Monday, December 14, 2020

Supreme Court update / Bring On The Kraken!


Supreme Court update

By Mike Huckabee

This link has some more information and comments on the Supreme Court’s rejection of the lawsuit by Texas and many more states, challenging the illegal voting procedures in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia.

It includes some interesting comments from constitutional scholar Mark Levin, who warns that by ducking its responsibility, the Court may have sealed its doom.

If Republicans are too angry or discouraged over the lack of integrity in the voting system or fairness in the political/judicial system, they might sit out the Georgia Senate runoffs. That would hand the Senate to Democrats, and Chuck Schumer has been clear that if he took control, he would stack the Court, adding extra Justices who are partisan activists. That would turn the SCOTUS into just another political organization and destroy its role as an independent third branch of government.

I agree that would be horrible. I don’t even want to think about a SCOTUS that routinely makes even worse rulings than some of the ones it’s handed down in recent years in defiance of the Constitution and the will of the people.

But I would argue that there is one way to prevent that, and that’s for Republican voters in Georgia not to get discouraged and give up, but to get angry, get motivated and get cracking. They need to rally everyone they can to vote Republican in the runoffs, in numbers beyond the margin of fraud. They also need to demand of their legislators, Governors, and other officials that they act RIGHT NOW to prevent the kind of shady voting procedures we just saw from being repeated in January. They need to volunteer as poll watchers, refuse to let people intimidate them into leaving, and if anyone tries, get their faces and name tags on cell phone cameras. It’s called “evidence,” and now we know we may need it.


Bring On The Kraken !!!

General McInerney just confirmed the 305th MIB (Military Intelligence Brigade) is the Kraken: Servers were not only seized in Frankfurt, but they were in a CIA facility and "not taken without incident"(it is rumored we lost soldiers fighting our own CIA: The FBI has also compromised: This thing runs from heads of the media to compromised judges through some of the legislatures and to top politicians! This is coming out, it is treasonous and it is deep-rooted. I don't care about your politics. We CANNOT let this election fraud go by. Because it is much deeper than a greedy politician trying to secure his place. It is an outright attempt to overthrow our government from within. The foreign involvement of Iran, China, and Russia have been confirmed. It's time to stand up everyone. Let them know "We The People" might argue amongst ourselves, but we will not let our country be sold out to foreign interests through a group of greedy influential politicians. We need to round them all up, hold them in Gitmo until their military trial, and I don't give a darn about timelines. If we don't have this sorted by Dec. 14 or Jan. 20, we cannot transfer power to the man foreign actors are trying to force us with. He is at best compromised and at worst a traitor that sold us all out and should be punished to the fullest extent treason allows. Pray for our country, pray for our friends and family. If this 3-star general hasn't lost his mind, it's going to get very real when this evidence is brought forward. These people are going to have to either make a deal to turn over others higher up, run or band toge9ther and try to take control. This is about to become the most historic event we will likely ever see. I don't know how many will see this before I am benched here, but copy and paste it to your own post is better than sharing in case I am benched!" All this explains why they Kept Biden in the basement and told him no worries you got this.

China Insider Exposes China’s Deep State Connections

Rudy Giuliani’s Star Voter Fraud Witness at Michigan Hearing

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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