Wednesday, October 7, 2020

TARA READE INTERVIEW: The Former Senate staffer Who accused Joe Biden of Sexually Assaulting her in 1995

 Note: I believe in extending due process to all accused, so I have never passed judgment on whether I think Biden is guilty of this. But I’ve also argued that accusers deserve to be heard, regardless of how powerful their alleged attacker was. It’s funny how that now puts me more in tune with the original intent of the “Me, Too” movement than the current Democratic Party and its enablers in the media are.


Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer who accused Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1995, was finally interviewed over the weekend by “Sixty Minutes.” Of course, it was “Sixty Minutes Australia,” not America, and even then they had to add some requisite Trump-bashing to the story. But at least some media outlet finally interviewed her.

Reade recounted her story and said that if Biden were a Republican instead of an “elite Democrat,” the media would take her allegations more seriously and he wouldn’t be in this “untouchable position.” She also said that since he’s running for President on a “platform of character,” he doesn’t deserve the office.


Here’s just what parents need: a 10,000th reason to homeschool your kids:

Someone does need to be kicked out of that school, but it's the Seattle teacher who scolded and banished a 10-year-old boy for picking President Trump as a person he admired. And if you need reason #10,001 for homeschooling your kids, how about this teacher from Waterboro, Maine, who deserves to join that Seattle teacher on the unemployment line?

There’s a song from “South Pacific” by Rodgers and Hammerstein that liberals love because it’s about how adults pass on their prejudices to children. I wonder if any liberals like the teachers above ever hear these lyrics and have enough self-awareness to recognize themselves:

“You've got to be taught before it's too late

Before you are six, or seven, or eight,

To hate all the people your relatives hate

You've got to be carefully taught…”


A positive sign that the temporary insanity is lifting: The TV show “Cops” is going back into production.

After 33 seasons, one of America’s most popular TV shows was canceled in a fit of reflexive anti-cop virtue-signaling following George Floyd’s death. Paramount claims that the new shows won’t air in the US, and they’re only to fulfill contractual commitments in international markets. I’m not a betting man, but if I were, I’d wager those episodes eventually do end up being seen in the US, followed by a 34th and 35th season, and so on.

Whether Paramount finally admits they panicked and overreacted due to political pressure, or they won’t be able to resist the money to be made by actually giving audiences what they want to see instead of hectoring them with “woke” lectures, either way, will herald a welcome return to sanity.


You have GOT to make the mask over his mouth thicker and tighter! STOP TALKING JOE!

Maybe Joe thinks that if he loses the election, he can land a deal with Netflix, like the Obamas.


Quote of the Day! From Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media, on the press’ meltdown over Trump leaving the hospital Monday.


And leave it to the Babylon Bee to nail it even more hilariously:


Also must-share with anyone who is thinking of voting for Joe Biden or any other Democrat just because they find them more likable than their Republican opponents. Dennis Prager reminds us of what the current Democratic Party stands for, and how a likable Democrat with ruinous leftist policies will destroy America just as effectively as an unlikeable leftist.

“What’s been going on since Sunday is more pathetic than media malpractice. It’s a gaggle of emotional midgets in the midst of a snot-bubbling, diaper-filling tantrum that is utterly contemptible. I might be just a little sympathetic to it if they hadn’t been doing it for four years already. We’re beyond ‘Boy Who Cried Wolf’ at this point, we’re in ‘let these miserable little brats cry themselves dry’ territory now.”


Joe Biden’s handlers might want to CHECK the mask over his mouth. They let him out of the basement yesterday and he said this about the coronavirus: "Geez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is that some black woman was able to stock the grocery shelf.”

I assume he means at supermarkets since he thinks that all convenience stores are run by Indian people. And then, he said this, to an audience of Haitian-Americans:

“Think about this: Wouldn’t it be an irony, the irony of all ironies, if on election eve it turned out Haitians deliver the coup de grâce in this election?”

“Coup de grace” means the death blow, which he said while the President was in the hospital. Also, if I were a Democrat, I wouldn’t be reminding Haitian voters of how much Democrats like the Clintons and their Foundation have done for Haiti.

Finally, there was this, which was from 2018, when he called Christians who hold to Biblical values on LGBTQ issues “the dregs of society.”

That’s bad enough, but what’s even more worrying is the linked article includes new tweets from a current Biden aide, arguing that traditional Christian, Jewish or Islamic beliefs should be “taboo” and people who hold them disqualified from the public sphere, such as being on the Supreme Court. (FYI: the Constitution specifically forbids any religious test for office.)

This is what I meant when I said it might have been a more effective debate strategy for President Trump to just let Biden talk.


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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