by Joe Esposito

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!
by Joe Esposito

Joe Esposito

“Envisioning A Political Nightmare!!!”
Imagine the unimaginable. The PARTY OF HATE in 2021 taking over our Government. The House and the Senate under their control and dementia ridden fool as our President. The thought of that should send chills up and down one’s spine. Our beloved America would be in a free fall, undergoing a very steep decline. The picture that one can make if that becomes a reality is certainly beyond horrific you would have to say. A most ultra-radical Leftist agenda would be unleashed. It would be firmly on display. At the funeral of John Lewis Trump’s vile, disgusting, predecessor had his wish list of priorities if the PARTY OF HATE in this upcoming election becomes victorious. What this insufferable POS proposed was in point of fact so utterly dangerous. It left you in a state of terror. In the Senate, he called for the end of the filibuster. If that goes so would the end of the GOP. To get the Democrat agenda passed what would be needed would be a simple majority.
None of what the PARTY OF HATE would get through would be anything good. The Senate would be expanded to 104 members once DC and Puerto Rico achieve statehood. The four new Senators would be undoubtedly Democrats to emboldened them even more. For our country, it is unfathomable what these radicals would have in store. Gone with be any constricts. We listened as Obama implored a new Senate to enact every law possible to enlarge and expand the electorate, including extending the ballot to ex-convicts. There is more, much more to digest if the Republican Party loses its rather slim majority. With the elimination of the filibuster, which the Dems believe is an instrument of racism, a floodgate of radical laws will be so easily passed and all the GOP could do is look on with horror. What will be would get under their craw for they would be stripped of virtually the only effective weapon in its arsenal to halt, slow, or shape U.S. law?
It was just three years ago that these same Democrats endorsed the retention of the filibuster, both on principle and because of the unique character of the Senate. Listen to what they said, “We are steadfastly committed to ensuring that this great American institution continues to serve as the world’s greatest deliberative body.” Fast forward to today and what do we see?? A cataclysmic change of mind from these cretins who, in order to attain power, will change the fabric of our society. The packing of the Supreme Court will follow in short order. We will see millions upon millions of migrants cross our southern border. The elimination of the Electoral College has always been for them a top priority but an amendment to the Constitution would be needed creating a difficulty. With amnesties, open border bills, and renewal of chain migration we will see its devastating impact on our beloved nation.
If this election is lost nightmarish decades is what we will be living through. The ULTRA RADICAL LEFT awaits, ready to transform our America into a country that will be utterly unrecognizable. We must not let it happen. To do nothing is simply unthinkable!
“SLEEPY Joe Biden”
He’s never been ‘the brightest bulb in the chandelier’ and as we can all plainly see his mental decline is breathtakingly real but he is still the PARTY OF HATE’S presumptive nominee. The only way this dementia ridden horse’s ass can win this election is through widespread massive fraud. Now I ask you. Can anyone dare disagree? He was asked in a recent interview if he has undergone cognitive testing and he reacted in a way that was troubling. Many saw the video of it. If Biden was in front of me I would say simply this, “Come on, MAN, you are so damn mentally unfit!!” These increasing disturbing senior moments are truly alarming. He actually has the BALLS to invite the American people to, as he so inadequately put it, “judge his physical, mental fil–my physical as well as my mental fil–fitness”. MENTAL FITNESS is what he tried to say. This is another example of why they have to keep him in that cockamamie basement. Everything about him is in complete disarray.
Even with a sympathetic interviewer feeding him ‘softball ‘ questions he has great difficulty. What comes out of his mouth is certainly cringe-worthy one would certainly have to say. It is quite astonishing to see him as the favorite to win the election that is less than ninety days away. As far as this cognitive test business goes didn’t he at one time say he had been tested? Is he now lying or did he simply forget? He is a mass of confusion who has morphed from one who gave us much laughter to a pathetic POS, a true disaster. TEAM BIDEN actually believe that hiding out in a bunker and letting Trump beat Trump is a winning strategy. Yeah. Right. Methinks it will get a tad worse for them when we find out who SLEEPY Joe’s running mate will be. It is sure to be a lightweight. Kamala Harris? Susan Rice? The PARTY OF HATE just keeps rolling the dice. As of now, the race appears to be tightening as we all knew it surely would and will continue to do so. There is little doubt that voters are getting more and more uncomfortable with SLEEPY Joe.
It is not only the fact that he is hiding in the basement. It is more than just that. If he is not reading a prepared text he is proving that his mental decline is more than real. Don’t think for a moment that he can seal the deal for in Joe Biden we find a very beatable Democrat!!
“The Tide Will Turn!!”
With less than three months to go until the election SLEEPY Joe’s ‘Basement Strategy’ is still firmly in place. TEAM BIDEN remains confident that he will be victorious in this race. The PARTY OF HATE and its propaganda arm, the CORRUPT media, are steadfast in their belief that SLEEPY Joe avoids the debates. Up to this point, he has been successful in avoiding tough questions. Might there be some cretin in the DEEP STATE measuring the White House curtains?? In his camp, many seem confident that he’ll be our next President. SLEEPY Joe has a long list of Democrats scrambling to be his running mate, while others offer themselves for plum posts in his Cabinet. Methinks that they are getting a bit full of themselves. As the saying goes, in stone nothing is set.
History seems to be repeating itself I would like you to know. It is being reported that Biden does have a comfortable lead and is almost exactly where Dastardly Hillary was four years ago. We all are quite aware of what happened back then. Is there any doubt that on the morning of November 4th America will be waking up with that DEJA VU FEELING all over again?? The PARTY OF HATE lives in a world of fantasy if they think Biden can actually be elected if he skips the debates. That is not how it works I can assure all of you. It is common knowledge that he will sink so fast the more he is in full view. That is inescapable but the CORRUPT media will do all they can to fool the electorate as much as they can. They’ll scheme all they want but across the finish line, they will not get this dementia ridden man.
It is beyond disgusting that the HATERS in our body politic are prepared to foist someone with a declining mental acuity that is worsening by the moment into the Oval Office. The HATRED for this President drives them to do this. TEAM BIDEN will eventually relent and from a basement, onto a debate stage we will finally see JOEY B. There will no doubt they’ll be utterly cringeworthy Biden moments that we will all suffer through but in the end, we will be presented with one indisputable fact. America will thoroughly reject the notion that they’ll be a Biden presidency.
“Decisions, Decisions”
To debate or not to debate? For SLEEPY Joe Biden that is the question. All in the PARTY OF HATE emphatically say NO!! for if he does he will certainly lose the election. Methinks that the debate question aside he will lose in any event. Do we really think that the electorate will vote in a dementia ridden buffoon to be our President? It is said that SLEEPY Joe will be announcing his choice of a running mate in which no white male will be considered. Only a woman of color will be picked by Biden for IDENTITY POLITICS is what the party is ensconced in. The final list includes Kamala Harris, Karen Bass, and Susan Rice. It is from these three he will choose. Whoever that person is will not help for he is destined to lose. Our country is not ready to vote into power a presidential ticket that is chock full of an ultra-radical agenda I would like you to know. This gaffe ridden idiot has joined forces with Bernie to scare the hell out of us with this BIDEN-SANDERS MANIFESTO.
The CORRUPT media will do all they can to make a Biden presidency palpable. How many times can we say how this PARTY OF HATE is so morally decrepit and reprehensible?? It cannot be said enough if you ask me. From this radical infested bunch we must save our beloved country. Setting the debate and VP pick issues aside there is a big brouhaha about mail-in voting. The Democrats are totally pushing for this while our President is strongly against seeing this implemented. Anyone with a brain knows that there will be much fraud. It is a process that is deeply flawed. This year’s presidential election will be like no other in our nation’s history. Whoever wins their victory is sure to be challenged. That, my fellow patriots, is a certainty. What happened in the 2000 election will pale in comparison to what is to be. Our beloved America is as divided as it has ever been. Our Constitutional Republic will be in tremendous danger if this election is won by Biden.
Once the political conventions are over the political campaign will be taking off, promising to be as nasty and hateful one
Written by Joe Esposito,08/04,05,06,07,/2020
Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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