perilous state. We cringe at thought of what awaits our beloved America’s fate.
Donald J Trump fought as courageously as he could. We, his devoted political base, adore this man so. He is decent and good, a man that is so easily misunderstood. He always had our back. Our admiration for him during his time in office continued to grow and grow. No one could have put up with what his political enemies put him through. That is something that we surely know. Today he promised that there would be a peaceful transition of power. That is how it should be. Without him, our political future looks so very bleak. How can it not for we will have a CORRUPT cretin who we all know has attained the presidency FRAUDULENTLY. One thing is most abundantly clear and so very evident. For over seventy-four million of us, JOE BIDEN WILL NEVER BE OUR PRESIDENT.
Written by Joe Esposito,01/7-8 & 9/2021
Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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