Biden’s a Prop, Kamala’s Unconstitutional, and America Will be ‘Great Again’ In Spite of What the World Thinks!
OPINION11 November 2020 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
After consciously making the decision not to watch any news coverage on what was supposed to be a perfectly fair election, which it obviously was not, I still turned the News back on Tuesday morning to see what I might have missed in translation!
The common thread of all the news coverage was the obvious Voter Fraud that the Dems and the MSM keep claiming doesn’t exist, but now in most American minds after witness, this farce of an obvious election that’s results can only be attributed to ‘Vote by Mail’ Voter Fraud! Unfortunately with the Democrats shooting their wad on thinking they could win with Socialism, and then sealing the deal with a Hillary Clinton coronation, fell completely apart because of just one reason, and that reason being that the American People who they thought had ‘no’ clue about what they were doing when it came to controlling their future or spending their hard-earned money on something they wanted to instead of what government wanted and expected them to do!
I also noticed that Joe Biden has been spending his ‘President-Elect’ status reconnection with the same Obama anti-America and pro-New World Order once allies who are all back with their hands out looking for an American taxpayer hand out, and to re-establish what President Trump had reversed, and what the ‘Deep State’ using taxpayer dollars had planned long before 9/11 when America was still that somewhat great America that now President Trump is fully committed to making great again!
It’s funny how when one door closes when it comes to my conspiracy theory over the years, another level of insight opens, and when shortly after President Obama’s first inauguration I saw George Soros declaring that his new favorite nation Economic Superpower was going to be China, I knew then that because both technology and science have advanced so far, let alone in leaps and bounds, that the intentionally created China Virus a.k.a the ‘Designer Coronavirus,’ was doing what it was supposed to do, and that’s cover for the last 28 years of destroying America from within while at the same time eliminating the American peoples guaranteed rights so they too could be oppressed and suppressed when it came to both our 1st and 2nd Amendments, especially when it comes to a New World Order where none of these benefits can be allowed to coexist in an environment where only one person is supposed to get the final say at all times!
The only thing left to figure out at this point is how was it possible to arrange for the leadership of all three of America’s top Intel and National Security Agencies to be on board with shielding President Obama’s and his Administration constant attacks on our founders' constitution, and ‘Rule of Law’ directives?
You can find out all these answers in a book I’ve been working on for the last 20 years that’s titled ‘The ‘End Game,’ that accurately lays out the last 28 years that America was being set up for the fall, and that we are now witnessing first hand after the fraudulent elections attempt to shove the rest of the world’s financial failures on to the American taxpayers, while at the same time rearranging the ideological deck chairs on the proverbial America’s Titanic just one last time!
If you believe my premise that what’s going on in America today started with Bush 41 back in 1992 with his initiating what would turn into signing on with the United Nations Agenda 21 which would eventually put America and the American people on the path to the George Soros inspired New World Order! What you probably didn’t know, especially when trying to figure out how it was possible for the corrupt leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA to be able to come together at the same time?
After some careful digging and research there is only one name stands out above all others, and that person, at least in my opinion, and that the facts bear out, is Robert Mueller who actually started his career with Bush 41, and in my book the one that orchestrated this game of politically corrupted Musical Chairs that involved appointing, not electing a group of crooked, but established career Intel and National Security leadership who would, and without even thinking twice, help destroy America from within! What we’ve also learned is that even today’s FBI Director Wray, especially when Hunter Biden’s Laptop that wasn’t picked up in a timely fashion was handed over to Director Wray’s FBI during President Trump’s Impeachment Hearings with information that would have been crucial to the President’s case, should prove to every American, no matter what their perceived political affiliation, that something isn’t quite right, and that something has more to do with destroying America like Venezuela was destroyed completely in under 20 years using George Soros’s fixed voting machines to enable Chavez to win with his Socialist platform, which opened the door for him to ‘Pack’ the Venezuelan Supreme Court, and by doing so eliminating all competition opposition, but more than that silencing the people’s voice! Sound familiar?
We all know what comes next, and that’s the Democrats screaming ‘Voter Suppression,’ and that ‘Voter Fraud’ doesn’t exist, and then watching as the Mainstream Media back the Democrats every lie by trying to make that lie appear to be the truth, but when it comes to actually doing something about it by passing a Federally mandated photo voter ID Law where every legal and American citizen potential voter can apply at their earliest convenience over a period of months and even years and is 100% screened, would rather choose to sit by and do absolutely nothing to rectify the situation, and why would that be OK with not only the Democrats but the Republicans who have done nothing either?
If you really want to understand why Hollywood, the Mainstream Media, and the lying ‘Radical Left’ is pushing hard against contesting the election results, then just take the time to learn a little about why you to should want to contest every Sanctuary Cities Election Day results, with the ‘Red Flag’ being ‘FOX’ News team that handled the Election Night coverage with Chris Wallace, Juan Williams, and coming out of the ‘Decision Room’ team’s bullpen Chris Stirewalt, whose job it was, with his other ‘Bullpen’ co-callers when it came to whether or not a state was going to be declared for one of the candidates as being the winner!
I caught Chris Stirewalt live on ‘FOX News’ lying through his teeth about whether or not Kamala Harris should disqualify herself and drop out of the running for the Presidency because she was not a ‘Natural Born Citizen, which is our founders only constitutional requirement that’s needed to be met if running for either the Presidency or the Vice Presidency of the greatest country in the HIstory of the world, but if you ask Chris Stirewalt, not all that big of a deal one way or the other, and we know that because he responded to that question by stating that Obama was born in Hawaii while Kamala Harris was born in Oakland California, which makes them both ‘Naturalized Citizens,’ but not the ‘Natural Born’ Citizen that isn’t defined by where a candidate is born, but the history of the citizenship of the candidate's parents!
It was Chris Stirewalt again who was called out to set the Trump Administration straight after ‘FOX’ called the Arizona race for Joe Biden right out of the box, right after President Trump not only had huge rallies there, but their inner polling had them ahead! As I watched the rest of the night with family members the only thing that every one of us noticed was the constant hesitation to call more than a few states for President Trump when they could have easily been called based on the percentage of votes tabulated and the estimated votes left that needed to be tabulated!
The only possibility for this would have to be that ‘FOX’ knew in advance about where those unsolicited ‘Vote By Mail’ ballots were intentionally sent, and they knew that they were sent predominantly to Sanctuary cities in most cases, so FOX knowing this held back their predictions because their egos wouldn’t let them be wrong by calling those states won for President Trump!
With there being more than enough time for voters who were concerned about the Coronavirus to request a absentee Ballot by mail, and for those ‘Blue’ States to send out ballots automatically without being requested, and then watching as Sanctuary City after Sanctuary City put Biden over the proverbial top, it’s time to challenge every vote that came from a Sanctuary City, and it’s time to separate the vote for the Presidency and other Federal elections from the local races so that verifying the count, no matter how long it takes, which is the incumbent President’s rights, and if he just until the election is overuse the money he gives away from his salary, should now go to the challenge along with an equivalent amount of money the the Dems spent on the confirmed to be non-existent fro9m the beginning Russian Hoax, along with the Impeachment debacle, not to mention the money spent of ‘Vote by Mails’ ballot-box stuffing that for now is the only thing keeping the ‘Radical Branch’ of the Democratic Party afloat!
Talk about interfering in an election, How many of you knew that since 1982, the Republican Party had been legally prohibited from contesting elections due to suspected vote fraud, and because of a legal agreement called the ‘Consent Decree,’ and for 36 years the Republican Party has lived up to that promise, even though the Democrats are the ones that forced the agreement to go on much longer than it was originally supposed to go, and that miscarriage of justice went on for 36 years because the judge who oversaw the decision, came out of retirement every year to renew the ‘Block’ a.k.a. the ‘Consent Decree’ that we are now expecting to see regularly coming from the Pelosi led ‘Radical Left’ anytime there is and election because they’ll never be able to sell Socialism, with the American people having to give up their constitutionally guaranteed rights, and then being forced to pick up the tab for all those countries that never allowed what our founders have allowed and decided to experiment with, and that’s creating a nation that is not only built by the People, but also for the People!
The ‘Consent Decree’ is probably the biggest one thing that was kept from the American people in the history of America, with the next being the signing by Bush 41 back in 1992 that put America on notice that America’s future would be based on what’s best for the world before even considering what would be best for America first, that is until President Trump spoiled Hillary’s finishing touches that would have made America look like what Venezuela now looks like after the last 20 years, and with the help of George Soros’s voting machines fixed not only the election for Chavez but allowed him to ‘Pack’ the Court that enabled Chavez to eliminate the voice of the people and stifle any opposition that might have a platform that the people would get behind and vote for!
I also thought I would, and as I heard President Trump did for part of his weekend, and that’s play golf, but after a 2 month lay off due to an injury, which turned into 2 injuries because of the lack of exercise that golf gave me with just simply walking, turned into a night of walking off leg cramps, and you name it cramps that I didn’t even know were in places I didn’t know I had muscles that could even get cramps in!
The only thing I’ve been doing over that 7 day period other than ‘not’ posting any new articles on my Blog, was to still post articles on some of the Social Media venues that I haven’t been removed from yet!
I wanted to see for myself where the bulk of the comments about the election were, and what were the reasons behind those comments, and that now appear to be aimed at none other than the Pelosi and Schumer led ‘Radical Left’s’ Mainstream Media’s misleading and their abandoning of the truth, along with trying to sell the American people their Progressive Socialist interpretation of the Constitution, while at the same time working on removing the rest of what Obama couldn’t remove of every American’s constitutionally guaranteed rights!
For all those Americans who have been sitting back over the last 12 years and thinking that our founder’s ‘Checks and Balances’ were doing their job, think again! Here is just a list of the obvious violations of the Constitution that occurred during the Obama Administration, but even worse than that is knowing that this all happened also under the other half of the Congress known as the Republican Party, and who all took the same oath to protect and defend the Constitution as did all 535 members of Congress! What happened, and is the pushback we’re seeing now coming from both Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham the too legit to quit caliber of support of President Trump fighting the results of the election results, or is it just another ‘Dog and Pony’ show that they’ve used to appease the American people until the next shiny object diversion comes along to take the progressive agenda off the minds of the bonafide America Citizens whose guaranteed rights could be on the verge of extinction!
It’s been now 7 days since the election and Pelosi’s ‘Radical Left’ and ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media is still earning their money by selling, or should I say trying to sell that pile of ‘Bull Shit’ lies to the rest of the American people by using their ‘Wish List’ bias polls to convince the rest of the American people that its America, and those same guaranteed constitutional rights that I always mention, along with the fact that the ‘Radical Left’ seems to keep forgetting, and that is that we are a nation built by the People and for the people, but when it comes to what’s best for the rest of the world, we have those same people that this country was built by and for, being told that they can’t be trusted to make the right decision when it comes to what’s best for the rest of the world, but can surely be tapped to pick up the tab, like America and the American taxpayer were already doing before President Trump came along and demanded that the rest of the world can now start paying their fair share, and which by the way is why we see accusations being hurled at this outsider President who was, and after the investigation into the more than obvious election day fraud, and the election results are more than likely reversed, and still will be continuing on with his message and actions when it comes to making America great again!
President-Elect Joe Biden and his Unconstitutional Vice President Kamala Harris are the next generations of the Obama ‘Deep State’ traitors who I have to believe will never see, let alone sit in the Oval Office once the American people realize that they’ve been lied to by a Democratic Party that apparently has been hijacked, and I say that because both my parents were die-hard Democrats, and there is no way in Hell that they would have allowed what’s going on in the so-called Democrat Party today, to be allowed to go on!
We now have Vice President-elect Kamala Harris who can run for the office of Vice President, but can never be sworn in to occupy the position of Vice President because she is not constitutionally qualified, and if you want to know if the Conservative right led by Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are on the Soros payroll, then you have to know they truly are if they don’t challenge Kamala Harris’s citizenship all the way to the Supreme Court where President Trump’s 3 additions to the Supreme Court will bounce her based on the constitution intent and interpretation as written, and the same reason why Obama spent $36.5 Million dollars to keep his Pelosi altered documents sealed for the last year of his two-term Presidency!
What concerns me is that the accurate and truthful information that I’ve gathered over the last 15-20 years, especially after what’s become of the Mainstream Media’s Social Media spin-offs, is that they can censor anything and everything because they are protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, which says “no provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.” Social media companies—like Facebook and Twitter—rely on this statute to remain protected from lawsuits resulting from offensive or inappropriate content that may be published by users. The problem here is like the progressive judges and justices that Obama and Harry Reid stuffed the lower courts with before giving up control of the Senate to the Republicans and Mitch McConnell back in 2014!
What I’m trying to get at here is that every time the Dems can’t win based on an agenda or platform to earn the American people's trust, they always seem to have to change the rules in their favor! IN this case, it was changing the Senate rules when it came to passing legislation to only needing a simple majority of 51 votes, that’s known as the ‘Nuclear Option,’ compared to the 60 votes that had always been used since the beginning of time! they needed to use it pass the final version of Obamacare after Ted Kennedy died, but when Kennedy was replaced by the good people of Massachusetts with a Republican, and as a result that missing 60th vote that was needed to pass Obamacare before being signed into law by President Obama, was changed to only having to need 51 votes!
Obamacare was the first time the Dems used the ‘Nuclear Option,’ and then had Obama use illegal and unconstitutional Executive Orders to change an already passed Law, which is not only illegal but unconstitutional, but did the Mainstream Media or the Republicans show any concern over the President of the United States altering Law that already been passed, and bring him up on real charges of being impeached?
The second time they needed to use the ‘Nuclear Option’ was when the Republicans took back the Senate in 2014 and Harry Reid and President Obama appointed Progressive Judges and Justice to the lower courts without 1 Republican vote in order to protect Obama’s already put into place unconstitutional achievements that intentionally undermined America’s Constitution and ‘Rule of Law! Those Judges were those judges in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that used their Progressive interpretation of the law to block President Trump’s Travel Ban by using candidate Trump’s campaign rhetoric during his bid to be President as the reason for the block! What you also should know about the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is that when their decisions end up being reviewed by the Supreme Court, almost 90% of them are reversed!
Now with that being said, I have this gut feeling that that same progressive interpretation of the law is what the Mainstream Media’s Social Media division are using to censor conservative speech and ‘Group Think’ when it comes to our adult children being taught anything about Conservative values or how to make a buck or two by learning anything about the benefits of Capitalism!
Over the years my research has always been about the truth and honesty, but with what’s now happening with the intentionally corrupted America’s Mainstream Media, I’m thinking anything that has to do with their version of the truth through those same Progressive eyes will never be considered as ‘Fact,’ but just another right-wing ‘Conspiracy Theory.’ The funny thing is that because of the urging by friends who believed that my original ‘Conspiracy Theory’ was just that, a conspiracy theory, started to see that what I had been preaching all these years was beginning to play out, and about 3 years ago suggested that I should consider writing a book, and so I did. I don’t want to believe that by self-publishing company would intentionally slow walk my book, but after the original release date of Labor Day Weekend, but coming out on Columbus Day with the eBook coming out close to either side of Election Day, I can only see two possibilities for the delay in my mind, and the first would be due to the possible copyright infringement, which is what they said was the reason, or secondly that I was too close to figuring out what’s been going on in America today that started some 28 years ago and being intentionally started without the American people’s knowledge or approval! All I can say today about that is that it’s finally out there, and the info is here if interested, and the name of the book is ‘The ‘End Game.’
‘FOX’ News, by Waiting to Declare ‘States for Trump’ Until Sanctuary Cities ‘Unrequested’ Ballots Were Counted, proves that ‘Voter Fraud,’ contrary to what the ‘Swamp’ says, exists, and apparently why our elected officials have refused to deliver for the American people what they’ve been asking to be passed for decades, and that’s some form of a comprehensive Federally Mandated Photo Voter ID Law!
This whatever you want to call what’s going on in America today, just know that it started with Barack Obama’s ‘Hope and Change,’ and just part of an overall Plan that started long before! Think about it, why after 230 years of our Presidents and Vice Presidents being all ‘Natural Born’ Citizens, can’t our leadership of either party find one candidate that is a constitutionally qualified Natural Born Citizen, and in Obama’s case ending up needing a high ranking member of the Democratic Party needing to have those documents altered so that Barack Obama could run for the Presidency back in 2008, and then having the Mainstream Media running interference by coming up with their ‘Racist’ claiming ‘Birther Issue’ theory!
In the end, the diversion worked, and as a result of our elected officials, and who by the way had taken the same oath office to protect and defend the Constitution, chose to look the other way and let it happen! The only question left to be asked is why and for what did our elected officials look the other way? Could it be that they couldn’t find a constitutionally qualified ‘Natural Born’ Citizen that would be willing to destroy America from within because of his or hers patriotic pro-American Implicit bias parents, and by the way is one of the qualifications needed to be President, or again in the same words, a ‘Natural Born Citizen!
If you want to keep asking if President Trump’s assessment of the Mainstream Media being corrupt, then notice that Bush 41’s signing on the dotted line to be part of the Rio Accords’ back in 1992, that now, at least in my book, the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media didn’t bother to help inform the American People, even back then, of what was going on in those proverbial ‘Dimly lit smoke-filled back rooms,’ that would forever change the ideological landscape of America and the world for a very long time, and after I’m for sure, long gone!
“Edward R. Murrow warned us in 1964 that when news divisions decide that the news has to make money, and has to get ratings, it’s no longer news—it’s entertainment. So, if people are bothered by the fact that we seem to be having entertainment as news, it’s because the news divisions decided that money and ratings were more important than reporting.”
Gallup poll finds 84% of Americans say media to blame for the US political divide!
More than half of Americans say their go-to news source has some form of bias
What every American needs to take away from this Mainstream Media’s attempt to declare Joe Biden the winner, is that their polls that predicted Hillary over President Trump in a landslide in 2016, but after George Soros’s Voting Machines were discovered shortly before Election Day to be planted in 16 Swing States and within those Swing States 307 voting districts that resulted in Obama having to actually go on the air to try and convince illegals to vote illegally, but to also let them know that there would be no repercussions if they did!
Now in 2020, we have the Mainstream Media predicting that a 47-year politician who can’t walk and chew gum at the same time, and can’t put a sentence together without memorizing it! We watched as he wouldn’t answer questions about packing the Court, we watched him get asked questions about the flavor of milkshake he preferred, and we watched him flip flop, but more than not seeing him declare that he would kill the fact that America was energy independent, and opt to buy our oil again from OPEC Middle Eastern Nations and the other ‘Bad Actors’ of the world who in the past has held America and its economic superiority hostage until they got whatever they wanted in return!
We watched a video of citizen Joe Biden in 2018 bragging about how he threatened Ukraine with the already congressionally approved $1billion dollar stimulus to Ukraine if they didn’t fire their AG who was investigating the energy company Burisma who his son was on the board to, and making big Bucks when he knew nothing about the industry! Every American no matter what they believe their affiliation is about whether or not a Biden/Harris Administration would ‘Pack’ the Supreme Court, and doing it in the same way Hugo Chavez did when his Socialist agenda won in Venezuela using George Soros Voting Machines and then polished off the rest of Venezuela after he won that election by ‘Packing the Venezuelan Supreme Court!
We watched Joe Biden lock himself in his basement to only come out and have commentators from both sides of the aisle, especially during the debates attack America’s own duly elected President of the United States, but then block the news about Biden’s corrupt family who used Joe’s his Vice President’s position under Obama to enrich not only his family but himself by his family peddling that influence with him getting a piece of the action!
The Mainstream Media doesn’t declare the winner of a Presidential election, the people do, and the legal votes cast by legal citizens do, and no matter what bull shit ‘FOX News’ tries to do to explain the reasons why President Trump lost, it does not explain why Democrats would vote against their own Constitutionally guaranteed rights, or why would they even consider voting for an outcome that would end up tanking the Stock market where 200 Million Americans in one way or another have some form of investment being either saving or retirement accounts! Let’s not forget the 180 Million Americans that are more than happy with their current private Healthcare that they would never give up in a million years?
For all of those ‘Never Trumpers’ who are ‘High Fiving’ and doing victory laps because President Trump and the dream of Making America Great Again lost, and who’ve been listening to the Mainstream Media lie to them for the last 4 plus years so that your hate would be more important than preserving our founder's Constitutional guaranteed rights, I salute you, and I salute you for your tenacity and ability to rise above the truth, and as a result, now considered complicit in the aiding and abetting of the ‘Deep State’ and Mainstream Media’s henchman who have themselves labeled all of you who participated those same ‘Useful Idiots’ that Stalin said Socialism can’t exist without!
I hate to say this, but ever since Hillary lost in 2016, and knowing that the Obama Administration along with the help of the elected officials from both sides of the aisle, especially when Bush 41 signed on to join other nations to put the world and its environment first over ‘all’ the peoples of the world, and I’ve had more than a gut feeling about what was going on, and going on because Hillary lost in 2016!
The ‘Deep State’s Globalist plans were exposed after President Trump did away with ISIS in under a year, took America’s economy to Booming record heights in the first 2 years when Obama couldn’t get it done but didn’t get it done intentionally as you can read for yourself under the ‘Obama Economy’ Chapter in my long time in the making and getting released that I spent 15 years researching, and that was after witnessing a Senator from Chicago Illinois who was being considered to be the Democratic candidate for the Presidency that went by the name Barack Obama who I observed watching on television rubbing elbows with Rev. ‘God Damn America’ Wright, but more interesting to me was the other individual who was also a community planner in Chicago, and that just happened to be one of my generation’s co-founders of the ‘Weather Underground, and labeled the ‘Weather Underground’ Bomber, and that was ‘William ‘Bill’ Ayres!
Where my problem lies is that not a sole on that particular News Network commentators never mention who he was, or what he was suspected of doing, and that’s what got me off the couch and delving into everything this man/Senator/President did for, but more than often, intentionally against!
I’ve been called a Republican, a Racist, and any other name that would be determined by the mandated 8 step lesson plan by Saul Alinsky, who was Hillary personal tutor, and then Cloward and Piven who were Obama’s professors at Ivy League’s Columbia University who were Alinsky’s disciples who taught Obama the same Alinsky mandated lesson plan that was based on Political Correctness and Identity Politics for the sole purpose of dividing the people so that the nation would be intentionally divided, and now ripe for the Socialist picking, which is the requirement if that nation is expected to be a part of the New World Order!
I also have to believe that the ‘End Game’ plan that I’ve outlined in my once considered ‘Conspiracy Theory,’ and now because of the urging of my friends some 3 years ago, and because they all thought that so-called ‘Conspiracy Theory’ was now actually growing legs, seems to be where the truth actually lies, and not what the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media whose been backing every accusation aimed at the President, and the reason why now that the election is over the American People, with the President of the United States ordering it, the release of the finding of the Durham-Barr criminal investigation into the Obama Administration, and the then into the mainstream Media, especially the failing Washington Post that was bought by Amazon owner Jeff Bezos for $250 Million Dollars in 2013, but soon after received a contract worth $600 Million to print disinformation on a first private citizen, then-candidate, and then President Trump!
The ‘CliffsNotes’ version is that it began back in 1992, and now where, and the reason why our elected officials from the bipartisan ‘Swamp’ never passed any form of a federally mandated photo voter ID law, because if they did they wouldn’t have forced America into having to drop our founder’s ‘Constitutional Republic’ for ‘Socialism,’ and giving up all those Constitutionally guaranteed rights that come with the same founder’s ‘Constitutional Republic’ at the same time!
You’re probably asking yourself why would this be happening, and why would this be happening over a period of 28 years? What you should be asking yourself is why hasn’t the Mainstream Media been filling you in on this 28 year United Nations 2nd attempt through a series of George Soros sponsored U.N. Agendas starting with number 21, then 30 which was initiated back in 2015, and then the final number 50 that I pray to god that my children and their children never let it come to fruition!
The book is ‘The ‘End Game’ and the story is about the fact that this election, at least in my mind, and after Hillary’s loss to the Now MAGA President Trump, that the election results were already on the books even before the first early vote was cast, and what we’re all watching now, especially from the number one Cable News Network in FOX News, but whose owner is Rupert Murdoch, and then understanding that Rupert Murdoch’s FOX News was complicit in the scam by stalling the election night results when many states should have been called for President Trump, but weren’t, with even the people I was watching with screaming at the screen!
Rupert Murdock, in fact, is a stealthy open borders believer and therefore conforms to the Globalist precept of essentially erasing the world’s borders while allowing refugees and migrants to pour in…
The two have even teamed with Murdoch’s PNAE, to lobby Congress on behalf of amnesty for illegal aliens, and of course, providing citizenship for both illegal and legally arriving refugees.
“As an immigrant, I believe that this country can and must enact new immigration policies. American ingenuity is a product of the openness and diversity of this society.”
~ Rupert Murdoch
I’ve been listening, but not watching FOX’ News for a while now, and why I say not watching because I’ve always had the TV on in the background while working. I’ve caught more ‘Red Flags’ listening than I ever will watching because when it comes to hearing, I have 25 years of experience being yelled at from every corner from every part of the ring on the commodity exchange on Wall Street before technology, like everything else these days, made it cheaper to replace man with machines! I could be having a conversation with a friend about the New York Yankees, have a clerk verbally give me a buy or sell order, execute the order and give the clerk the fill, and go right back to where I left off in the conversation, and do it all in usually under 30 seconds! You’re probably asking yourself what does this have to do with FOX News and listening instead of watching, well I never missed one of my clerk's verbal orders, and I never missed FOX News’s usually Daytime mouthpieces ever calling out the ‘Liberal’ Mouthpieces on their ‘Fake’ lies or nonexistent sources that they constantly quote, but also know they don’t have to produce because their identities are protected by law, and when you think about it, don’t need to exist if your goal is to create a false narrative about a President who took down Hillary Clinton and the ‘Deep State’ plans for a New World Order!
Is it Time for President Trump to think about declaring a little of Obama’s Peacetime ‘Martial Law?’
The bottom line here is that it’s not only the ‘Deep State,’ but the Mainstream Media who is waging war against our Constitutional Republic and because this attack is being provoked by the ‘Radical Left,’ which is unlike Obama’s unprovoked ‘Peacetime Martial Law,’ I would say it’s time for President Trump to pull out and use the Martial Law’ by using the intentional attempt to overthrow America’s Constitutional Republic that started with George Soros’s with him declaring that it would be China that would be his new favored Economic Superpower Nation over America in the World, but should know that he made that declaration right after the inauguration of his candidate Barack Obama to the Presidency in 2009, that would have been fully implemented had Hillary not been beaten by the now President Trump, but then in 2010 pushed with what I would view as a ‘Packing’ the Court moment when the Supreme Court’s ‘Citizens United’ Decision was handed down!
The declaration of war by China became Official when China intentionally initiated the spread of what we now know to be the Man-Made equivalent designer China Virus that also goes by the Coronavirus or COVID-19 if you prefer, throughout the world, which is proven by a preponderance of the evidence by showing China allowing flights to continue to operate around the world, but not within its own borders, and to their major cities!
Now add that to the reveal of the one-way trade deficit that China the advantaged, gave China all the intellectual Property that they could carry, and now the kind words coming out of mouths of the members of the ‘Radical Left’ like Dianne Feinstein, one of the highest-ranked Politicians by the Democrats, who we’ve now learned had a chauffeur for 20 years that she knew was tied to China!
This 20-year employee of Feinstein’s was a Chinese-American who doubled as both an office staffer and Feinstein’s personal driver, the agent reportedly was handled by officials based out of the People’s Republic of China’s consulate in San Francisco, which Feinstein helped set up when she was mayor of that city. He even attended consulate functions for the senator.
Now add that to the fact that the Mainstream Media has done nothing to expose this attempt to take down America and it’s Constitutional Republic’ along with all those guaranteed rights that the American People are guaranteed, and you know when I use the word ‘Coup’ the definition of ‘Coup’ has not only been etched in stone, but is what’s happening in America as I speak, and with the Mainstream Media leading the charge!
China imposes sanctions on 11 Americans, including 6 Republican lawmakers!
Those targeted were six Republican lawmakers – Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, and Pat Toomey and Representative Chris Smith – as well as individuals at non-profit and rights groups.
I think when push comes to shove that it’s time for both the Republican Party to recommit to the oath of office they all took at some point, and abandon their once thought to be ‘Greener Pastures’ ideological ‘hiccup,’ and the American people, as we were able to do for both WWI and WWII, to put aside our politically correct and Identity Political differences that were intentionally introduced as part of the Obama lie of ‘Hope and Change,’ that’s only mission was to divide this indivisible nation so that it’s exceptionalism could be weakened enough so that just maybe Socialism might have a chance, and to that, I say ‘NOT!’



One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy
Knowledge Is Power And Information is Liberating: The FRIENDS OF LIBERTY BLOG GROUPS are non-profit blogs dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
Knowledge Is Power And Information is Liberating: The FRIENDS OF LIBERTY BLOG GROUPS are non-profit blogs dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
Note: We at The Patriot cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information.
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Knowledge Is Power - Information Is Liberating: The Patriot Welcome is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
Big Tech has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and is instead promoting mainstream media sources. When you share with your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you
Please share… Like many other fact-oriented bloggers, we've been exiled from Facebook as well as other "mainstream" social sites.
We will continue to search for alternative sites, some of which have already been compromised, in order to deliver our message and urge all of those who want facts, not spin and/or censorship, to do so as well.
Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.
Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.
"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown
Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.
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