Thursday, December 10, 2020



China spying, Biden China deals, and a MUST-READ report on...China

California Rep. Eric Swalwell reacted predictably to the story about him being compromised by a “honeypot” sent by Beijing to spy on up-and-coming officials.

He blamed Trump.

I am not kidding. This revelation should humiliate him more than his bout with on-air flatulence, but he’s determined to simply deflect blame. In a cringe-worthy interview with POLITICO, he said he’d been targeted in the media –- the spy story was broken by left-leaning AXIOS –- because of his criticism of Trump. (Right.) “I’ve been a critic of the President,” he said. “...I was on both committees that worked to impeach him. The timing feels like that should be looked at.”

Florida Sen. Rick Scott and others are calling for Swalwell to be stripped of committee assignments after his astounding failure in judgment. In a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Scott said, “Eric Swalwell has no place on the House Intelligence Committee.(Insert your own “intelligence” joke here.)

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy joined others in saying the spying on Swalwell was “just the tip of the iceberg.” This honeypot was playing the long game not just with ambitious men in the Bay Area (Democrats, naturally) but with a couple of mayors in Midwestern cities. She's probably one of many.

McCarthy believes Fang probably played a role in Swalwell’s ascension from the city council in Dublin, California, to the U.S. Congress. He also wonders if other Bay Area Democrats might have been compromised, including Speaker Pelosi, an ally of Swalwell’s. We already knew that Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s chauffeur for 20 years was a Chinese national/spy.

Former acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell takes this very seriously. “Russia is a problem, but China is a crisis,” he said Wednesday, “and we’ve known it’s been a crisis for a very long time.” He said Swalwell “spent years downplaying the China threat...playing exactly into what the Chinese want people to do. They want to be under the radar.”

By the way, we also learn from HEADLINE USA that Swalwell is not originally from the far-left Bay Area district he represents. He hails from Sac City, Iowa, home of the world’s largest popcorn ball. I assume the citizens of Sac City are much prouder right now of their popcorn ball.

Moving on to another embarrassment –- that would be Hunter Biden –- both Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson and author Peter Schweizer appeared on Wednesday’s HANNITY show to discuss the investigation into Hunter’s taxes, which is linked to his suspicious deals with China. Johnson cited the media’s role in suppressing the Hunter story before Election Day, citing the McLaughlin poll that said 36 percent of Biden voters hadn’t heard of this and, of those, 13 percent said they wouldn’t have voted for him. That alone would’ve taken away 4.6 percent of the Biden vote and given the win to Trump.

Schweizer said Hunter lied about not getting Chinese money and that there were “a multitude” of deals with China, involving billions. The challenge lies in finding it all, as Hunter has “a myriad” of offshore accounts. But it’s easier when investigating a tax case, as tax treaties with other countries allow for “a lot more broad information-sharing.” He sees a tax investigation as “the camel’s nose under the tent,” a way to gain access, so “we can start to unravel the full extent of the Biden relationship with the Chinese government.”

Also, as reported in POLITICO, a hospital business involving Joe Biden's brother James is now under criminal investigation.

In more breaking China news, President Trump on Wednesday provided a great contrast to those embarrassing stories by showcasing his reality-based approach to China, sanctioning a member of the CCP named Wan Kwok Koi –- affectionately known as “Broken Tooth” –- for “using Beijing’s multination infrastructure project to hide the expansion of and crimes committed by one of the world’s largest Chinese criminal organizations.”

This was carried out by Trump’s Treasury Department under the Magnitsky Act (Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act), which targets corruption and human rights abuse. A couple of other groups under this man’s control were also sanctioned.

UPI reports, “Wan, a member of the CCP’s Political Consultative Conference, is being blacklisted for engaging in corruption as a leading figure in the 14K Triad, which deals in drug and human trafficking, illegal gambling, racketeering, and other criminal enterprises.”

They’re involved in developing a powerful business network that the Trump administration said is involved in cryptocurrencies, real estate, and a security company involved in protecting investments for the Belt and Road Initiative, which the State Department described in a report last month as “China’s predatory development program and debt-trap diplomacy.” For a real eye-opener, the Executive Summary of this report is a MUST-READ.

First, the report outlines the problems posed by the Chinese government due to its very nature. It goes on to say that “meeting the China challenge requires the United States to return to the fundamentals. To secure freedom, American must refashion its foreign policy in light of ten tasks.” And then it lays them out.

This summary of what America needs to do is so brilliant, it heartens me to know that it came out of our State Department. If you have family or friends who think Trump is out of place in the Oval Office, please give them this to read. It came from the TRUMP State Department. This very impressive, spot-on report on China would not have emerged from Obama’s State Department or, most certainly, Biden’s State Department. It obviously describes America that President Trump hopes to preserve and protect.

Tasks 9 and 10 are so important, I’ll quote them here: “Ninth, the United States must reform American education, equipping students to shoulder the enduring responsibilities of citizenship in a free and democratic society by UNDERSTANDING AMERICA’S LEGACY OF LIBERTY [emphasis mine] and also preparing them to meet the special demands of a complex, information-age, globalized economy for expertise in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

"Tenth, the United States must champion the principles of freedom –- principles that are at once universal and at the heart of the American national spirit –- through example; speeches; educational initiatives; public diplomacy; foreign assistance and investment; sanctions in more difficult circumstances as well as other forms of non-military pressure; and, where the nation’s vital interests are at stake and all else has failed, military force.”


Seriously, I recommend reading this entire report. It runs another 45 pages or so but is well worth your time.

Finally, there’s one other problem concerning China that’s been brought to our attention, thanks to reader Curtis D. He informs us that many foreign nationals, including Chinese, are working in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. What could possibly go wrong? “These could be spies that are drawing a check from the U.S. government," he says, "to spy on us, having access to the latest inventions." This no doubt has been going on for years, but we really just can’t have it. Of course, if Biden ends up in the White House, nothing is going to be done about this.

Again, four more years.

Hypocritical favoritism

Yesterday, I brought you the video of the Los Angeles bar and grill owner who was crying in rage and frustration that her expensively remodeled outdoor dining area was shut down by Mayor Eric Garcetti’s coronavirus orders while an almost identical outdoor catering area was set up right next to it to accommodate the “essential” filming of an NBC sitcom. (Incidentally, as long as you can stream "Andy Griffith Show" reruns, no current sitcom production is essential.)

Now, a similar accusation of hypocritical favoritism is being leveled in New York, where other businesses are shut down and owners arrested for trying to open. Yet, NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” is allowed to use a loophole to bring in a studio audience for their “essential” broadcasts.

They get around it by giving $150 to each audience member, technically making them “employees” (also confirming that you’d have to pay people to laugh at SNL these days.)

But it gets worse: on last weekend’s show (which I’m assuming you didn’t watch), cast member Pete Davidson mocked Staten Island residents who are protesting the business-destroying lockdowns, saying they were acting like “babies.” He might as well have said, “Let them eat cake,” which is still a better punchline than anything that’s been said on SNL lately.

Funny, I don’t recall anyone at SNL mocking all those BLM protesters as babies for defying public health to gather in masses over their cause. I guess it’s easy to mock people who are losing their jobs and businesses and can’t pay their bills when you have friends in high places who insure that your big paychecks never stop coming.

Prof. Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit wrote about this a while back; that the controversy over COVID-19 lockdowns isn’t about who cares more about public health, but about two different Americas: one that keeps getting paid no matter what, arrogantly looking down on and scolding Americans who are unemployed and seriously hurting.

I’ve already offered what I think is the perfect solution for this: we should demand that as long as the economy is deliberately shut down so that people who work for a living can’t get a paycheck, no politician or public official should receive a paycheck, either. Let’s see how quickly they come up with better, more targeted, less restrictive, and more science-based policies when their own cash stops flowing in.

Related stories: A judge issued a temporary stay on the ban on outdoor dining in Los Angeles:

From the “Tell Me What You Really Think” Desk: The sheriff of Riverside, California, declared that he has no intention of enforcing Gov. Gavin Newsom’s “unbelievably faulty,” “flat-out ridiculous,” “hypocritical,” and “disastrous” lockdown orders.

Is Reality Finally Setting In Or Is The Election Just Over?

The mayor of Seattle announced that she will not run for reelection next year, leaving Seattle voters with the difficult task of finding someone even further left and more incompetent to replace her.

And Portland, Oregon, Mayor Ted Wheeler tweeted this, about some protesters who’ve been illegally occupying a home for months.

“I am authorizing the Portland Police to use all lawful means to end the illegal occupation on North Mississippi Avenue and to hold those violating our community’s laws accountable. There will be no autonomous zone in Portland.”

I believe that judging by his own rhetoric against President Trump, this would make him a dictatorial demagogue attempting to stoke fear with his private army.

"The Hydroxy Effect"

For years now, we’ve covered the insane, reflexive anti-Trumpism of the press, in which reporters and Democrats are so afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome that they would fly into fits of enraged denial of anything Trump said or did, no matter how obviously true or uncontroversial it was – or how damaging to the nation it was to oppose it.

One of the best and earliest examples was when Trump cut off travel from nations that had active anti-American terrorist movements and no way to vet travelers to ensure they weren’t coming here to commit mass murder. The anti-Trumpsters screamed that Trump was imposing a racist “Muslim ban,” even though (A.) there were non-Muslim nations on the ban list, (B.) there were dozens of majority Muslim nations not on the ban list, and (C.) “Muslim” isn’t a race.

I wrote recently that if Democrats think they’re safely back in power and are now forced to deal with reality, one of their biggest problems will be how to climb back down off their high horse without admitting that many things Trump did were correct or necessary and they were in a state of hysterical anti-Trump denial when they opposed them.

Now, in this excellent article, Victor Davis Hanson has taken up a similar theme involving China and the COVID-19 (Chinese) coronavirus.

Trump was vilified and called a racist, xenophobe, and lying liar who lies for saying that the virus came from China, the Chinese government knew about it earlier than they admitted, and the corrupt WHO repeated their lies while it spread – all things that we now know to be true. His opponents vilified hydroxychloroquine, depicting it practically as being as deadly as rat poison, just because Trump said it might help some COVID patients – which more recent studies show that it can (I think the deaths of anyone who died because they couldn’t get it should be considered on the hands of the TDS crowd.)

Davis calls this mindless, kneejerk opposition to everything Trump did “the Hydroxy Effect,” and wonders whether Biden will succumb to it and reverse everything Trump did, even if it results in disaster for the nation and his Administration – or admit that Trump’s policies were successful and put the good of the nation first by continuing them with only minor changes.

I’ll let you read his conclusions, but sadly, I think this is one time when a Democrat will gladly take the Hydroxy. And I predict that in this case, the effects really will prove as bad as rat poison.

By Mike Huckabee

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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